the beginning of an adventure? perhaps. maybe . i'm not sure. seriously?
today i went to my first weight watchers meeting. i am still undecided on it. i went, i paid my money, i have so far the beginnings of a commitment. i am unclear still which plan to follow.
the points? umm, sounds like some math is involved, and thinking about portion size and the limit is a big deal. i might have a hard time using all of my points, since i am so not thin that i get to have a bunch of points. except my beloved 44oz Dr. Pepper equals 12 points. i fully think it might be worth it. but the whole process , how much is a serving = points used , requires lots of thinking on my part. i am an absent minded eater. not an emotional eater i wouldn't say i was emotional about what or when i eat. maybe i am wrong . i am unsure on that too. and how do you figure one quarter of a peach ring? the pack says a serving size is the whole pack. or 7 rings= 210 calories per serving and i got a quarter of one ring. zero fat grams . i wouldn't count it , would you? the point for that would be negligible right?
the core plan? sounds interesting to me, but the requirements? i just might have issue with 2 tbs of oil daily , and the required milk or dairy. i don't eat that unless i eat pizza but with the core plan bread is out. unless i use my bonus points.
and with all new things i try, I want to go whole hog on buying the books. the cook books, the eating out guide, and other one. i am sold on the buying of the books. i didn't purchase them yet but i want to. i like the purchasing of the product more than the plan. because that is how i think, i need the "supplies" before i can make a proper start.
so until the 13th there is no enrollment fee to start weight watchers. just the weekly fee.
i went to the local mom and kids group. since i am not free to go alone often but today i happen to go alone. just because Hope puked this morning, and pierce was ready for a nap but didn't actually sleep. oh well i went alone. Lance was surprised when i got home and was talking about it. I didn't inform him of my intentions to join. so yeah i faced the fact i am fat and am not getting any thinner. and i have to make some effort to lose weight the thought of it is ugly , the effort will not be small but i have decided to make a change. I guess i will go with the points plan. this week. and see how it goes.
we'll see how long i go, and how well i do. I'm sure it isn't that hard to figure out. but i am so buying those books! maybe i need a prize to earn.
and can i say . i don't want to do this. i want to go the easy route, where my body makes the choices for me. maybe i need to make a dr. appointment too. I'll try this for a while and see how it goes if it works I'm sure i'll be more excited about it soon. today i'll read the book and tomorrow i will start.
Good luck! It is hard, I know! I am struggling with the same issue after seeing myself in some of the Disneyland pics (which didn't get posted!). The point plan works good and really makes you think about your food choices. It takes a little time at first, but then you kind of get an idea at what most of your foods points are. And when you realize you get extra points for exercise (extra points = extra food) it does make you want to exercise more. I'm thinking about doing it again. There's a website with good WW recipes on it. I'll try and find it for you, if they didn't already tell you about it. You can do it!! And I'm gonna do something too!!
both of my sisters did the points and they did really well. and that way you can still eat what you like.
after i had my first i lost 45 lbs with WW. i did the point system but i was also OCD about working out. (wish i still was!) YOU CAN DO IT!!
here is a great WW site.
there are points for almost anything you can think of and tons of recipes and menu plans. it really helped me a lot.
that would be my first child.
not my first drink
or first tooth
or first date
haha sorry couldn't resist myself!
do the points ... my dad writes the points right on the box of cereal (or whatever it is) so he knows the point value every time he eats that item. i think you'll spend a lot of time the first few weeks measuring portions & figuring out points, but i think you'll get faster & get the hang of things before you know it.
I'm so glad you're buying into the whole idea! We are gonna get skinny and sexy - and then go shopping!!! That's what we should do to reward ourselves!! Big SHOPPING SPREE!!
I say do the points, once you start up with it you will be able to get the hang of figuring it out. Good Luck!
Hi Julie! I countd the points and was pretty OCD about it. It is a good idea to write the points on boxes. I bought the point calculator, which made life so much easier at the grocery story. I found that it was fun seeing what my favorite foods were..sad at the same time. I ended up buying the 3 month journal (which I thought was SO worth the money -it's nice to be able to go back and see what you ate on a "good" week) and the Dining Out guide (which saved me as far as fast food and drive throughs go). The website mentioned above is a great is GOOD LUCK!! For me, the first 3 days were the hardest.. .hang in there.. you can do it!!!!
You go girl! I need to do something about my weight too.
My mom is trying to get me to join LA weight loss for the past 6 months.
Why are diets so sucky? The only diet that has ever worked onme EVER is Atkins. You lose the weight fast and you are not counting points and calories Blah Blah! Good luck with WW. I do know some peeps that love it and it works for them. Good luck!
12 points for Dr Pepper?????? Ouch! Do you like diet Dr Pepper? Probably not the same I am sure.
My Aunt just lost a bunch of weight with the point system. Good Luck. I was contemplating going to weight watchers. Still might... I just can't seem to get the last 10pounds off from the pregnancies. I have used which is a free website that you can track all of your food on. If I write everything down that I eat I do way better and if I exercise in the morning I usually eat better thru out the day. Something about all that effort of working out I don't want to blow it on some candy bar or Mt. Dew...
You can do it! My Mom did it and lost some weight. Just stick with it & you'll do great! I know it's hard at first, everything is, but you'll get the hang of it!
I have done WW beofre, and it does work!!!! I am trying to remember hoe many points that McD's ice cream cones is low points! I should be at WW myself! It is such a struggle. Good for you for going!!! :)
Oh that lovely battle...I faced and failed so many times! I should come do it with you! I have the books (bought them a couple years ago on ebay), but have never actually gone to the meetings!
I was supposed to go to weight watchers with your sister today until my 3 year old got sick. It would have been fun to meet you. Maybe next week?
I have a friend who did ww and lost a bunch of weight and has kept it off- even after her last baby!!
Good for you, girl!
HELLO FROM HONG KONG! HOLY COW!! I seem to have MISSED A LOT!!! I will be coming to visit as soon as I recover to get the scoop!! I had to scroll down to find some place to leave a comment. Can't wait to get home and BLOG!!
Want to hear all about the baptism!
Talk to you soon! Like in 3 days, will be leaving here tomorrow!
I'm missing your blogging!
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