Saturday, November 7, 2009

a Joy to have around

Today i went shopping at the mall with my girlies and Pierce while the hubs took the big boys to the SCOUT-O-RAMA!

when i told Joy it was time to get ready to go she said," OH, i have to look CUTE, in case i see Rigg's at the Mall!" ( yeah cuz that happens in real life all the time. she watches too much Disney channel, like where Candace runs into Jeremy on Phineas and Ferb)

Later we had gone into Wet Seal to look at something for Liberty and while she was trying that on, Joy was checking out a mannequin that was sporting some purple ripped skin tight skinny jeans, layered with a top and sweater and belts and whatever is TOTALLY IN at Wet Seal.

after studying it for a few minutes, Liberty came up to look too, and Joy said , "WHAT ARE THEY THINKING? NO ONE IS GOING TO BUY THOSE! THEY ARE RIPPED! Who buys jeans with holes in them?"

Then. while shopping we took a snack break and sat down to eat soft pretzels. and Joy pointed out a sign in a store window with 75% off, she started explaining that stores keep advertising sales so people will want to go in and buy things and spend money. i have no idea where she learns these things but she was right on with that assumption.

While Joy's incessant talking was overwhelming at some point, and annoying sometimes, I admit I was FULLY entertained by the running commentary from her, from the moment i announced it was time to get ready, to the end of our shopping trip where she analyzed sales trends.

She kills me. she's so dang funny.

Today I'm thankful for Joy. she keeps me entertained. I'm grateful for her intelligence and her intuitiveness. I love her spunky personality and her sensitive nature. she is a Joy to have around.

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© 2009 crazymamaof6


Jen said...

Seriously LOVE Joy! I miss that girl!

And still giggling at the thought of you going to Casa Grand, lol!

Chinny and Poom said...

I can't wait until my little girls are at the age where they want to go to the mall with me.
The holey jeans...this was a question that my five year old asked me the last week as I was "vintage-ing" some old jeans of mine...attempting to hip them up a little. Everytime I wear them she says, "Mommy, why did you put holes in your pants?" Finally, all of the explaining turned into simply.."Mommy's legs get really hot so I needed some air...BUT DONT EVER do that to your pants." Good Mommying.:)

blah, blah by lindsey said...

oh joy! i miss that kid! can she spend that night at my house :)

Daisygirl said...

haha, she is definitely one smart cookie! Her name is just perfect and fits her :)
Now that you blogged about the mall I have an urge to go malling!

Rebecca Irvine said...

You are much braver than I am. I hate taking kids to the mall. Too much work and begging for things I can't afford.

Lori Thompson said...

What a sweetie! I have one of those, we call him Jackson in our home!

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