Monday, February 23, 2009

it's game time. Say say oh Blog friends Come out and play with me

i'm feeling BLECH. you could either have a depressed, emotional post from me?


how about a game?!

remember the nursery Rhyme ? Say say oh playmate.

how about a new version? that i'm making up right now at 2:29 am (if it's retarded forgive me)

say say oh blog friend

come out and play with me.

answer my question and

ask 1 , 2 or 3.

let's get to know you,

and get to know me too.

so we'll be blog friends forever more.


let's do the game where i start by asking a question.

the first person answers it, then asks another question.

the next person answers it and asks a new one and so on.

answering and asking down the comments.

trust me, it's fun. and makes reading the comments really fun.

anonymous lurkers are welcome and encouraged to play too. Just sign your name.

last time there were well over 100 comments. and it was...



Let's get started.

the first question to be answered by the first commenter is....

what is your favorite color?

1st commenter- leave your answer in the comments and ask a question for the 2nd commenter.

thanks for playing, i'll chime in here and there, because i won't be able to resist some questions i'm sure.

let's make this a FABULOUS MONDAY!

and if there are specific questions you wanna ask and make sure that i answer? say so. and i'll do my best!

post signature


Devri said...

HOw fun, I am in..

My fav color is mint green.


If you had to be one of the two, would you rather be the toilet paper or the toothbrush?

Gross I know, but you have to answer! tee hee

SuperCoolMom said...

Definitely the toothbrush!
Were you a toe nail biter?

blah, blah by lindsey said...

Bite my toes...SICK

So that would be a no...but my husband's friend does and it is a sight i will never get out of my mind.

what is your favorite day of the week and why?

blah, blah by lindsey said...

Bite my toes...SICK

So that would be a no...but my husband's friend does and it is a sight i will never get out of my mind.

what is your favorite day of the week and why?

lifewithquads said...

Friday is my favorite day of the week because Dax & I have breakfast together at the little cafe in town -- I guess we get a date morning. lol

Have you ever laughed so hard you peed your pants?

Anonymous said...

No but my friend did and we never let her forget it. :)

Would you rather have a weekend getaway all by yourself or with your hubby?

Kathy N.

Crazymamaof6 said...

depends , but i'm leaning toward by myself, since getaway's with the hubs are often like Valentines day."mildly disappointing" since we aren't the same vacation style.

Question? What is your favorite expletive?(cuss word)

Jamie said...

OH NO Fair, I am no prude but my Dad made sure his girls did not swear, so Damn is usually as bad as it gets.
Damn, I wish I had a better story for you!!

What is your favorite family vacation?

Ruth Anne said...

Mission Beach. First as a teen and now with kids.

Ever sent to the principals office?

Crazymamaof6 said...

Principals office?
once or twice. in Jr. High for insubordination. good times. my history teacher and I didn't get along. and apparently he wasn't a fan of smart A girls talking back.

question-if you pick your nose while driving what do you do with the 'goods'?

Daisygirl said...

nice I get the booger question...I always have kleenex, its either in my sleeve, my bra(if I don't have pockets) or just in my luckily I have a clean front seat! I have probably driven around with kleenex shoved in my nose!

Question: do you ever where your pjs to the grocery store?

tammy said...

No, but I wore them just this a.m. to the school's front office to check my son in late!!

Have you ever been naked in a public place?

Crazymamaof6 said...

naked in a public place? NO

i wasn't going to answer hoping someone else would but i have a new question.

Question? if you won the lottery or suddenly came into some serious money what would be the first thing you would BUY?

Rebecca Irvine said...

A new car!

Question: Where is your favorite place to eat out at?

tammy said...

Cheesecake Factory - yum!

(Your readers were chicken - lol)

Do you feel obligated to leave comments on everyone's blogs that leave you comments?

Daisygirl said...

nope, sometimes I don't have time because Im just quickly reading it or just sometimes I don't no what to comment.

Question; who is your biggest hollywood crush?

Amy said...

Jonathan Ryhs Meyers. This is a new one, I fell in love when I saw him in August Rush.

Speaking of movies,

What is your favorite movie of all time?

jayna said...

ohhh. i'm so glad i got this one. and it's easy. josh duhamel. (fergie's husband). yumm-o-licious.

do you sleep with socks on?

jayna said...

ok, so we did that last one at the same time... so i'll answer it again...

favorite movie of all time is the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice.... love that story.

ok, do you sleep with socks on?

