Sunday, May 17, 2009

Feeling Haunted, a little bragging and tales of a boy crazy 6 year old.

the end of the school year is looming ever closer. it haunts my dreams. i have waking nightmares about how we will fill our time. i toss and turn each morning when i wake to whining children. tattling, and bickering. DAILY I'm tortured by interrupted sleep.

how will i survive this summer?

it is unclear.

past experience tells me we will survive. and it will fly by just as fast as the school year does.

but until it begins i fear the worst.

3.5 school days left.


I need to brag about this kid for a minute....

PEYTON (aka 'the eldest') has earned 436 *A.R. reading Points this school year.

in 4th grade he read....(i'll list the ones i'm actually aware of)

-Battlefield Earth.


-Fablehaven series books 1-4

-Eragon, Eldest, and Brisingr

-Pendragon series books 1-3 (he's harassing me to get # 4 and #5 so he can read and test before the end of the year. and he'll probably read the rest of the series before summer is over if I can track the rest of the series down.)

there's loads more. tons i never even saw.

There were lots he didn't get to test for because they didn't actually have them in the library. or have tests for them.

anyway. it's hard to keep the kid in books.

and would you believe he doesn't even read all the time.
he can always be found playing Lord of the Rings online. (yeah we are nerds with the lifetime membership)

anyway. i'd say it's a big deal.

he is under the impression that he broke some kind of school record with his AR reading points. i need to confirm that though.

anyway. I thought it was worth a mention .(I thought it should be noted here, in case it's not celebrated elsewhere )


today Joy was talking incessantly at me( i say AT ME because if you've ever talked to Joy she doesn't talk to you she talks at you, in your face and up close ,She's a "close talker", but you don't actually have to listen, she is happy to go on and on talking at you until you make her stop.)this morning she was discussing her upcoming birthday plans.

making glitter cups, going for pedicures. and swimming (not in that order though)

along with her birthday ideas she had some new pet options she wanted to discuss.

she listed. Rats, a live Horse, and or a PIRANHA . she thought that would be a nice addition to our fish tank. (to go with our one pathetic beta that she doesn't even look at or feed)


she's an odd one.


but this Thursday at 8:45 am . Joy shall be honored with an award for 'Winning Attitude' in her first grade class. Grandma has been invited to witness this historic event.

be assured there will be video and pictures of this Joyous occasion. she is feeling super cool about this award.


OH and best part of my day?

I was doing Joy's hair for church and Liberty brought her a note that Joy had Apparently dictated to Liberty for Joy's crush RIGGS!("Oh, just put it in my backpack")

for a full year now she's been crushing on this boy.

i about died when i read this note.

I secretly scanned it into my computer to share.

apparently it's the end of the year and she MUST KNOW how he feels .
I said they needed to rewrite it,
but Joy said ,"it's just fine like that, put it in my backpack!"


i would do stupid crap like this as a little lovestruck BoYcRaZy girl.

i live in fear daily, of what my future holds with this child.

* AR reading is an Accelerated reading program our school district participates in. they read books and take tests for the books they've read that give points for comprehension, and story line details. it's totally optional. it encourages reading for enjoyment.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6


Daisygirl said...

oh my gosh the love note is the cutest thing ever!!!

tammy said...

I remember writing notes like that, with little boxes to check - ues, no, maybe. So funny. Yeah, you're gonna have to watch her.

Eliza said...

We do AR reading too, that's cool I didn't know they did it down there. I hate it when they don't have tests for books they read from the city library or other places, totally bugs me. Like Brisingr it's like a 30 point book and they didn't have the test!!! I'm just saying! Way to go Peyton! That's awesome! And I too live in fear of my 7 year old daughter growing older, at least I only have one!

lifewithquads said...

Great job on the AR points.

I feel your pain with the love notes. One of mine has had the same boyfriend for the last two 1/2years. And, when they talk on the phone they say 'I love you'. GAAH!! They're only 10!!

SuperCoolMom said...

Woohoo for the AR record - dying to know if it is an actual school record. All I can say about Joy is ...karma.

Laura said...

What a smart boy! We do AR here too and that is a lot of points. I love the "love" letter, how sweet. Watch out there Mama.

I am with you on summer. Somehow I always survive though. This summer I am more worried than ever because my twins never nap and its go go go trouble trouble trouble all day long. We get out June 5th. Heaven help me.

blah, blah by lindsey said...

that love note is hysterical!

congrats to joy for getting winning attitude!! and too peyton for being so dang smart!

Hesses Madhouse said...

Congrats to your awesome kids! My oldest son is also a read-a-holic. If he doesn't have something to read, it's like he's going to die. My daughter whose middle name is Joi talks at me just like your Joy. So funny! I love how you describe things. I look forward to hearing about your summertime adventures. We still have until June 12th here. Good luck with it all!

Tara said...

Oh my gosh! Your son probably can read at a higher level than my husband's high school kids. Scary. So my mother-in-law is Joy's primary teacher and she always has the funniest, cutest stories about Joy. What a crack up! I love a cute girl and a cute personality!!! She sounds hilarious.

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