i am too excited not to share this super exciting news! and give everyone a heads up about a new super exciting contest! the rules haven't been formulated yet. and it doesn't officially start until MONDAY but, i can't wait to spill the beans NOW! seriously i'm too excited about it.
some of you saw this exciting comment! and the post about the purse hook or was it a purse hanger? anyway. this comment started this exciting news!

and guess what. she is sending one Classic Design Day Bag PursePal to 3 lucky winners! so exciting huh? yeah so you have a chance to win. she will send one to 3 of my lucky readers their choice of a Classic Design Day Bag PursePal. the day bag means large enough for the kind of bag we normally carry.
AND she will still donate $5 dollars to charity (even though it is free to the lucky winner), for the one that they pick. mine is going to Ocean conservancy .
Purse Pal donates $5 to charity for the single purse pal, or $10 for the combo sized set. there are all kinds of animal groups, breast cancer awareness that benefits research, and Ovarian cancer, and she even has a Heart disease red Jeweled one.

the prize is a classic purse pal but holy cow, the jeweled ones are to die for! i know i covet them too. and a portion of the profits go to a worthwhile charity or non profit group! see the list here
anyway. this is your heads up to watch for the contest. and really just so i can brag about my new Purse pal! it will be here Saturday. stay tuned for pictures and a review! it's extra exciting to me becuase we all know how much i love free stuff. and i even hooked you guys up for a chance to win!
feel free to covet me again. i know you are. YAY! WHOOHOO! neener neener neener!
Hi there!
I own a company that makes a much better quality purse hanger than you one you have a photo of (sorry - it's true!) and I would love to send you one of our PursePal® purse hangers as a gift!
How's that for truly delightful? ;)
Visit us at www.purse-pal.com and email me with your choice of any of our 'Classic Design' PursePals and your mailing address and I'll send one of our Day Bag size PursePals right out to you. PursePals are much higher quality than the round link style types. PursePals hold significantly more weight, don't feel flimsy and squeaky like the round ones and will fit almost any table - unlike the round ones which have to be so close to the edge that they don't work if there is any bevel on the table edge or if the table is more than an inch or so thick. We also donate $5 from every one we sell to a charity or non-profit organization. I promise you will love using your PursePal!
Willa Porter
PursePal LLC