Crazymamaof6 said...

sleeping with socks on? H NO!
since i don't own socks nor do i appreciate hot feet while sleeping.
i have to sleep with my feet out of the covers.

Question what is your favorite beverage?

Daisygirl said...

Im loving Cherry Dr Pepper right now!

Question: how old where you when you had your first "real" kiss?

Sarah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah said...

16, and it super sloppy (him. not me).

what's the last thing you do before you go to bed?

Sarah said...

wait, i lied. i was 17, becuase it was senior year of high school.

but the question still stands.

Anonymous said...

Check the alarm clock, like it might have changed magically since this morning... I know, I'm anal like that.

Question: If you had the chance, would you go back and re-do high school, or not?

Anonymous said...

Check the alarm clock, like it might have changed magically since this morning... I know, I'm anal like that.

Question: If you had the chance, would you go back and re-do high school, or not?

sherry said...

That's a hard one. There are some things I would redo, and parts of it that I loved. So I am gonna have to say yes. Do you kiss your husband when he comes home from work?

Anonymous said...

Yes for sure I kiss him all the time...especially since we found out he has colon cancer...I get a kiss whenever I can!

Next question....
How did your husband propose to you?

Love you make me laugh everyday

Daisygirl said...

Sadly it was nothing romantic one day he just said lets go ring shopping!

question: if you could only eat ONE thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

J-ME said...

neapolitan ice cream! Yum and there's still options! :)

which is the snuggle-bug, you or your husband?

Mamarazzi said...

my husband...i like to cuddle for a minute and then i need my space. i am more of a hand holder or leg over the person sitting on the couch together...but he likes full body contact...which is fun too...but only for a little while.

what topic do you blog about most?

Anonymous said...

I mostly Blog about my Children, I blog for journaling purposes and it's a good place to keep track of the things they do.

Have you ever stalked someone(you know, like a guy or whomever)?

Crazymamaof6 said...

i was waiting for someone else to answer. but i can't resist.

maybe I've stalked someone before.i was the QUEEN of the drive by back in the day. always driving by the house of the boy i liked. no actual stalking. but maybe a little on facebook, and on blogs. who doesn't?

Question? what is your fave song to listen to lately?

J-ME said...

Love Story by Taylor Swift she's cute and i live in my own little fairy tale world :)

Five years ago did you picture yourself where you are now? (like 5 years ago you told yourself- in 5 years I want to be or I want to have...)

Tammy said...

Five years ago I pictured myself being a mom, and being a stay-at-home mom. And in a nicer home. That is exactly where I am today. I love it! (most days! lol!) It all came true!

My question is: Do you ever feel like you are raising another child by being married to your hubby, and what is it that makes you crazy about it? (come on, I know you ALL feel that way from time to time!LOL!)

Crazymamaof6 said...

i can't say Lance is that way very often. he'd say i am way more of a child. 'can you cut my meat? did you pick all the fat off?" etc.
i do however have issue with him being naughty in stores. and singing at the table. he's just as bad as the kids. and he usually starts them being silly. UGH.

if you were going to be on EXTREME MAKEOVER (not home, people)what plastic surgery would you want most? what wouldn't you do?

Jen said...

I would love to have the girls lifted back up where they belong and a tummy tuck, I don't think I would do anything to my lips, they always look so unnatural on people.

Question: What is your favorite clothing item you own right now?

Janeen said...

My favorite article of clothing is the jeans that I'm finally fitting back into!

What is your favorite perfume? (I'm wanting to try a new one.)

Crazymamaof6 said...

fave clothing item? that i own right now. hmmm?

i'd have to say my black bra. just enough padding it has no
"show through". and excellent lift. it's the perfect article of it goes with my uniform, white bras show through black shirts. so i wear black almost daily.

Question:what do you prefer? SHOWER? or BATH?

Crazymamaof6 said...

ok same question answered at the same time, i'll go again.

perfume? i think i'll stick with lancome Poeme. love it.

but i've been wearing Jessica Mcklintock since it's handy. IF i wear perfume.

my question stands
Question:what do you prefer? SHOWER? or BATH?

Anonymous said...

Can I answer both of those?
I prefer showers, something about bathing in your own filth grosses me out so NO THANKS to the baths.
My Favorite perfume is Gigli and I am so sure I spelled it wrong but I love it and my sis-in-law recently bought the paris hilton stuff and surprisingly it smells really good, I know, weird.

