Let's talk Easter Baskets....

last year i posted about this entirely too late to help anyone out.
but there are still a couple days left.
SO , are you ready?
need ideas?
i'll tell you what i've done before. and maybe others will COMMENT too, and share something that they have done.
cool? COOL!
- piggy bank basket-with money in the eggs, and a money egg hunt. eliminating candy that year.
-spring fun basket-with a kite, pin wheel, bubbles, punch ball balloon,candy. (this is usually what we do plus something like a webkinz, or stuffed bunny, or one year a toothtunes toothbrush(since i don't normally buy $8 tooth brushes for each of my kids.)
-The beach bucket basket- beach bucket,candy, beach toys, sunglasses,same stuff as the spring fun basket.
-the bug catcher basket-a bug box(walmart has a cheap one that has tweezers,magnifying glass,and flash light),and Lady bugs from the garden center at Home depot,
i've had friends that do
-the summmer fun basket- new swim suit, flip flops, sunglasses or goggles and maybe a towel.
-the movie or video game basket- add a video game or Dvd in it.
filler ideas?
silly putty(has been outlawed at my house)
play doh
punch ball
jump rope
card games
lip gloss
a new purse
hair accesories
mini box of cereal
capri suns
pin wheel
Here's a tip!
last year i found these storage boxes at the $1 store. i had them all ready(with names on), to put their stuff into, to HOARD , when they were done with their baskets. so i didn't have baskets all over, grass filler all over the floor etc.
it think that's all i've got.
Hubtastic's family HAS TO HAVE beef jerky, licorice, and the pin wheel and punch ball.
My family had to have a big Reses' peanut butter egg, and peeps. and a cute bunny or chick, or lamb.
my kids? they are a hybrid of both families. Beef Jerky, Reses' peanut butter egg, punch ball. plus a small stuffed animal(webkinz).
last year, they made demands that the easter bunny NOT bring - fruit snacks . i'd done filler with those when i forgot to shop, they caught on speedy fast.
i have never bought a pre-done basket. the candy is cheap, they are too expensive for essentially CRAP candy and a toy. so i always do my own.
how about you?
what are your traditions?
what is a MUST HAVE in every EASTER BASKET for your Family?
Does the easter bunny bring you a basket? or just the kids?
Do you use the same baskets every year or do something new?
(i used to use the same baskets every year until we had too many kids to get more matching ones, i bought 5 originally, 2 for me and the hubster, and 3 kids ones, then i found them another year and bought another one , but i couldn't keep up. at that point i had no clue we were having a kid a year to buy ahead, so we do cheap buckets from target or sand buckets every year now, until i find some i love again)
© 2009 crazymamaof6
I put in flip flops last year and my kids really liked that.
I love your ideas, I might use them, he he. Love the summer one. And I couldn't comment to the Dear Bunny story, so here goes..
Your wants of guitar hero and RockBand, so my husband. I want a new purse, Jessica Simpson's to be exact and money! Good luck, let me know what he brings you!
Yeah comments are back on!
We have to have a kite, peeps and reses (sp)
♥ I like your idea to have a container to put stuff in. I hate the grass all over and don't want my baskets ruined either! Fabulous idea! :)
Cute, cute, cute ideas. We're doing the money in the eggs this year. With little stuff in the baskets. The golden egg (that I painted and put glitter on) will have the largest amount inside.
oh yay, comments are on!
CUTE ideas! Umm beef jerky? that's funny, but I know my kids would dig that!
Totally great idea about the $1 container for all their crap, so they could use their baskets for egg hunts and so the candy stuff doesn't just fall out or get stolen by the youngers {or even ME - tee hee}!
UGH! I need to go buy stuff tomorrow. Of course, I've waited til the kids are OUT of school, so it makes it harder to shop & HIDE!
Sorry I don't have any helpful ideas. But I'm with you, chocolate & peanut butter candies are a MUST! Oh and I LOVE peeps too! My fave candy color is BLUE for some odd reason. Maybe because you couldn't find candy in BLUE for the longest time! Maybe it's because my fave kind of Icee is BLUE! Except I don't like the BLUE slushy at Sonic - weird coconut flavor! blugh!
guess I'm full of hot air tonight. hahaha
forgot to mention...
i LUV your Easter Bunny wish list!! If you get the Metallica one, I'm inviting myself over! LOL
If you don't get either, we still need to ROCK OUT together. Either your house or mine or both! heee heee
Thanks for the ideas. I want to do Easter Baskets but really don't want my 2 & 3 year old eating candy all day long... so I would end up eating it. Which is yummy at the time, but then I just feel gross for days after eating bags of candy. Hope you have a great Easter.
this year I am getting a basket. I have been on a diet and I am going to eat my candy and not try and beg from the girls. I have to have peeps (I'm the only one), mini cadury eggs (I can't find them this year anywhere) reeses anything and dove truffle eggs. Oh and jelly beans the cheap old $1 kind I like reg and spiced, not a fan of all the new flavors. Did you go to Paige's? I couldn't and was so looking forward to getting me some new bling and they changed the day. Now I'm stuck at home feeling sorry for myself. Oh well.
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