thoughts for thursday...random and semi-lame but here it is.
while chatting with Lindsey on the phone and blog hopping, (we do this regularly!and say hey did you see so and so's blog? oh check out ...) today i looked at profile views , to do this you click on the name leaving the comment and it takes you to the profile of whoever left the comment.and how many times people have viewed that profile. got it? and the reason i bring this up is.... had 1,533 profile views. at roughly the same time i have 13, 312 hits. i average around 300 hits a day(24 hour period) and i realize most of the people are the same 13 people that comment on a regular basis. just coming back multiple times in a day. but then there are others.... other people that haven't been here before, or saw me on another site. one of my millions of comments. yeah they are the ones viewing my profile. 'other people' . so hey leave me a comment! i have a new friend KAY who saw a comment on Ebay mom's blog. and now kay is my blog friend yay! she comments , i like people that comment!
another random thought today is......... i think i may ignore lance's advice on the whole not going pro thing. i say this and then realize this would open my blog and family to all types of crazies out there that may hunt us down and wish us harm . but how likely is it, that it is gonna happen? and so just to see how far i can take this i may try to go pro. how validating would it be if i could? i think very validating! thought? anyone else wanna go pro? do you know how to make it happen? i am not saying i think i am pro blogger worthy by any means but it would be interesting to see if i could. just putting this out here. not saying i am going to ignore lance's opinion, which i do regularly and generally regret, since he is often right , but i don't let him have the satisfaction of hearing me say that. so don't tell. but i am considering ignoring it. that is all i am saying.
i just ate breakfast at 10:59 am , it consisted of two pieces of cinnamon raisin toast and a DR. Pepper.
i could have lunch plans 4 times a week. i have different people wanting to spend time with me at lunch, or during the day with my free time. and seriously i could conservatively say i could have lunch or play dates 4 days a week. and not that i don't enjoy that, but i get nothing done on days i do lunch, but get ready and go have lunch and chat for a few hours and then come home in time for the kids to get home. no errands get run, no cleaning gets done, no napping for me. i like play dates and i like lunches, but i think i have to limit myself, so i get some cleaning time in with less kids in the way, and i need to make an effort to run my errands with just the baby. i know wah , wah, wah! poor popular me, stay at home mom that has all the time in the world to go to lunches and play dates and clean and run errands. but i need to limit myself sometime so i can actually do something. and get some stuff done, like move into the house. ** EDIT** My plans for Lunch have been killed by Pierce, he puked all over himself in his bed during nap time, and i was already running late, so lunch out with friends today is out! Sorry Lindsey ! and Julie. maybe next week. hope it was fun.
i thought i had a neck ultra sound yesterday. seriously i thought it was on Wednesday the 7th for months, yeah Wednesday isn't the 7th , Friday is. I am glad i caught it. and i didn't drive all the way out there for no reason 2 days early. i kinda feel like a moron on this. i even looked at the calendar. but on my Google calendar. yeah it says this appointment is in OCTOBER. wow a whole month off there. and yeah i wanna go to the SUPER Marshall's while i am out there but i doubt I'll get to. if i have a babysitter for it I'll have to rush both ways. LAME! but it will be Friday rush hour after my appointment. maybe I'd be better off shopping for an hour then come home in lighter traffic. yeah good plan!
I still haven't heard back on Joy's mole biopsy results . and i can't remember when her stitch removal is. I'd better look that up.**EDIT ** i got a call and yeah her appointment it is at 2:30 tomorrow in chandler. Mine is at 4:00 in north Scottsdale. not great. and Lance has Jury duty tomorrow! does it get any better than this? plus the other 5 kids. need a babysitter. not good!
good times. i still owe her a prize. she reminds me every day. and i have one for her, but not one for Liberty that i owe for her blood draw so i have shafted the both of them. yeah i rock! I bribe them and forget to follow through on it. but i hate to reward Joy and have Liberty feel bad. so i have to get something for her. i tried to offer her clothes or money but she wants a toy. LAME , another toy is the last thing we need and i considered a webkin but i refuse to have another kid with a reason to fight over the computer. but it is really the only thing i can think of. argh!