What is your favorite T.V. show and why?

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

My favorite TV show right now is Burn Notice - he is such a sexy hottie and my hubby has about as big a crush as I do! (he is the coolest spy around you know!)

If you could get away with one crime scott free what would it be?

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

Julie!!! This was the funnest game!!! I loved every second of it!!! I wanted to answer more than one question - loved that it made me think of funny things I've done or that I like!

Daisygirl said...

that is a tough one...Id totally like to get out of paying my medical bills somehow, sneak in and destroy all records that they exsisted!

Question: twilight fans(the dvd comes out soon!) Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Devri said...

Neither, sorry I am not a twillight fan, sorry I ruined that question.

Question: Do you ever feel like shoving your cleaning under a bed and call it good?

(Julie- there is a lady on here who's huband has colon cancer, if you know who she is, could you send her a note and tell her to visit my blog, I would love a chance to talk to her about it, hubby as you know had stomach and colon cancer.. thanks

Crazymamaof6 said...

cleaning going under the bed? hmm YES! except i don't even bother with that. either it's CLEAN CLEAN or it's a pit. more often than not it's a pit. because clean clean involves moving furniture and cleaning under the beds.

and on the twilight one? i'm all about team edward! WHOOHOO!

New Question?

what is your most favorite homemade family dinner menu?

tammy said...

My MIL's spaghetti and sloppy joes. Yummy.

I am so doing this one day on my blog Jules.

What's one thing you lie about?

vsalono said...

I lie to my kids about what I did when I was a teenager. Did I try this or that...... I'm not telling them. I don't want to give them a free ticket to try naughty stuff out, just because I did it, and still turned out OK! I also lie about my weight on my driver's license. Get real. I lied about that even BEFORE I was fat.

When did you have your first french kiss?

blah, blah by lindsey said...

when did i have my first french kiss...oh my gosh...

well let me set the stage, my friend's parent's were out of town, stage set, my boyfriend showed up and we started making out (with my mouth closed, i was very inexperienced). so he politely asked me that he wanted some tongue. i was 17.

what is the longest you have made out without going all the way??

Crazymamaof6 said...

i'm jumping in again. i KNOW you are dying to know the details. but I'm just giving ya what you asked for and that is...6 hours. just making out. no heavy petting even.those were the days.;)

QUESTION-if you could have any CAR you wanted, money was no object, what kind would you buy? what color would it be?

kay said...

a car huh? well i'm not much of a car person. i would say a top of the line toyota sienna with all the bells and whistles, heated seats, individual dvd players etc. and of course it would have to be TOTALLY PAID OFF!!

if you could have one super power, what would it be and why?

KaraLyn said...

Power of persuasion... wouldn't that be FABULOUS??? Get everything you want from others. I'm evil... I know!

What is your favorite time of the day?

Daisygirl said...

I have 2 fav times of day lately 11am nap time and Ive always been a night person so soon as the sun goes down!

Question: the longest you've ever gone without shaving your legs?

Daisygirl said...

I have 2 fav times of day lately 11am nap time and Ive always been a night person so soon as the sun goes down!

Question: the longest you've ever gone without shaving your legs?

Ruth Anne said...

9 months. I am usually wearing jeans anyway.

Do you have a favorite child? Or a least favorite?

Devri said...

I heart all my children equally, but people outstide my home fall in love with my little lavi.

What are you suppose to be doing instead of blogging?

blah, blah by lindsey said...

i am supposed to be cleaning and folding laundry.

if your kids are more than 2 hours late for school, do you take them anyway??

Wendy Phelps said...

If they are fighting and making messes, definitely. Otherwise, probably not.

Where is your favorite place to vacation? Not a trip, but vacation, and why?

Anonymous said...

I have never been on a "real" vacation but I would love to go to New Zealand someday, it looks so beautiful.

Are you going to buy Twilight when it comes out and if you say yes, just for my own curiosity, why?

lifewithquads said...

No I won't. I almost never buy movies for myself.

Do you see who's calling and think about whether or not you want to talk to them before you answer your phone?

Crazymamaof6 said...

Do you see who's calling and think about whether or not you want to talk to them before you answer your phone?

YES. sometimes. usually only if i'm napping. or in the middle of craziness

Question? are you on facebook? and do you love it or hate it?

Anonymous said...

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