Wednesday, January 7, 2009

let's talk shopping - what's your shopping style?

at bunko last night it came up that some of us are different kinds of shoppers. of course we are. someone thought it would be interesting to go shopping together and see what kind of shoppers everyone is.

it was also discussed that some of us may be "soup snobs" only buying the brand name while others of us might not care about the brand , so much as care about the price. depending on the item.

then there is the kind of shopper we are. some of us wait and see, and think it will be here later, and sometimes it is, and other times it isn't.

or impulse shoppers, that see it and buy it,( and might deal with the consequences later. either buy making returns, or having excessive amounts of stuff, they don't need or can't use.)

and then there are those that take forever to make a decision, unsure of what they want. why they might want it, or when they will use it.

some people are browsers. content to wander stores for hours just looking, and maybe buying.

then others are all about the list. determined shoppers. no piddly farting around for them. get what's on the list and THAT'S IT! rush in and rush out.

and then there are the people that like to go in with things in mind, and if they see something else they need they get that too. and stock up so they don't have to come back.

there are quizzes all over the Internet, but i can't seem to find the one I'm looking for.

here's an article with different shopping styles.

or a quiz (of course i got bargain shopper ).

or this site had one i took the shopaholic quiz, and scored only 30 out of 100. (in the past it would have been 100 but i've gotten my shopping under control in the last few years)

go check those out but come right back and finish this post, YO!


interesting, to think about what every one's shopping styles are.

and what might change their style.

like someone might be a wait on it and come back kind of shopper but the husband is an impulse buyer, (you can always return it later, it might be gone if you don't get it now mentality) so they get it when they are together, and feel fine about it. or are glad later.
but they'd never do that alone.

or sometimes people are impulse shoppers see something they want/need and will pay the price even if it's over priced and will go on sale next week, and with the right bargain shopping friend, they will actually make them wait for the sale. (and talk about it years later.)

so along those lines of thinking... i have questions for you!

1.what is your shopping style? (bargain hunter? wait and see? impulse buyer?)

a.does it change depending on who you are with?

b.what is your spouse's style?

c.what about your best friend?

2.are you brand loyal?

a.does it depend on the item?

b.what items have to be brand name?

c. which items can be generic?

d. what about your spouse? are you on the same page on brands?

3.what's your shopping speed like? (pick one)

a.wander around looking at everything in the store, then buying the couple things you came in for? if you can remember what you came in for. have your list, you rush in and get the things on your list, and that's it, no piddly farting around. have an idea of what you want, and get those items but if you see other things you need, you get those things too and stock up so you don't have to go to the store again for a long while.

d. i buy everything online with free shipping it's better and cheaper. and i don't have to go into stores and deal with crowds. and i buy only what i want.

finish this statement-

I ___ to shop!

I'm dying to know what kind of shoppers you are. just to satisfy my own craving for interesting info.

come on! play along. everyone is welcome.

lurkers! come out come out whoever you are. (i've seen lots of new people on my sitemeter linking to me but not commenting, this is the perfect chance to come out, and introduce yourself!)

have a fabulous wednesday! thanks for stopping by!

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KaraLyn said...

What is your shopping style?
Really just depends on my mood!

What is your spouse's style?
Depends on his mood as well!

Are you brand loyal? Not really... some things YES... but most things no.

What's your shopping speed like?
Wander around looking at everything in the store, then buying the couple things you came in for? if you can remember what you came in for.
You have an idea of what you want, and get those items but if you see other things you need, you get those things too and stock up so you don't have to go to the store again for a long while.

finish this statement-
I like to shop!

AutoSysGene said...

LOL! I can answer this easily....I HATE to shop!!

The shopping gene missed my gene pool. Now Hope on the other hand...;)

ZB said...

I hate to shop! Seriously. But perhaps that's due to my lack of shopping funds. I might be persuaded to shop if there were a surplus of money.

tammy said...

I am seriously all the above. Depends on the day.

I GOT to shop. Was there any doubt??

Amy said...

1. I'm a bargin hunter with a bit of an impulse buyer mixed in. Strange but true!

a. My shopping habits never change, I'm usually too cheap to buy anything full price and everyone knows that about me!

b. Hubby loves the bargins!

c.Just like me! Bargin hunter with impuse buyer mixed in.

2. No, not usually

a. Yes, if the item is food or soda. Some brands just taste better.

B. Soda. That generic crap just doesn't do it for me.

c. most clothes can be generic as long as they are cute! I love to tell people about my good deals...

d. My hubby loves name brand clothes and shoes. He is part girl, I swear!

3. A. I am the slowest shopper around. I like to look at everything to make sure I'm getting the best deal. But with the impulse buyer in me, this method usually just costs me more money because then I find things that I just can't live without! However, I do love to shop online! That is a close second.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to shop!

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