oh and i am reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. it is a fictional novel on a woman who traveled back in time 200 years through a mini stone henge. and is now trapped in 1743 Scotland. it is pretty good but it has taken me a while to get into it. it isn't a fast read by any means and it hasn't sucked me in enough to make me stay up all night , or cut back on my blogging. what does that tell you? but it is good for dr. offices and carpool pick up lines.
yeah still haven't moved in. or picked paint colors for my not white walls . i really like white. but i need to get it over with i want to rearrange the furniture. and move the Piano and stuff but have to pick a color and paint first.
so yeah mega long post. full of random thoughts. i would highlight the main points but i have to go do my hair so i can go to lunch. yay lunch!
How are my typos coming? better? can you tell if my thyroid meds have kicked back in? still having headaches. and leg cramps and needing naps , but otherwise i think i am feeling ok. with the exception of a head cold. good times! i'll go into my head cold/thyroid issues later! super exciting stuff here today!
i think you should totally go pro! since blogging makes you happy wouldn't it be fun to do something you love doing and get paid for it? if i were as popular as you are i would do it.
Wish I were doing lunch today with you guys. But I am limiting myself!
And I just need to get a few things done around here...see my post about my "list" and you will know why!
As far as the "prize" goes, Fry's Marketplace has the skydancer dolls for 3.49! That's a prize that keeps on giving in my opinion!
Love lunches out:):) I usually get out w/my sister as much as possible. Not really possible to often. Bummer...
Lots of fun random thoughts!! I totally agree that you should go pro! I don't really know what all it entails, but I do know that so many people lOvE reading what you have to write about & how you write it! You're awesome!
Hope Pierce gets feeling better, sorry you had to miss out on the lunch date..
Now that you pointed it out, your typos are gone, so your meds must be kicking in! YeAh for medication!! Hope you're starting to feel better!!! :0)
Yes..I am one of those "lurkers". So many of my friends read your blog or know you personally. I kept seeing your link on their blog so I decided to come on over and check you out. You are funny, witty, and it is entertaining to see what is in your brain each day. :)
If you already have about 300 hits a would have a good chance at going pro! Good luck!
Ohh, poor Peirce. At least I'm not the only one that had to miss lunch ;0! Just kidding, I hope he is feeling better. At least we have Bunko tomorrow night.
hey i blog-hopped for the first time today, it was interesting & kinda fun! anyway, just wanted to say HI & let u know i stopped by to read ur blog! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!
You are never at a loss for words...We all love to read what is going on with you and your family..with that being should go pro! That would be so much fun for you!! We all cheer you on!!
Hope your little guy get's feeling better!! :( Poor guy...
Hey, Joy. This is Janeen Romney.
Remember I asked you for your blogging address so I could check it out because Jessica told me it is so funny. Well, I read it every day! It is my entertainment for the day. You are just so darn funny! You have always made me laugh, and I'm glad that your cute family is back in our ward. I'm not a blogger (I'd never get anything done.) But I will continue to read yours, if you don't mind! See ya, Janeen
yipee for me!! i got a shout out!! thanks!!
outlander is wonderful!! wait. it will suck you in. and then the rest of them will too.
hope you can get a nap tomorrow...
I love the new header. So vintage.
I'm wondering why we never go to lunch - it must be because I'm so responsible and dedicated to homemaking, right? LOL. I say - go pro. If you get a stalker, you could always move (you're still packed right?) jk
I think you'd be great! It would be so fun to have a famous sis. maybe some prestige would rub off on me.
You should give it a go and see what happens. Good luck on the two Dr. appointments in opposite directions and then getting back home and to bunko on time tomorrow....I'll miss ya!
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