Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy birthday to the hubs!

(and all he got was this lame attempt at a song -sung to the 12 days of christmas)

on my 41st birthday

my wife, she gave to me...


12 bags of candy

11 hugs and kisses

10 loads of dishes

9 homemade cards

8 loads of laundry

SEVEN mouths to feed

SIX kids with ADD

FIVE bro-ken things

4 tardy days (a week)

3 speech delays

TOO many headaches

one spel-ling bee

we tried to let him sleep in , but he woke up on his own. (got a phone call)

and every year the spelling bee falls on his birthday.

Dear hubs, Love you. hope you have a fab day.

let's go for pedicures.


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© 2010 crazymamaof6


  1. That is hilarious! I'm sure he loves it all. :) Happy Birthday Mr. Crazymama! Or is it Brother? Or shall we just go with CrazyDaddy?

  2. I love you twist on things!! That was great and made me laugh. Happy b-day to hubby. Hope you have a great day.


  3. So cute:) You are so clever!
    You need to take a picture of your prize from Bunko with all your other cute jars. I would love to see them all together.

  4. Happy Birthday to the hubs! Hope you guys had a good day!


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