Sunday, November 18, 2012

catching up, it's been awhile.

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Ahhh....Long time no blog, huh?!

you've missed me, admit it!

let's update.

Liberty turned 13 in October, she is so grown up and beautiful. I admire her confidence and her ability to stay away from teen drama. She wants no part of the girl drama and will not put up with it.  I call her a diva but she's really sweet and kind to everyone. She's 5' 8 1/2"  she hasn't grown in a few months so Peyton has finally caught up to her. Now they really look like twins.

My Family reunion with my siblings over October Break was delightful. 4 days in the woods with no internet or cell service. it was a nice change. the kids loved running around and digging in the dirt with cousins, walks to the creek and playing with the camp fire. we had movie night, and crafts. it really does deserve it's own post.

Then there was the delight of Halloween times 7 kids. plus some bonus costunes.

Pierce was a vampire, Patriot was Dumbo on halloween night, Paxton was an Asian Rice Picker, Hope was a gypsy, Joy was an indian, and Peyton was a nerd on Halloween and Liberty was a disco diva.

For the trunk or treat at the big kids school, and Grandma Joann's halloween party  Peyton was an Army guy and Patriot was a Devil. 

This is how the back of the suburban looked for the trunk or treat.
The hubs decorated it by stealing stuff off the mantel. ;) 

I wasn't all that into Halloween this year, I barely decorated for one of my favorite holidays. The little kids were beside themselves and did some decorating on their own.  I eventually decorated the mantel, I should run down and take a pic, it's still up.

Then at some point we bought a new Car, her name is Jetta. she's fabulous and I went from spending $200 bucks a week on gas to only $50. amazing!

As if my life isn't busy and crazy enough, we are moving in the month of December. We found a rental one house away from my favorite brother Aaron, and jumped at the chance to live close to them.

It's glorious and I admit I totally coveted their house when they moved in. Now we will have granite tile counters and a full finished basement and media room too. plus the added bonus of cousins to play with and go to school with. it will be extra great.  and worth the insanity of moving at Christmas time.

So there we are, that's what I've been up to.

Peyton turns 14 tomorrow. I can hardly believe my firstborn is so old. he's a good boy, he has his teenage testosterone rage moments but he's a helpful and sweet too.

I love my kids.

© 2012 crazymamaof6


Jo said...

Hi! So glad to hear from you ... wow you have been busy but it all sounds good, new car, new house, kids growing up!

Hulk Granny said...

you've been missed!

Mamarazzi said...

seriously rad about the move. we moved the week after Christmas last year...cray cray, but totally worth it.

i am starting to miss blogging...

The Lovely One said...

Hi! I hope you keep us updated more often! Have fun moving!

Renee said...

Great update! Sucks that life goes on when we are still sad, BUT you've had some good stuff there. Jealous of your upcoming granite counters. I have the basement though...if you've never experienced the awesomeness of kids playing wildly AND NOT HEARING THEIR FOOTSTEPS SHAKING THE CEILING you are in for a huge treat. Merry Christmas indeed!

Laura said...

Love the update!!!

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