Sunday, March 16, 2008

accomplished ?CRAFTS, and proof we are W.T.

I've been hanging out . I've been a little busy crafting , and finishing the Easter crafts i bought to do in February, or was it as early as January? i have to get them done before Easter. or they are a waste , and defeats the purpose. so yesterday i did a little , and last night. but my crafting got cut short to clean up a barfy bed. EWW. Lance was already asleep, so i had to take care of it. fabulous. lucky me. EWWW. i said that but i mean it EWW. anyway. tonight i got to do a little more. and actually completed a project. for once. i more often buy the stuff to do the project and it ends there.

here are the results. of 2 weekend late nights of crafting. seriously i'm slow.

my SPRING garland
just in case you want details?
these were the cheapy wooden letters from JOANN fabrics. i picked scrapbook paper to cover it with , pre-painted the wood. and mod podged on the paper that i cut to fit the letters. Then i either applied glitter, OR crystals, OR both. and the I is 4 different glitter colors, applied separately to the coordinating lines on the paper. and the P has pink diamonds, and crystals on each corner FABULOUS-it didn't photo well close up though so just imagine it in your head. and then to make it into a garland? i hot glued those suckers to ribbon. oh yeah loving the hot glue gun.

My random opinion ?
Every household should own at least one hot glue gun.

the reality?
I own approximately 5 glue guns of my very own. sick huh? whatever. i am never without then right? RIGHT!

~~On to the next crafty craft~~

do you remember this post? about this crafty craft idea? well i got the stuff, and was uber excited to get on it. and finally found a minute yesterday to try my hand at it. and HELLO time consuming messy project. i finished exactly all you see here. YEAH 3! and i haven't even embellished 2 . because i didn't have the "right" ribbon. and if you know me in real life, that is a completely inconceivable (i know what it means how about you?) . because i have LOADS of ribbon stockpiled . but i wasn't feeling it. NOT loving the one i did finish. and i want to do a dozen more to put in my vintage egg basket. it's chicken shaped. and CUTE. here are my 3 sad eggs in the basket (what you can see of it isn't great but trust me it is FAB!) and these don't photo well. with my "cheap-A"(means cheap A$$) camera.

and time for the daily blitchfest?
i have a killer hangnail. i swear it is killing me to type .

here is proof. a chat with a RAD friend from last night. me excusing my sucky typing and blaming it on none other than the aforementioned hangnail.

this chat has been edited(in italics) to protect the innocent. but here, read it and just pretend it isn't edited.

me:sorry i suck at typing tonight
10:29 PM c is RAD:
me too.
me: i have a hang nail
it hurst like the devil
c is RAD: I'm just RAD.
me: i normally suck at typing BUT the hangnail is really killing it too

and here you go. finally some white trash pictures of my backyard swing set. FINALLY.
3 boys went out to swing today. Paxton hiked his up really high, then the other boys went out to join him. and unfortunately Pierce didn't get clothes on all day. WHITE TRASH, i know.
and see the assorted backyard debris? yeah. there are some padding mats for by the slide that never actually stay by the slide, and um some genius hauled the crappy plastic chair over there in the middle, and cars tipped over.
and these are the super fabulous pictures i took through the dining room window. because i was cold. and yet my baby is outside in a diaper. swinging.
and I figured something(pictures taken) was better than the usual nothing(no pictures).
and since you guys asked for the swing set pictures a long time ago,
and you pretty much know me, and my white trashedness(made up word).
i may as well get over myself and my issues. and post these.

Hope your MONDAY IS FAB!

spring break! whoohoo! Lance actually is taking some time off too.

Monday's plan? the ZOO.and FHE
WEDNESDAY? cleaning bedrooms. DRIVE IN
THURSDAY?WHO KNOWS! but i need to buy dresses still
FRIDAY?WHO KNOWS!maybe we'll go to the easter pageant.
Saturday?WHO KNOWS!
Sunday? EASTER! family par-tay at the in-laws.including an egg hunt.

oh crap it is 3 am now. that isn't good. better turn off the lights and hit the hay. WHOOHOO!


Laura said...

I loved your matching easter outfits! They were really cute! I could never get Alan in on the matching thing, good for you!

Your Easter craft looks great. My kids don't start spring break till Thursday.

Who is puking now? I am so sorry for so much puking!

