Wednesday, December 12, 2007

what the Helll Wednesday-Tuesday sucked !

do you ever feel like the hugest failure as a mother? like you can't ever get them to school on time, dressed AND fed? and getting all the homework done? and when they tell you they have no homework all weekend and yet when it is bedtime Sunday night they suddenly remember they have a whole math packet due Monday morning from last week.

Well this was was Liberty Sunday night, somehow she can't manage to get her math packet done all week at school (maybe it is just the overwhelming totally intimidating task of doing it in packet form instead of page by page, it does that to me, and it isn't even my homework) but she can't manage. and Sunday she is suddenly freaking out about it. after bedtime mind you, and Lance is from the school of tough love, you don't get your crap done, you have to deal with the consequences OR get up early enough to get it done. so Monday she of course can't get it done, so she is freaking out , we took the other kids to school on time, she is virtually refusing to go, not wanting to face the teacher and not have her homework done, bawling and saying she doesn't feel well. finally she goes, late. but we made her go anyway. she comes home with most of it done. and finished the rest before she could do anything else. no TV ,no computer, no playing.she gets her book signed, homework put away in her bag etc.

Tuesday rolls around, we get a call before 9:00 with a message from her teacher. (i was giving the baby a bath and Lance was talking to his mom that had stopped by so we didn't answer the phone) . The message? her teacher was telling us Liberty left her backpack home and suspected she did because her math packet was due. and she didn't have it done the day before so she MUST have left it home to avoid having a consequence at school. UMMM, yeah in the bitchiest voice ever. no wonder Liberty was worried , i was scared myself and i am an adult. She did accidentally forget her bag, we were running late as usual, Lance was yelling for people to get in the car while i was doing her hair, i barely put a ponytail in , NO BOW and she ran out. so yeah it was on the couch after we got the message. I am not one to bail my kid out if they don't get their crap done, fine make them miss recess, lose points whatever , but when they really left home their bag, on accident. don't be a bitch about it. and assume they are trying to not turn in their completed homework. I am so not thrilled, so i called and left a message that she DID have her work done, that we had been late leaving and she rushed out the door and forgot her bag. but we'd drop it off at some point in the day. AND I said on my message ,"SHE has been having some issues with not wanting to come to school, afraid she'd be in trouble for not having her work done, and her teacher would yell at her. and maybe we needed to conference about it. "

well the teacher apparently felt threatened. she called back, and threatened that" we could be having an issue with truancy. she is late at least one day a week, she has a 10% absence rate already too. and her math grade is suffering. we do math first thing in the morning." (we aren't even 5 minutes late most of the time but they have to waste time going to the office for passes) well Liberty did have strep for 2 weeks and an ear infection and the flu already. and she has missed some days for Dr. appointments, and once or twice she faked sick because of school stressing her out. but i didn't just keep her home for fun, and when she goes to the nurse saying she doesn't feel good i make her stay all day anyway. but she complains alot about not feeling well. AND she did have Epstein Barr last year. she could be having another episode of that. and sadly i disregarded it last year. SO i need to get a dr.s note and say look people, she was really sick, i don't keep people home from school for no apparent reason. and you can kiss my A$$ about truancy. BUT i make her go! sometimes she is late because we have to threaten/coax her out the door. and keeping her home being sick she gets no privileges, and no fun. and she has to do everything I say like, clean stuff, get me diapers, and watch the baby while i nap or blog. but it is supposed to not be fun so she won't wanna stay home for no good reason. she tends to say she is sick and then be fine, and just fights with the little kids. which of course is not Kosher with me. if you are sick, you sleep and lay around not run around like a nut , fight and generally piss me off.
Oh and it isn't an issue with any of the other 3 kids at that school.

SO i think the teacher felt threatened and she is trying to cover her rear for my kid that struggles by placing blame. i was nice, but i did specify that i want her to get one page of her packet at a time, and see if that helps with not being as overwhelmed. I'm not thrilled.

oh and she brought up the fact that the office had sent home a letter stating the tardy issue. but i hadn't responded , so they weren't sure i got it. and yeah i got one, and didn't send it back but I happened to get it on the day i found out MY kids hadn't been tested for the crap i requested at the first of the year. yet(it was october). for speech delays and remedial reading. so they are all over the tardy issue but not on top of it for testing with the school specialists . I was peeved! and really which is more important? that they can read or that they are on time? HMMMMMM i think READING!and i meet with the speech specialist this week for Paxtons' speech. rad.

