Saturday, November 1, 2008

the top ten reasons you know halloween is over ...

10. this child

shared his bag of runts and gave you a pineapple because that's your favorite of that nasty candy.

9. a little later he brought you ALL of the pineapples in his GRIMY little hand. and you take them and act like it's the best treat ever. (and casually hide it over on the counter for later disposal, his hands were THAT dirty, but you wanted to be graceful in accepting the very thoughtful gift) look through the kids bags of candy and steal all of the mini butterfingers. but not the butterfinger crisp because those aren't your fave.

7.your bathtub looks like this from washing out the colored hairspray.

AND YOU HAVE TO BODILY FORCE THEM TO LET YOU HELP THEM SO THEY WILL GET all OF IT OUT. AND THE LAST ONE WITH COLOR HAD TO SCRUB THE TUB WHILE THEY WERE IN THERE. BEFORE THEY COULD GET OUT. (really they did get out and you had to threaten the heck of of them to get back in so you could do the job right) and it took 2 washings for the water to run clear. AND you consider swearing off the colored spray FOREVER!

6. you have to remove makeup off of your 4,6 and 9 year olds using real make-up remover. and they still have eyeliner residue. once again giving you a glimpse of what they will look like in their teenage years.

5. your recently mopped and swept floors are littered here and there with candy wrappers. and bitten and ditched candy from your fickle 2 year old. have to remove exactly 4 sticky suckers from the upholstered chair in the front room.

3.they try to bring their bag of candy everywhere they go. including but not limited to: the bathroom counter during the hair washing fiasco, to bed, to watch TV, to Grandma's house,into the office for computer game play, and bothering you in your bed both in the morning and while you are trying to nap. tell the kids to brush their teeth every time you see them.

and the 1 reason you know Halloween is over?

you discover this


we have a free reign policy with the candy. i like it to go as fast as possible. there is nothing more irritating to me than a candy hoarder. but i don't like it to get left on the floor, or brought everywhere.


what is your candy eating style?

do you like to hoard? or prefer to eat the good stuff and trade the other stuff?

what do you let your kids do?

what's the first thing you steal from your kids bag?

where is the oddest place you found candy?

Mine has to be waking up stuck to the sheet from a peanut butter blossom(taffy) in my bed earlier this month. my hip was sticky all day!

post signature


Laura said...

This post was so funny! I have missed seeing you on my blog.

I love the sucker in the hair.

As for candy eating style. I hide it and give them a few each day and then I throw it all away. They sneak more when I don't hide it away. Getting rid of it all fast sounds nice but my kids have no sense they would seriously eat it till they were sick.

Cecilia said...

That's HILARIOUS!!!!!
I love the sucker in the hair :)

tiki_lady said...

free reign here, eat as much as you like, knock yourself into a sugar coma. BRUSH YOUR TEETH
all wrappers must be thrown in the trash and NO CANDY UPSTAIRS OR IN THE BEDS!

Jenifer said...

That last picture made me chuckle out loud. I love when they give me their crappy candy that they hate. Don't know why I love it. I'm finding candy everywhere. The ones they don't pick up the dog gets. And spits out. I'm thinking Monday it should alllll disappear.

Rebecca Irvine said...

I let my kids have free reign for a few days, then it all gets confiscated. By then all that is left is not likely to get eaten anyway, but I save it to offer for when they are desperate or need bribing of some sort.

Ruth Anne said...

Love the sucker pic.

Totally related to the taking the bag everywhere. This is Ethan's first got it year and he doesn't stop eating.

Janeen said...

Free reign here, too. It's usually gone in 2 to 3 days. I try to get something nutritious down them in between all that candy (like an apple or banana) The sooner it's gone the better. They are sugar addicts and never get sick from it.
Sammy woke up today and wanted to go trick or treating again. Thank goodness it's only once a year! Thanks for feeding Cindy and I last night! It was so yummy! And your Halloween decorations are so darn cute!

goingsome said...

We eat the candy in small doses until they seem to forget about it, then I dump it, usually. I don't know if I can get away with that this year. My kids would eat it until they got sick, if they had their way.

The first thing to steal from their bag is Reeses and then the Nerds. Those are my favorites.

Can't say I have found candy in odd places, though last night I found a sucker stuck to the wall. Pierce's hairdo sucker look takes the prize. :)

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

You are the best! I love twix and peanut butter cups. Abby gave me one of hers. The candy was all over the FR floor all day today untill about 8:30pm when I couldn't stand it any more and made them clean it up. I'm still finding candy but there is a huge piece of pink chewed bubble gum stuck to the driveway. And ABby fell asleep last night before I could wash her down so now I have to wash her sheets! Darn it!

kay said...

this made me laugh out loud!! i just came from the bathroom where i was trying to remove the 2 day old mario eyebrows from my 5 year old. he says makeup remover smells funny. but i couldn't have him going to church looking like groucho marks could i!!??!!

i'm with you on the candy. eat it all now!! if it's not gone in a week, it's mine! yesterday monkey must have eaten more than half of his candy. then i sent him outside to run it off.

oh yes and our bathtub has a neon green ring around it. thank goodness for scrubbing bubbles!!!

Wendy Phelps said...

Twix bars are my favorite, next are those salt-water taffy like peanut butter candies in black or orange wrappers. We have the free reign on the candy too, except in the mornings. Just not before breakfast. I can't wait till it is all gone. I loved the pancakes. We will have to make those next year. My kids got tons of chocolate this year. Very little candy. Lucky me :)!

Devri said...

Same with Mother Goose.

Leslie said...

They have free reign here too. After a couple of days, if it doesnt get eaten it most likely ends up on the floor and I throw it away. And I usually buy extra good candy so I don't need to steal there candy.

We didn't do any hair dye or make up this year...well nathan had white makeup but was easy to come off and Layna had an eye infection so no makeup on her...but was a bummer because she missed school Friday and her halloween party..

Love the sucker in the hair!!

Piper said...

that lollipop sucker pic is a classic!!!
next time, mix a little baking soda with the shampoo, it will get the hairspray out easier...

KaraLyn said...

I love this post! (And the sucker stuck in the hair!) I'm a mom who lets my kids eat all the candy they want for a couple days, thent he Halloween monster comes and eats it all and it's gone FOREVER!!! YEA!!!

sandi said...

The lolli in the hair is totally FAB! Bwaaaaaaahahahaha!

Hautemama said...

Love the sucker in the hair!! LOL

We let the kids have free reign on their candy, but remind them not to eat too much, and will occasionally cut them off. They love picking through their bags, and offering up treats to mom and dad.

Some of it seems to disappear when they are sleeping though.... ;)

blah, blah by lindsey said...

sucker in the hair?!!?? you have got to be kidding me. he must have had a good night!!

i don't love all the candy garbage all over the floor :(

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