Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day!

Today was mother's day! I think it turned out pretty well. I normally hate mothers day! I always have expectations that this is the one day a year that is better! It is supposed to be my day! and a Day to remember my own mother and my mother in law. I love the shopping for the gift for them and the thought behind the things i pick. It is just my part of the day i kinda feel shafted! NORMALLY! I get up early to get the kids dressed and ready for church, I always want them to look good and especially on mother's day since they are a reflection of me. SO i fight the girls to get their hair done, dressed and ready for church and i spend way more time on them than i do for myself. So i always look like crap "on my day" Then we go to church to get what? a carnation? this year our ward gave out potted plants. Not that it is about the gift, but you know, you expect it, right? And sometimes the talks on mothers day are very thoughtful and well prepared and other years they aren't. It is hit or miss. ok and if you have a calling, you still do your part, and miss the special Mothers Day lesson? We as a religion don't believe in going to restaurants on Sunday? or stores? So when do we get to eat out? the night before. And then the visiting starts, my family is having something and at the same time as his, and hell, It's my day & I wanna relax! or take a nap! And the party's for both families is dinner? SO WHAT! if the hubby is supposed to be cooking? I have to shop for it, I have to usually make whatever I shopped for? Then we load up and go here and there and get home after 10:00pm and put the kids to bed!

We went out to dinner last night, I was feeling pretty good about that!This year we went as a family to Carraba's last night which was delightful and my kids were surprisingly good! We haven't taken them out much because of the fear of misbehaviour! Lance and I and the kids went to Marshall's and he bought whatever i liked, and the kids stayed with him to pay while i went to Kirkland's Home and bought something for my mom. I wanted to buy her something from sally jean, but it takes 2-3 weeks for delivery on that so, i bought some stuff i wanted for myself, for her. I hope she likes it. My mom always taught me the best gift to give, is one you want for yourself! I totally buy gifts that way. I hope she like what i got her.

This year we ditched church! and eliminated that whole mother's day drama . We made the rounds to each family function. and We got the kids in bed late(10:30) but all in all a fine day. I feel like i am the only bitter one about mother's day and the getting shafted on the ideal, resting and relaxing. The lack of dining out, and proper, happy children. Delusional! I am delusional!
This year i accept the things i cannot change, and had the wisdom to know the difference! But i did eliminate one part that makes my day less than ideal. maybe next year i'll go to church all alone! no wrestling kids in sacrament meeting, no getting them ready for church, All me sitting happy, alone in church, enjoying the talks, looking good! Ah fantasy life ! Delusional! Motherhood! The toughest job I've ever had! I hope you had a good one!


tammy said...

I feel the same way Jules. This year I did go to church by myself, only because we were at the lake too late on Sat. and there was no waking the boys up to be there by 8:00. And I had to be there to play the piano while the primary sang, otherwise I would've slept in too. But I have to say I missed having my boys with me. Really good talks on being a mom, and I sat there by myself missing them. And they didn't get to sing to me, but that's nothing new since I'm always playing the piano, they're always singing to the audience. We also had a beautiful woman with a beautiful voice sing a song about being a mom and having her sheep for only a little while. I lost it. And I did get a nap. But no nice dinner. I even hinted to my DH that Panda sounded good, and I thought he was going to go get it until the Jazz/Golden State game started. Then I knew better. Oh well, nice gifts, a nap, hanging out watching a movie w/a husband who was actually in town, and the boys not fighting.....practically perfect.

tammy said...

Sorry, that was a long post!

ZB said...

I think that most mothers feel that way on mother's day. One year my brother gave a talk in church on mother's day about how bad his mom was. Nothing was perfect. He gave the "REAL" story if you know what I mean. I am sure that ever woman in that ward had a great DAY! We've got to just let go and figure that we are doing the very best we can, right?

Webb Family said...

I feel the same way! I expect way to much. I was grumpy waking up and getting the kids ready and Mike even made a huge yummy breakfast. But, no one cleaned the kitchen after. The twins were horrible at church but, Mike took them out. I just sat with the big kids so nice. The speakers were awesome. I'm glad your day was good, lucky girl getting to go out to dinner and shopping.

Courtney said...

Isn't that always how it works! My husband family planned a mothers day party at the same time as our church. I had to go to church because we did a huge fundraiser for girls camp and I had to make sure that 142 women in the ward got their corsages that their husband had pre- purchased. So here I am on mothers day at church while my husband and his family were having a mothers day party. And to think that I thought for a minute that because the holiday is called Mothers day that I should be treated like its a special holiday for mothers? O well. Happy Mothers Day!!

Andrea said...

I am so glad that I'm not alone in feeling very similar. I had a good day, just tired. Plus, I was hoping the kids would help get each other ready for church while I got myself ready. But NO, I still had to help the kids & fix myself last (as usual). Anyway, I got upset because we cleaned the house on Saturday & was gone all that night & magically by Sunday morning the house was a disaster & the kitchen was a mess. So, I got upset & told the kids that THIS was MY DAY to be celebrated and appreciated for everything I do for them. And they should take care of me for one stinkin' day out of the whole year! They tried to apologize and tried to help, so that was nice. But of course it was the usual busy time after church..over to my brother-in-law's house for dinner for my MIL, then over to my parents' house for dessert (homemade ice cream). I was only looking forward to seeing my Mom & the ice cream. But it was a good day & very long & now I have lots of cleaning to do tomorrow cuz I didn't get it done today.

Ok, sorry this is very long & I'm rambling. Oh well, I guess we all just expect a day of doing nothing & being pampered & we have to check back in with reality & accept it. As long as my kids tell me how much they love me and I'm the bestest Mom ever & give me lots of hugs, then I'm totally great!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

See you are not the only one. I know how you feel too. I feel like I get lost in the whole with trying to make my mom and my mil happy. My dad got me a really pretty corsage and my kids gave me really cute cards and gifts. Cooper teacher did silhouttes of them. I can't wait to hang it on the wall of my new house. I got a camera the weekend before, so that was my gift (which I love). I did get a nap and when I woke up my kid was bald and Alan was so mad he wouldn't come down to dinner. So I to deal with my brother's kids and my kids screaming and running around the house. By the time they left I just wanted to go to bed but no I had 3 hours of typing to do. This weekend Alan is going to father and sons with his dad and I am making him take all the kids, so I am going to get a pedicure on Sat.

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