Thursday, June 19, 2008

Medicated and motivated.

My Dr. appointment took FAR TOO LONG. i had a 9:30 appointment. and left there at noon. yes i waited a super long time. and believe me when i say that is LAME. bright side? the DR. gave me everything i asked for plus some . he took his time. and i wasn't rushed at all! and after waiting so long. I'm glad. OR i would have had to go postal on the man.

what did bug me was the drug reps coming and going while i waited for seriously hours for my turn. and i wonder, do they have appointments? is there a best time to go and not have drug reps taking the Dr.s time? if they have an appointment fine. if they are just stopping by any time they want. that BUGS. i wanna know how that works. i had my appointment scheduled months out and waited 2 hours before i saw the Dr.

anyway. good times. I hit the Pharmacy on the way home and tomorrow, I really will be-

and at this time i'd just like to say, there is nothing wrong with taking antidepressants , or ADHD meds. NOTHING! there is a stigma with both of those types of meds. and seriously People that have opinions about them, MOST OFTEN have never needed them and lucky them. BUT if someone needs them to function, OR to offset a chemical/hormonal imbalance,They shouldn't be judged harshly. For those that do take them. at some point they are just as important as taking insulin for a diabetic, or thyroid hormones for lack of thyroid,or blood pressure medications for hypertension, or an anti-inflammatory for someone with arthritis. seriously small minded people can go somewhere where their perfect little delusions can keep them happy. My reality is something else entirely. and I'm not ashamed to admit, I take happy pills, again. WHOOHOO for a step in the right direction. OH by the way, the crazy part in Crazymama is no exaggeration.

funny story. while Lance was in school people would find out about our family, that he had a family, and say," wow, how does your wife handle that many little kids?" his answer was always the same ,"Prozac, lot's of Prozac." which always got a laugh, but seriously 100% truth. people thought he was kidding. he wasn't.

i also have to admit,sometimes i live in denial about needing them, and those that care about me know the truth. and sometimes they have to spell it out for me (Thanks for the shove honey. ) even when i think napping all afternoon is fine,spending money i don't have is Ok, and other not rad behavior that adds up to me trying to fix my depression without meds. and the excuse of postpartum depression is now gone since i was depressed before kids, and my baby is now almost two. it's just plain straight up depression. i admit it. and finally i'm taking care of it, again. gold star for me!

so does anyone else wanna come out as medicated and motivated?

do you hate to wait to see the DR.?

think you may be depressed? take a quiz and find out. maybe you should see your Dr. or metal health care professional.

need to see a list of symptoms? go here for regular depression. and major depression here

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jes said...

i love the new look it is so fabulous

andrea said...

If it's just supposed to show up, it works for it is supposed to do something else, it doesn't work. ;) :)

Debra said...

Raising my hand and looking around... I DO!!!!!!! I take Concerta and Effexor. Why be miserable? I LOVE my meds. You can tell by my posts on my confessions of an unbalanced woman blog ( if I have forgotten a dose.

I am sooo happy you have come back to meds!!!! You will see a difference in a couple of weeks!! You will feel SO much better. I went off COncerta for a year and I was SUCH moody scatterbrain.

And being MORE righteous does not make this go away like a lot of people in the church I know think!!

Debra said...

I forgot...

When I get mad at dh, he asks me if I have taken my meds today. My reply, "Yes, you're just being an A$$."

blah, blah by lindsey said...

i am soo glad you are back on your meds...not that i am one to judge but seriously ever since i went back on mine life has been a little better.

i hate waiting for the dr, but if he spends time with you and is not just hi/bye then it is worth the wait.

see you tomorrow ;)

Jenifer said...

I love my doctor, I never wait more than 5 minutes. I'm not embarrassed to admit I take meds. if they help me, then maybe i can help someone else, right? I feel in control when i take mine.
BTW...that is my favorite picture of your kids with Pierce all laid out off to the side.

KayDee said...

Yes I am on Lots of meds, some for my U.C. and some for my PTSD. I am not very fun to be around when I am not taking them! Good luck with everything!

Sometimes I dont mind waiting at the dr's, especially if my kids at home are being turds and I need a little more time away, other wise it can irk me.

SuperCoolMom said...

More power to ya! I could probably use a happy pill. I'm sure some people in my house would vote for that!

I hate waiting for the dr. It definitely feels better when he really listens and you don't feel rushed. Then I can justify it and feel like he's just being fair to everyone.

tammy said...

I've taken them before psot partum and know they really do help. I'm so thankful a friend of mine told me I was depressed, and told me to see my doctor. I had no idea how crappy I felt until I was taking them and feeling normal again.

Drup reps? Most of the time, they just stop in. Usually they have their certain routes. Unless the doc calls and needs them to come by. But a lot of the time, they just leave samples and info with the staff and the doc doesn't talk to them. I used to have a favorite drup rep...but that's a story for another time....maybe at bunko time....

Are You Serious! said...