ok so this is where i am a failure. i have kids that are tardy because i don't get up early enough. they lose their shoes, or backpacks because my house is a wreck, so i am a failure because my house is messy and unorganized, and because of that they are late. i have a kid that struggles with her school work, so am i failure because of that too. i should work more with her one on one. but i bugs the crap out of me because she can't read for crap, and she doesn't even try to do her work on her own. i think she is totally ADD, not hyper but inattentive. and that is my fault, genetically i have to claim that. and how do i know the packet is overwhelming to her? because that was me. i hated school and never wanted to go because i couldn't get my work done, and i didn't do it. i was a fabulous reader though, that isn't my issue. but i think the problem is more her not paying attention long enough to actually do it. and once you miss the fear of being behind is overwhelming. AND i have issues now going to that school as the mom becuase that is where i went as a kid and felt like a failure then too. i feel bad for her, but i hate the thought of conferences and all of it. but i don't tell my kids that. and a teacher threatening me, freaks me out. i feel like a kid again. But seriously she better not mess with me or she will be having a problem on her hands, i will step up and be a big problem for her.

So i am a failure of a mother or i at least felt like one yesterday. and what makes me feel better shopping. so last night after i played guitar hero for awhile, i went to the store alone. and then met up with my friend. and have i decorated our house yet? nope. am a holiday failure too. i am RAD! really it sucks ---. I'll spare you the real phrase. but imagine it.

so this is totally just a bitchfest but sometimes that is what WTH Wednesday is about.

was i wrong? to call and tell the teacher she is having stress about school?

what would you do?

so anyone else care to admit failure?

just a little ?

to make me feel better?

I did take her bag over, and the teacher go her packet. she said so when she called. (i actually made Lance take it. i wasn't loving the idea of going to the school becuase of irrational childhood fears of failure brought on by having my children attend the same school i did growing up, but I'm, not switching schools becuase of it.)


Ruth Anne said...

I just can't believe you were totally attacked by the teacher. No wonder why you felt like crap. I can't believe she assumed it wasn't done!

So did I miss it? Did you bring the homework into class anyway?

Jenifer said...

We are all failures. That is what motherhood is about:) We all feel that way. I thought you were right to talk to the teacher. My second grade teacher did that to my mom too. I missed a lot of school because I had tooth problems and we couldn't figure out what was wrong and I missed a lot of school. I was absent one day and she thought I was sluffing. A seven year old! My little one is having trouble reading as well. I hired one of the girls from the ward to come over twice a week to read with her, and it has helped soooo much! It might be worth a try. I hope today goes better. And you are NOT a failure. You are a hero in my book. The fact that you have kept 6 kids alive this long is amazing to me!

AutoSysGene said...

I think the teacher may have been slightly out of line here. If there is a concern with your daughter than she should have asked what you guys could do together to figure out how to handle the situation better.

As for being a failure, plain and simple there is no right or wrong way to raise a child. What works for you probably won't work for me and vice versa. Don't be so hard on yourself. Pick your battles and just know you are doing the best you can, and hey, that's all that counts!!

janna said...

OH Julie, I am in the same boat.
Sometimes I think we all do.

Big Hugs.

Debra said...

If you are a failure, then count me in too! I have tried COUNTLESS methods on getting the kids to get their act together ie.. homework done and IN the backpack to make it to school, now it is remembering snowsuits and sneakers when they are wearing their snowboots. My kids leave their coats on the floor directly in FRONT of the coat hooks. Clothes are on teh floor in FRONT of the hamper. It is all CRAP! Michael and I lost on them last night. Just started tossing stuff. If they cannot respect their things enough to take care of them, then we'll donate them to the Salavtion Army for someone who will appreciate them.

About school, are we long lost twins?? I had the SAME problems during school as a child. I am trying so hard not to project my experiences onto my children. It is SO difficult though. I wanted to homeschool for that reason, but they are doing so well in school.

We have had problems with Joseph in Kindergarten. Well, it was with the principal. It was the teachers first year of teaching just out of college. Joseph has SEVERE ADHD, being diagnosed when he was 4. The principal was a bully. I ended up having to call his supervisor. When I went into see him (he requested a meeting) he verbally attacked me. I was pregnant and got so upset I was crying. So I got up to leave. He followed me, yelling at me. Needless to say, the principal was suspended for 2 weeks for that attack and I was able to get Joseph moved to another school. He had an AMAZING next 2 yrs before we moved. I would request a meeting with you, dh, the teacher, and the principal. Then bring up the testing that needs to get done, your concern about your dd complaining of sickness, your thoughts of her feeling overwhelmed with so many papers at a time, possibly a 504 Plan for her after she is tested, etc... Some teachers are just plain PITA! We had one in when we were in short term housing last year. Joseph just hated her. Thankfully it was not for long. We are at a different school now. Since it is only half way through the year, request another teacher if you feel your dd is just not connecting with her teacher. Since my two older ones have ADHD, I meet with their current teacher and the guidance counselor at the end of every year to decide who will be the best teacher for them in the next grade that would work best with them. They give that recommendation to the principal and she usually follows that.