Piper said...

Hey, I don't think you're white trash!!!! Your crafts are fabulous!!
For your hangnail, put some tea tree oil or lavender oil on it, it will be much better.

Webb Family said...

Julie your crafts are soooo darling! I love how they turned out. You are one talented girl, thanks for sharing!

tammy said...

Lovin the craftiness!

Wendi said...

Awhhh.... Cute Crafts!

Leslie said...

I love your back yard...Because it pretty much looks like mine...well mine doesnt have a super cool swing set but the rest...So either that makes me white trash or that just makes us REAL.

Love your photos..Love the matchy shorts...I wish you would have found a pair... bbbb787<---baby had to put in his two cents...I think he wants to join your family cause you guys are soo cool...

Are You Serious! said...

I love all the glitter! I looks great! I don't know what I'd do with out my hot glue gun.

That play set is HUGE! Looks like loads of fun!

Our spring break is next week and we'll probably be cleaning the whole time and Joe will be doing fix it projects since he never has time off!!! :)

Jenn Toon said...

ok- LOVE the crafts!! Miss living by you and the late night trips to get the supplies and staying up late together to do them! Always more fun with someone. :(

Love the swing set!! We don't have the room for one with the pool and we miss it. We just walk to the park. Oh well. Your kids are super lucky!

Have a fun filled week! We have some plans for a whole lotta fun but we'll see what actually gets done.

Laurie said...

Love the crafts and the very fun swingset! And you are NOT white trash!

Jenifer said...

Love the Spring garland. You are so great to do all that! I have swing set envy. And you are not WT. Everyone's backyard looks like that. My weeds are almost taller than my trees!

Mamarazzi said...

ok super cute SPRING! love love love it. when i saw the other crafty egg thing i thought "wow adorable, maybe i can buy those somewhere, cuz...yea i am not making them" i knew they would be seriously time consuming...CUTE, but no time for such cuteness around here.

love the WT commentary...hilarious!

andrea said...

Such a cute garland....makes me want one. But no time this a need another unfinished project!!!! Maybe I can pile it up next to my spools of ribbons for my unfinished bows! I am seriously considering the fact that I have ADD....I buy all the crap necessary for a project, and never actually complete the project! It's a sickness. Must be.

Maybe I'll consider one for summer....with red, white and blue...great, here I go again! I'll go get the stuff, the check back in a couple years, maybe it'll be done!

janna said...

Love all of your crafts and ideas

Have a good week off with the DH & the kids.

janna said...

And so you do not feel all alone, my back yard looks a lot like that too, but you are rocking the better swing set.

Red Neck is better then White trash...

SuperCoolMom said...

Love your Garland! I still need to embellish my eggs.

Shannon said...

So great! Love the craftys, so sorry about the hang nail - no fun! Sounds like a great week ahead. Happy Monday!

Jenn said...

Love your "spring" garland. And My kids and I are doing those cute eggs too. Probably tonight for FHE.

And your back yard is fantastic not WT! Okey-dokey!

Cecily R said...

Ha ha!! I can't BELIEVE you posted our dorky conversation!! Too funny!How's the hangnail?

Love your springy crafts and completely and totally jealous of your RAD swing set!!!!!

Jen said...

K those letters turned out super cute!!! I have to keep that in mind for next year! I don't think I would even attempt the eggs, but they are darling. Love the outfits from the Easter egg hunt, fab that you got them all to match, I am still working on the boys.

kellyo75 said...

Dude! I LOVE the spring banner thingy! So creative! My kids don't get dressed if we ain't goin' anywhere, so there! I am definitely W.T., too. LOVE the swing set! Gorgeous!

Nat Nat said...

Love the crafts. I have no idea how you do it all? So not WT. You are such a super cool mom. My kid won't even keep his pant on so WTH that baby! :)
I miss doing crafts you make me want to play. Better unpack 1st.

Andrea said...

Holy crap Julie! Those crafts are totally FAB!! LOVE the 'spring' and eggs!

You are awesome!!

CUTE swingset, not trashy! Don't feel so bad cuz my li'l Anson doesn't have any clothes on half the time either (just undies). tee hee :)

Connie said...

I LOVE your blog!! How do you find the time??? Have a great break from school! Here we are PC and call it Spring Break instead of Easter Break...Funny huh?

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