Thursday, December 23, 2010

Visions of sugarplums

Lately, in order to fall asleep at night I've had to watch/listen to the nutcracker ballet.

When I was roughly 10 my mom bought a cassette tape of a music box version of the nutcracker. I listened to it every night to go to sleep. I think it was a nightly ritual until I was in my midteens.

Last week there was a nutcracker dance-off nightly on some cable channel and I dvr'd one of the more mainstream ones for the kids to enjoy.

Pierce and I watched it multiple times at bedtime. And Joy watched it a few times.

Pretty soon the hubs noticed I was back to my nightly ritual of listening to it to fall asleep.

I haven't been sleeping very well.
It helps me relax.

Plus it's just so "holiday-ish".

I used to want to try to take my kids every year to see the nutcracker.

Someday we will actually go. Until then I'll settle for some version of it on cable.

Merry Christmas eve! May visions of sugar plums dance in your heads!

Hugs and holiday delight!

~ Crazymama
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  1. Janie and I actually saw the Nutcracker at Grady Gammage Auditorium at least a couple times when we were kids. It was awesome. I had big plans of taking my kids to see it too but we have not made it YET! They will be moved out of the house before I actually purchase tickets I guess. I love that music too. Harold would think I totally cracked it I turned that on to go to sleep. LOL

  2. I love when we have things from our childhood that make us react the same when we're older. For instance, Barry Manilow...can't get enough of him. Cinnamon Toast Crunch to break the fast. ABBA makes me want to dance. Cream of Wheat hits the spot for breakfast (with sugar please). Just like the Nutcracker helped you fall asleep as a child. I love when memories are able to do that. Aerosmith always reminds me of my sophomore year. Okay, now I'm rambling. I hope you are feeling well. You are an excellent mother and this baby number seven will be so lucky to be in your family!

  3. takes me back to some of my fondest childhood memories.

    my daddy use to take me every year. i always got to wear my Christmas dress and we went to a fancy dinner at a restaurant with FABRIC napkins and TWO forks on the table in San Francisco.

    it was a very special date for just the two of us.

    Big Daddy took J a few years ago, totally wasted on hated the fancy dinner and fell asleep during the ballet.

    some kids just aren't THaT classy.


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