Friday, December 19, 2008

super awesome email video from santa.

go here. and make one for your kids. it's easy, fun, free!

it can even email their in box.

and yes 4 out of 6 have their own emails.

computer nerds galore here.

i can't wait to see them check their email today.

thanks Jen for the tip! i had to share the wonder with my blog friends.

it's a 3 post day. gosh it's been awhile since i've done that.

i finished a wreath i'd been planning on for a year. still need to hit the Gap for the bargain posted in the next post. and cookies need baking.

i'm so not ready mentally for the wonder of christmas vacation. people are demanding playdates with cousins. i anticipate loads of sleep overs. and i'm pretty cranky. whining, and demands don't make for a nice, happy mom. PLUS no one wants bonus kids the week before christmas. i sure as heck don't. i need to get crap done. and keep the house semi clean.

so that's the latest .

hope your friday is super fabulouso. it seems like this day is never going to end. why is that?

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Devri said...

let me see, probably cuz you live with a man, and have 6 children. I wouldn't know though....

Devri said...

ps, I heart your sistah, maybe more than you... hmmm- better have a get together to find out.. ;0)

Crazymama's RAD Followers

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do you ever feel like............