♡ I'm so grateful for modern medicine!!! Seriously it's the best EVER!!! :)

AutoSysGene said...

One of my favorite sayings is "better living through chemistry." I take happy pills know, they make me happy!!:)

Kudos to you for taking control!

Frolicking Night Owl said...

LOVE your topper photo!!!!!

Laura said...

I am a big believer in getting medicated if you are off balance. I have so many people I love who are more themselves with them.
My brother in law is a drug rep and believe me he is not why your doctor is late. Most of the time he is dropping stuff off and running out. He never gets time with the doctors much (unless he brings lunch and they do presentations then). Doctors just get very late because they overbook and talk with each patient. I always schedule the first appointment in the morning or the first one after lunch because they are never behind then. I hate waiting too. I hope you feel better, depression is a really terrible thing. You deserve to feel better.

Vidal's Nest said...

I hear you sista loud and clear!
I just started meds this last month. A man was making fun of me at the gym and I burst out crying, and couldn't stop for a long time...knew it was time. Emotions out of control, I felt out of control, and I couldn't function!
Am feeling a bit better now, and am getting a grip! I have had depression most of my life too and it IS NOT a choice!!!
Anyhow, hopefully I'll get the courage up to start going to the gym again!
Meds are our friends!

Paul said...

Love the new look!

Anonymous said...

Ha, LOVE the picture :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment, I hope you'll continue to return :)

Jen said...

Glad you are feeling better!! And that your appt went well despite having to wait, but it is worth it if they are actually going to LISTEN to your needs.

LOVE the new look, now I need to change up mine. See ya tomorrow for a much needed night out!!!

onehm said...

WAY to embrace it, girl!!

Mamarazzi said...

i took paxil for almost 2 yrs after moving here and just felt miserable ALL THE time...i am finally weened off of it. i still have hard days now and then, but life in general is much easier to deal with now.

i know i would take it again if i felt like i needed it. i saw no shame in taking something that made me feel better.

Allison said...
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Allison said...

my email address says it all... happypill...

Won't give you the rest here. But suffice to say I have had the for the past 7 years. And I know the 'happypills' work so good that it allows me to go on with life and do 'happy dances'.

Micah and Jen said...

Glad your appointment went well. I have to say that I am just impressed that you are willing to deal with it instead of hide it like other people....there is nothing wrong with knowing a little medication is helpful and will make it easier. I am so thankful to be alive in this day & age rather than the 1800's where they just went crazy! :) Thank goodness for modern medicine!!!

Laurie said...

Glad you got your drugs. ADHD meds and antidepressants are a way of life at our house. If anyone thinks ADD/ADHD is crap, just come spend two days with my hubby- one day on his meds and one day off. That will make anyone a believer. So hubby and I are both with you: MEDICATED AND MOTIVATED!!!

Melanie and Will said...

I'm so glad to hear you got back on some "happy pills"!!! I'm totally okay with being happy and medicated. It's how I can function and I know that. I'm okay with that. It's nothing I did to myself. That being said, I ran out of medication and I can slowly feel the effects creeping back in! Ugh. I need to get back on meds!! Soon!

I hope you can feel them kick in soon! They always say give it about 2 weeks, but luckily I always felt it sooner.

Hang in there....happiness is around the corner ;)

janna said...

I hate waiting rooms too. Germ central.

(I am on happy pills to)

Andrea said...

You totally hit on the nail!!! I love your rantings! tee hee :)

I agree - if someone needs meds, then don't judge. Let them take what they need to get well & FEEL better!

You know my son is on ADHD meds & is doing TONS better than without! He missed a day once (running late for school) and the teacher could tell there was something off about him. We told her later and then she was like "OK now I get it. That totally explains a lot (for that one day)." LOL :)

GLAD you'll be feeling better SOON!!!

BUNKO tonight!!!!!!!!!


Leslie said...

I think I am finally accepting that I need something..I am such a bear all the time. Maybe when we have insurace again I will go make that visit.

Susie said...

Crap! Why did I look at the list? Major all the way baby! No $ to purchase the pills yet though.
I do take a magic pill in the meantime. I've lost 30 pounds on it in 6 months and I eat everything I want. Haven't had to change a thing.
I'll let you know when I get some of the happy ones.

jayna said...

glad you got your drugs! hey, depression is like any other illness and when people have other illnesses, they take medication for them. then mind is the most over worked and underpayed as it were. if the pills help you out, yo, go for it! glad your dr. appointment went great. it means all the world when the dr will actually listen to you and take the time you need. hugs-

Nat Nat said...

Loved your post. I have been blaming it on port partum and I am just where you were. We have been discussing this lately and I love you post. I need to think of it as insulin or etc. I need something really really NEED it. I am crazy an seem to be getting crazier. I am going now to take your quiz so that I have proof. LOL But really thanks and I mean that! I come from an anti medications family and need the "it's ok really" from somone that I blog worship. ;)

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