Thursday, December 24, 2009

Twas the day before Christmas...

Twas the day before Christmas...

and all through the house , a creature wrecked havoc, it wasn't a mouse.

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the devil woke up and unwrapped some gifts.

he ate bowls of sugar and spilled them with Sis.

the parents were sleeping after wrapping all night.

as Christmas looms closer the house is a sight.

The cards are all out and the cookies are baked

Crazymama has rocked it, whatever it takes.

a Fabulous Christmas for all , especially you!

if we can survive it , we believe you can too!


last night we were up until 5 wrapping, unpackaging, charging stuff, and sorting, separating and

prepping.(it makes christmas morning so much easier and more fun to be able to play with that car as soon as they see it, or hug a doll instead of look at the package)

this morning we slept in. Pierce didn't.

he sprayed ant spray on the clean tile.

unwrapped the only gifts under the tree which were Liberty's to everyone. so she in turn woke me up wailing about it at the buttcrack of dawn.(roughly 10:30am)

Pierce , Joy and Hope had bowls of sugar for a snack and proceeded to spill an abundance in the basement. the list goes on of the terror he wreaked.

it's a good thing we pulled an all nighter last night though or we'd be screwed tonight. it's still going to be a late one.


i need to assemble a basket still with wire cutters (for the couple things i haven't unpackaged), Scissors, and garbage bags, along with the camcorder, and camera. so I'll be all set for the big event in the morning.

oh and i get to brave the stores also. it seems we forgot one item, and need some more groceries and last minute batteries. hope your holiday prep is going well. have a fabulous Christmas eve and christmas morning!


stop by in tomorrow to see my christmas card for those that didn't get a real one. ;)

do you have any great last minute prep ideas?

what do you have for Christmas day breakfast?

let me know if you enjoyed the poem. ;)

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© 2009 crazymamaof6


tammy said...

Loved the poem.

Christmas breakfast this year is french toast made with cinnamon bread from that bakery by Jen's house, and bacon. Sometimes we have cinnamon rolls, or that yummy breakfast casserole, just whatever I'm in the mood for.

Thanks for the card! You know I didn't get mine out this year. Hope you get everything wrapped and done without having to stay up all night tonight!

Andrea said...

I ♥ the poem. You have mad rhyming skills!

Hmmm sugar as a snack. Totally something I did as a kid, but in secret so no one would see me & I cleaned up any mess it made so I couldn't get in trouble. heee heee

Well, we have waited until the very last second to even begin wrapping. It used to be our tradition - wrapping at midnight. Last year was the first year I had ever wrapped EVERYTHING early. All I had to do was put stuff under the tree early & set out the *other stuff* after the kids went to bed.

Kids just now got in bed and now we are thinking about wrapping. LOL

Hope you get some sleep and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

Heather said...

Love the poem!!
We have a BIG breakfast instead of a BIG dinner, it usually consists of eggs, bacon, french toast, "little piggies"(pork sausages, pancakes, orange juice, hot chocolate, there's more but I can't really think of it!

I had to go out today and do some last minute shopping for the hubs, we did all of our prep yesterday too, so tonight we just had to put it all out! I hope you have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

I loved the poem. It was awesome!!! We have monkey bread for breakfast on Christmas day. But this year I didn't make it - I'm lame so we had cereal.

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