Thursday, September 9, 2010

Don't count your chickens before they hatch...and other lessons learned while moving

the house I fell in love with. still isn't ours.

no news isn't always good news. (we applied a week ago)

we started hunting for a different rental 2 days ago. looked at 3 more. applied for 2 more.

none were as nice as the first.

they were all more expensive.

one was almost dumpier than I can handle, BUT it's 5 minutes away and has a pool.

it's a rental. right? it can be for just one year. and we can go through this hellish process again. sigh.

In the meantime, the hubs has been a packing fiend and since we have no where to move the stuff, it hasn't been a frantic mad dash to haul things back and forth.

unfortunately, that means the toaster oven got packed away days ago...but darn it, I wanted toast. so I broiled some on the rack because the pans were packed too.

lesson learned: I ♥ my toaster oven.

the sauce pan was packed up. so he microwaved the spaghetti sauce.

lesson learned: dinner can be cooked in more ways than one

the things we use are packed. thinking we should have been in days ago and unpacked already.

lesson learned: he does it differently than I do. I can't complain so it still gets done.

time is short. i'm prone to panic. but instead I've kept a cool head and just made myself sick.

more sick than i was before. it's the stress. it does that to me.

bright side?

we might get a house 5 minutes away with a pool, AND i won't have to move school districts for Pierce, who rides the short bus.

the kids could technically stay at the same school since it's conveniently located, OR they could switch. either way.

did i mention the pool? no more fat lady at the public pool syndrome. gotta love it.

or maybe we'll hear back today on the better house, for less money, close to friends?

in the end i'm pretty sure once we move in and are settled everyone can relax. I'll feel better. and well, the kids will adjust.

every house we look at they LOVE it the most.

They fight over who gets what room. who is gonna share and everything else they can think of to talk my ears off.

honestly there are upsides and downsides to every house.

So far in the running we have....

1. nicest house. better neighborhood. crappy school district. cheapest.

2. bigger house. scary light carpet. better school district than #1.

3. huge house. close to my family. same school district. pool. crappy outdated everything. most expensive (of the 3) .

i think in the end we'll take what we can get and lump it for a year if it ends up not being what we really REALLY want. It's safe to assume the first to approve us gets us at this point.

so we continue packing and waiting.

and maybe hunting some more. maybe the best one will come along today?


i'll keep ya updated.

Bright side: today was the first day in 4 that i didn't wake up feeling the overwhelming urge to vomit.

so it's already starting out better than every other day this week. fingers crossed the feeling lasts.

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© 2010 crazymamaof6


Jamie said...

Hey lady, wish there was something I could do. Hope something comes through for you fast!

Amy said...

Yay for the lack of puking! Moving bites. I hope it goes smoothly for you guys.

jayna said...

here's to having my fingers crossed for you!!!! can't wait to hear which one you get!! i know it's probably stressful for you and i hope they can make a decision fast, but to be honest, it's quite an adventure and i feel like i'm part of it.


Mamarazzi said...

what's the big hold up that someone can't tell you they will rent to you? that's crazy! you would think they would want the rent instead of an empty house. especially in this economy.

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