If you ever want to chat about this, email me! I have BTDT with the school and the ADHD. A packet of math work would still send me over the edge. Just like when dh piles 5 loads of clean laundry for me to fold (WHICH I HATE WHEN HE DOES THAT) it makes me feel SO overwhelmed. I;d rather wash, dry and fold everyuthing myself. It just overwhelms me and I do everything else but that.

Ok I am rambling... good luck!

About the tardy, good heavens... we are too. I get up at 5 AM EVERY morning and we are STILL late ... school starts at 8:00. If they think they can do better, let them pick them up!LOL

onehm said...

Be impressed.
I read that entire post. :o)

I think that you should confront the teacher when she leaves a message like that...I think people are bolder when they are talking to the machine!!
School stuff stinks. I hate having kid-stuff to deal with there...

I have had those "mama-faliure" days! Don't be too hard on yourself!!!
And just throw that tree up~ and let your kids have at it with the ornaments. It really is so fun to watch in my opinion...

Call me if I can help!

Jenn said...

Julie (((HUG))) I understand how stressful life can be sometimes. Talk to the teacher and work something out to better your childs experiance. BUT for one week NO MATTER what just focus on your kids' strong points and you be the one to make them feel a little better. Obviously there is a problem with that teacher and your little girl needs to know she does good at a lot of things. So my advice to you is for one week sstrait say no negative comments or thoughts to your kids. Give it a try it is hard, but it is so good for everyone!

And I cam FAR from perfect too. I have a lot of growing to do and I think everyone does. Its just part of being a mom. You are just FINE!

Stacey said...

I would confront the teacher but that is me because I am confrontational especially when it comes to my child.

I have these days and they stink but in the end your kids love you and appreciate what you do for them. Hang in there!!!

My daughter is only 2 and I've had numerous encounters with the daycare already so I am sure it will be fun when she starts kindergarten.

Take care and give yourself a hug because you deserve it!!!

tammy said...

It's hard to get over issues with teachers. It took me awhile to realize that they are not the expert on your child, only YOU are the expert on your child. They can help your child, and have some suggestions, but ultimately you know your children best and what they need. I've been on both sides, the parent side and the teacher side, and I know it's frustrating for everyone. Talk to her in a non-threatening way (or have Lance do it) and tell her all of your concerns. Hopefully you'll get it worked out. You're not a bad mom. Hopefully your week will get better!

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

Don't worry we all have days like this. I have a whole month of it going on right now to be honest. I think you should have confronted the teacher. I think you did the right thing. And tardiness shouldn't count till at least the 3rd grade. Love your guts!

Andrea said...

We ALL have these self-doubting days. Hope you feel a little better for getting it off your chest.

I had TONS of meetings w/ Nathaniel's first Kindergarten teacher. It was her first year of teaching K after being in 3rd grade for a while. I think she was having a hard time adjusting, so every time Nathaniel did something he got in trouble. The mtgs really helped. And for the math packet.. definitely speak to the teacher about Liberty's work and struggles. Good thing PT conf coming up in Jan, huh?! Felicia's teacher had to separate her packet last year (can't remember if it was math or reading or both). She was getting overwhelmed and couldn't finish it on time during class like the other kids. Her teacher could clearly see that and we decided during pt conf that she should only give her one page at a time. TOTALLY helped!! She also started giving them a small individual homework assignment for the week in addition to their regular homework. That also helped! I know it seems like what more homework (and yes i had to nag her about it sometimes), but it really helped to focus on her weakness to strengthen it. After a while, Felicia seemed to get more focused and the teacher was able to go back to giving her the whole packet.

Also, it seems like some schools just don't want to set up those special tests unless you totally nag about it. That's what I had to do with Nathaniel. Keep nagging (this is one instance where nagging is good- tee hee) and you'll finally get results!

Jamie said...

FAILURE is the name of the gsme at my house today too!! Lightning happy home has gone out the window!! School issues again. mMan if I make it through his first grade year it will be a miracle!!!!

Libby said...

No you are not a failure-I think we all feel like that a lot. Good luck with the teacher. I would have had Cory take the bag too if I was in the same situation. I probably would have started to cry or something. I don't like that speaking up stuff-but hey, you've gotta defend your kiddos. Be tough girl!!!

Webb Family said...

I didn't read the whole post but I most of it! I think we all have days like that. It's part of being a mother. The homework thing- Cody pulls out his as we are waiting for the bus!!! I was not happy with him.

NerdyRedneck Rob said...

Oh god, This is the stuff that makes me sooooo glad "the boy" is 21 now! OH the tales of glorious battle with the minions of the dark school board I could tell!

I will suffice it to say that if you are a failure you are in pretty good company.

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

A good teacher would call asking how she could be helpful. A good teacher would call asking how you all could work together to help your daughter succeed. A good teacher would not call with rude accusations, but with concern for your child. **stepping down off of soapbox** :)

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