Crazymama's RAD Followers

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Tales from the herd.(click on the magic portal)
We got back from the surgery center about 8:30 it was super fast and he did awesome. He was getting a little fussy before he went back for his turn but it was 7:45 and he'd had no bottle. Poor guy! But he did awesome! he's napping so I'm gonna go take one too!
rantings by Me
11:13 AM
Lucky. I am gonna miss my nap today and I need it after my late night.
What a sweet boy. I think he deserves a treat for being so good. I wish I could take a nap. But I'd sleep too long. And then I'd be all sorts of grouchy.
That's awesome! I'm sure he's gonna feel much better now! Glad you get a nap! You need to teach me how to do that!! :)
Glad he's doing good. What did you go through to find out he needed the tubes?
As far as Baby R's ears go, I have talked with Dr. Barnett and we're just waiting on the referral. (She said it takes about 3 weeks) He ALWAYS has fluid behind his ears, it's just not always infected. So we will have it checked out and see what comes next...
He's always falling down, too, poor guy!
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