Pierce is joining the rest, getting tubes Thursday!
Pierce is 9 months old today! and tomorrow he's getting tubes in his ears like all the rest of my kids. so 10 surgeries for six kids. Hopefully that is all we'll have. the little girls get to spend the night with my mother in law so we don't have to worry about getting them ready and Joy off to preschool. Lance will take the big kids to school and I;ll take Pierce and be at the surgery center at 7:30. So we'll see if i get time to blog in the morning! after I get back. have a good one! and wish us luck!
Good luck! You are a pro at all the surgery stuff.
He'll be an even happier baby! Wait - can that happen with him? He is such a happy kid already!! Can you imagine him happier? Super great!!!
Good luck. That is nice of your mil to take the younger kids. Just think you can have a mini vacation while he is in having surgery.
Good luck Pierce!
Let me know how it all goes...
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