fabulous friday updated.
so i was slightly tired this morning. i think i was up until 2 am . i'm a genius i know. the kids were surprisingly on time today. yay for that.
and then i piddled around, showered, got dressed and the little kids ready and headed out the door in a rush for lunch. i was late again. seems like i can't get it together these days and be on time in the morning. plus we are driving to a further away lunch place. and the drive takes me way longer than i plan on always.
so lunch? Fab. with my fave girls at chik fil a.
by my old house. and there are new stores there every time i go , which bums me out. they weren't there when i lived there.
then i hit Ross. my fave store to piddle around in. and i got a few things. and brought them home to try on. i'm not a fan of dressing rooms with the kiddos.
anyway. i got home just in time for the big kids. but didn't have any afternoon blogging time. which puts me behind, and last night was book club so none there either. and whalah, 61 unread posts. fabulous. so i'll be sure to come around and comment as soon as i get some quality blogging in.
after that. i needed a little nap, late night, and hot afternoons make me sleepy. and lance was done earlyish today. so he said i was good to go on the nap. i woke up a couple hours later to him finishing the swing set, and cleaning up the back yard. so i helped with that. and then pulled weeds for awhile. all this rain had them shooting up left and right. it didn't help that we mowed them down after they dried up and never treated the yard. so this spring rain has them coming in out of control . but i got the weed and feed. and we'll do it tomorrow, now that the yard is cleaned up. whoohoo for that.
oh and i found out tonight that MONDAY night. i am having my family over for Family night.it will be really fun with the good weather, and a great reason to overhaul the house. and clean up.
so i have that to do.
tomorrows fun plans ? the make up ZOO trip(since 4 kids got shafted on Wednesday when we went to the Zoo with the little ones). me and all the kids. whoohoo on that. Lance will be doing handyman stuff at my mom's tomorrow. fabulous.
and the most exciting thing for the day? i got the Ped Egg-the Ultimate foot file-for smooth beautiful feet. man that thing works. my kids have all seen the commercial and knew just what it was. then they fought over who was using it on Lance's feet. even Pierce was into it. silly kids.
they have them for $20 bucks on TV , but last night i found it at Walmart for $10. in the As seen on TV section. it was amazing, so when i go get a pedicure, one of these days. they can actually do something instead of fighting the funky crust on my feet. pretty visual huh?!
k so not really that fabulous but not horrible either.
oh and i went to fill up my van today. and what normally takes 24 gallons when empty, took 26 today. um, can you say running on empty? i swear i was going on fumes to get there. i was totally living in fear I'd run out of gas and have to call Lance to bail me out. good thing i filled up. yikes. i'm thinking that was a close one.
oh oh oh i loooove my ped egg. is it bad that i can't wait to see how many "foot crumbs" i can catch in one pedi sscrubbing session!!
i won't share it with others. so i bought one for my honey to give to him for easter...ya know since its an egg and all. tee hee.
Sounds like a busy day...what the heck is a ped egg...I'll have to check it out.
Looks pretty cool. I'll have to check it out next time I go to Wal-mart.
Cuttin' it close girl! WOW! 26 gallons. That probably cost you a pretty penny too!
Oh yeah, that's what I called you about tonight. (snack night). Can't wait!
♥ Sounds like a busy day. I tried catching a couple of zz's on the couch but ELiza kept bugging me... dangit! Never a moment alone! :)
There are always new stores there and I'm loving it! I just found out there's a Sweet Tomatoes going in there, too. That is Connor's absolute favorite restaurant. We are excited.
Yay for the swing set being done. I love this time of year here.
I am going to have to check out the peg egg! It sounds like something I need. I wear flip flops about 350 days out of the year. :) YEAH, for the swingset being done. I am sure the kiddos are loving it. :)
OK, seriously could have done without the funky foot crust visual. I am a foot hater and I literally GAGGED when you said that, ewwww! Dang girl, what did you pay to fill that bad boy, $75?? This is wht I drive a Ford Taurus, and THAT is why I am certifiably NUTS! (3 kids in a Taurus, ahhhh!!)
Hey, did you get the pies? I feel really bad that I didn't go with you. If you haven't gone let me know and we can go together. I need to get better at this visiting stuff. Well I guess the month is already over.
Good for you!!!
Sounds like a great day...
I'm going to have to check out that Ped Egg thing.
I love it when I get the "go ahead" on a nap from my husband! Always a treat! Especially if he's actually entertaining the kids rather than them coming in to interupt me every 5-10 mins!
I should look for a ped egg for myself as well!
And yikes on the gas thing! I hate when I get that close. And ouch, I was passing a diamond shamrock/valero this morning (don't remember for sure what it was) and they were changing the gas prices...when I drove back by it was $3.01 for regular! Ugh! I realize that's only .02 more than the $2.99 that they brought it up from, but it hurts to see the 3 at the beginning!!
Hope you have a great weekend!
You had a super busy day too!!!
But I honestly like how you wrote about yours better!
I am going to check out the ped egg. Thanks for the tip!
I need to check out the ped egg too. How long does it take you to play made up zoo?
I know what you mean about the gas. I'm always running on fumes, it seems. These gas hog automobiles that we need for our big families are insane! Oh, and I want a Ped Egg! Won't want to share it though. I was a CVS last night and checking out all the Easter Candy and thinking about your Easter candy post. I love the Hershey solid chocolate eggs that tast like huge M&M's. They are dangerous. Oh, and I'm definintely going for the Peeps
Smores idea for Family Night. Thanks for the great tip!
i have no clue what a ped egg is, but i'm gonna have to check it out! you make me laugh! you're a walking commercial for so much stuff (my hubbie thinks I'm a walking commerical for a heck of alot of things...but you put me to shame girl!) everytime i read your blog i'm going online to look up a new product that sounds really cool or fun!
and i loved reading your kids funny comments post! they're too cute!
Well I hope you guys have a good time at the Zoo. Fun, Fun! And lucky you that you didn't run out of gas...that is a big fear of mine...
Yay for the super soft feet! ;) Maybe I should get me one of those...
FUn day!! I think I just saw that pedegg thing at Bed Bath & Beyond. Wondered what it was. Now I know! ha ha
I'm curious...if it can get dry layers off your skin or the skin off of a tomato, then why doesn't it scratch the balloon?? (from the infomercial on their website.) Whatever, it looks pretty cool.
Have fun at the zoo this weekend! Perfect weather for being outside!
I hate coasting on fumes, but with gas prices the way they are, I wait till I think I'll run out in traffic to fill. ridiculous.
That is a very fabulous friday indeed. I love that you take you little ones shopping. Forget the dressing rooms, I don't even like to take mine into the store. I wimp out and shop online more than not these days. You rock!
I saw that ped-egg thing - interesting! You sound like you have had a fun and busy week. I always love popping in here to read what's going on. You are so fun and happy and always have the best stories! You rock girl-friend!!!
You are one busy girl! I know how you feel about not getting around to reading all of peoples recent posts -- seems that I only get around to everyone once a week now :( but I go back and catch up all everything!
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