I forgot to update on todays appointments!
today Hope and Joy went to the Ear nose and throat specialist. they were thrilled and in good moods for it, so they checked them both and both of their tubes are out and in the canal now. but since they didn't get ear infections this winter, they probably won't have to have them put in again.
Pretty cool! and then they did a hearing test on both to see if they had a hard time hearing, and both passed with flying colors! So now Hope has been referred to AZ early intervention Program to be evaluated for a speech delay. Woo hoo! and I got a call today to schedule for Pierce's surgery and it will be next Thursday! May 3rd! Score! So that is the update . Busy weeks keep haunting me but finally some of this crap is getting done! my PET scan is next Monday morning, but I won't get results for a couple days, and then Pierce will have surgery and be feeling better and hearing better too.
and then Paxton told me he"thought" he had a pebble in his ear so I looked and thought it was just his old tube in the canal and nope it was a tiny rock he put in there himself! WINNER! so i
tried flushing it out with peroxide! and it disapeared i guess it came out. Good days!
So are you done for awhile with the appointments for the kids?
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