Tuesday, June 19, 2007

top 10 tuesday! top tools i use!

10. My van, it carries 15! and it's dirty inside so i have no worries if a soda spills. I especially dig on the red lips on the back and the strawberry shortcake plate on the front. otherwise you'd think it was a school van!

9. My dell computer, but i generally don't get to use it, I have to use the Sony VAIO lap top. lame lame lame! some keys stick, and i type really crappy on the lap top key board. it's better than no computer though.

8.We love our Wii! a great tool to keep the kids outta my hair!
7. love My mop bucket! don't love mopping but the mop bucket makes it way easier!

6.we got the Dyson last week, and i have to say it is pretty great! the telescoping handle, is pretty fantastic, i have yet to figure out all the great uses for it's features but it worked great on the tile and equally great on the carpet! digging it! I got it on WOOT! 5. Love the metal dustpan i inherited with the house! I have always hated sweeping because of the stupid bending over, to finish the job.
this has solved all my problems! I am just too tall for that! My mom bought it at Smart and Final! I was all ready to buy one, and she got herself a new one and left her old one for me! love that!

My phone it is a lame Cricket one but i am so glad to have my own number back!

3. i dig my glue gun too! i use the mini one and mini sticks, because all my crafting needs are usually small scale projects, like hair bows! but stupidly i use high temp, instead of low temp which would work, but i like the glue to burn me extra well! i actually hate that part, but it works great and its what I've got!

2.we had to start using only these Newborn wipes when Joy started to talk and told us the other huggies wipes burned her face and her bum. So after that, i've bought them by the case at babies R us, or toys R us! I just go every few months and buy 3 or 4 cases. and have a supply on hand.
1. My hubby! I have to say he is the greatest all-in-one-tool around! I keep meaning to post a video of him tearing out the arch in our front room from Saturday! and the pictures, of him scraping the popcorn off the ceiling! he had some pretty great home skills! and everyone wants to hire him to be their "handy man"!
but now i will be hard pressed to get him to finish what he has started! He went to work today as a contractor, for On semiconductor! and he's also going to work for Freescale semiconductor starting later in the week! So now he'll make more money, and he wants to just pay someone to finish the home repair jobs. So I need a dry wall guy and a painter to come! so yeah he's my favorite tool, and I'll miss him, when i see the bare ceiling and the ripped out arch, that lacks the drywall and finish molding!


onehm said...

Great Top 10! I have good drywallers and painters if you need names...

tammy said...

I love my Dyson, too! It's the only thing that gets all the dog hair.

Webb Family said...

loved your top 10! i also have a dyson and love it.

blah, blah by lindsey said...

I am so jealous of the dyson. I will be purchasing one when I move. Love the top 10!! I don't know if I have a top 10, I might have a top 5. I will have to think about this one.

I was raised in a barn said...

K i want that dust pan! I am jealous of your dyson-someday i will have one :)

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

hey, I have a great painter and handyman that is cheap and good. Congrats on the new jobs! What a blessing and a relief! Also thanks for helping me out on my post. Your ideas were great. I'm making my way over to the $1 store today. You're the best.

ZB said...

I love that you use your hubby as a tool. And I too WANT no...NEED that dust pan.

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