Assorted things about me!
Ok I know i have posted random things about myself before but here goes. Ten things from Courtney's tag!
1. My favorite thing ever when i was in school/younger? The 14 year old dance. then the institute dance, country dance and any other dance i could get into. And party's loved to dance at party's. even alone! and I loved the mosh pit too, at concerts and anywhere I could find one. Love to dance.
2. My favorite chore? To clean the toilet! I used to mix chemicals, before i knew that was not good. and make a witches brew in the toilet! let it soak and then scrub it! I still like a clean toilet and our maid doesn't do it right! IT bugs me! I have to barf in a clean toilet too! all those years with morning sickness. 3. I love office supplies! Pens, markers, paper, note pads, Staplers! I even have a red swingline like on Office Space. Here is Milton hugging his red swingline! I had a job at Paper Plus too! Talk about loving the supplies there! Pens! paper! stationary!
4. Qualities i don't like in other people are...people that give false compliments,
people that are cheap, People that lie , Judgey people, People that ask favors but never repay them, (for example when you need help moving or home repair) , People that pass the buck, and don't accept blame for anything. People that whine about their weight, to me or around me, unless you are fatter than me, keep it to yourself !! People that whine about how busy they are when it is self inflicted. and people that only want to talk about what is hard in their life but never have time to listen to anyone else. Ok so I'm not a fan of whiners period. not that i don't whine on occasion but you get the idea. People that spend their money stupidly and whine about not having enough money to pay for the necessities, and I'm not talking about once in a while I'm talking on a regular basis. and i don't mean low income, but those that get a manicure every other week instead of groceries.
5. I want more kids. Crazy I know. I say eight on purpose , ten on accident. Besides ,whats 2 or 4 more over the next 10 years?. Not that I'm the best mom in the world but i love my kids, and sometimes i think I'm pretty ok, as a mom. I used to be way better, maybe someday i will be again. I love the sound of a baby laugh, and kids snoring. I love watching my kids get excited about reading, I love the smell of a babies spitty neck crack. Not puke but drool and sweat. I love to walk with my kids and they want to hold my hand. I secretly love it when they want to sit by me at the dinner table, not dad or grandma. I love the smell of baby magic baby bath, i use it until they are two or their hair needs something better to get the snarls out. I love the sound of a newborn cry. I hate it when my baby learns to crawl, or walk and they stop wanting me to and letting me hold them all day. I love baby girls with big bows, and earrings and bracelets. I love it when my big kids want to hold the baby.
6. I have adult ADHD. I'm sure I had it as a kid but figured it out when Peyton was diagnosed at the age of 4. Paxton has it and Joy shows major signs of it too. ADHD Runs in families.ADHD is more than a discipline problem, it manifests itself in different ways, in different people. I think people sometimes think it is just an excuse, but I believe it is a debilitating disease. One that deserves to be treated as such. With the proper medication. You wouldn't deny a diabetic their insulin, just like you wouldn't deny a schizophrenic their anti-psychotics. Why deny kids or adults the medication that makes their brain function properly? and medication that "helps them" manage their daily lives? socially, emotionally, physically. All of those things are affected by ADHD.
7. I have lots of addictions here are a few.... Shopping, caffeine, sleeping, sex, blogging, TV, Dr. Pepper,vinyl lettering, crafts like mod podge!
8. I have an assortment of food issues, I don't love meat but I'm not vegetarian, I eat hamburger in spaghetti sauce and tacos. I like chicken well cooked and DRY. I avoid things that smell, like mayo, sour cream, cheese, bread, meat . I hate mayo, but i eat chicken salad or potato salad with mayo, i hate sour cream unless it is in something and i don't know it , i don't eat cheese unless it is melted. I don't eat sandwiches ever unless it is grilled cheese. I used to not eat bread. my mom would spank me to make me take the sacrament. My brothers used to try to touch me with cheese to make me scream, same with bread. Now i know I am lactose intolerant which explains the avoidance of cheese. I don't eat cold cuts, or lunch meat. I crave cucumbers when i am prego, and broccoli. Both are sources of folic acid. I love fruit, but watermelon gives me the runs. I am allergic to walnuts, they make my throat itchy, and my tongue hurt.
9. I feared being abducted as a child. And I fear my children will be molested, by someone, anyone. I fear it and have always feared it. I fear my car falling into the river or a body of water with all my kids in the car and not being able to save all of them. Car seats in that scenario aren't the best. I had a nightmare the other night about exposing my family to radioactivity. I have to be radioactive for my thyroid radiation. And I dreamt I was sitting by them and hugging them and my radioactivity was killing their thyroids, making them sick. Some thyroid cancer is caused by exposure to radiation. ie, Chernobyl or excessive x-rays.
10. If I had millions of dollars? I'd still be buying my mom's house, and leaving it pretty much the same, Just nicer, better flooring, kitchen cabinets, Lance wants a bigger kitchen. Two washers and dryers, Fantastic theater room, Kids stuff galore, pinball machines and video games. Giant playground in back, more trees in back . Juke box! I might get a newer van but really the same as i have now, just new. and I'd buy LANCE A MOTORCYCLE, and me a convertible, to drive when i only have a few kids with me. YEAH , if i had a million dollars I'd be rich! Oh and I'd get a rabbit poop ice machine like at sonic! That would be the first thing I'd do with a million dollars!
Ok I tag, Arline, Shar, Jenn, Tia, Allison, Janan, Cara , Alysen, Zoie, and everyone that reads this if you don't blog, email me! If you do blog I expect to see 10 random things about you on your blog in the next few days if not today! It's an easy blog.
You are one of my favorite people!! I think you are great!! Those things make you, who you are and I love it.
I loved it!
DANG IT! See, I knew there was a reason I hadn't gotten to your BLOG in the last day or two!! CRAP!! I don't know any RANDOM CRAP ABOUT ME!! Except I am like you on the MEAT stuff!!
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