Saturday, October 20, 2007

the things i didn't do this week and weekend delights

oooo lala! can i just say i am disappointed in myself and my fan-freaking-tastic blog skills. I have missed out in the last week on

  1. memory lane Monday,I had a good one it was the one year anniversary since my mom broke her neck in a car accident. dang i missed it!
  2. top ten Tuesday- slacking, there were great ideas to steal this week too but no dice! crap!
  3. wonderful Wednesday? or wonder of Wednesday?! nothing not one thing to wonder about damn!
  4. Hello Thursday 13! i have missed you for the last few weeks. it was my chance to redeem myself from Tuesday's laziness. shiest!
  5. funny Friday? not funny! nothing funny! what about wish for it Friday? nah, and no fun Friday either! damn it all to hell! nothing! no post at all on Friday! WTF? and yeah i say it out load when i type that. so there.
i did blog today but it lacked personality. and that just isn't satisfying!

the last couple days? wonder what is up? why i am too busy to blog? and not even commenting anywhere? well let me tell ya!

the drama? my wild bunko group! the one i love and feel so free at has crapped out. i have to admit i am very sad. i only joined just before easter so when was that? april? ok so yeah very distressed over that and all the drama that went down. emotions were running high with that. and i apologize if i got involved. it sucks! sucks! sucks! and i am SAD!

then Friday the kids had a primary program practice after school. and then we got pizza and went to the park for a couple hours.

tonight the ward chili cook off. in our new ward, the ward i grew up in. it is a tad weird to be back permanently.

and tomorrow the primary program. yes! super exciting. and my mom is coming with us. yay! maybe she'll go early and save good seats.

i went tonight and bought new tights and black dress shoes for 3 girls to go with their Christmas dresses they will start wearing now. i bought Pierce a new church outfit, and socks and shoes, and the big boys socks. mostly so i don't have to hunt in the morning. it has been a really long time since i have done that(buying new stuff so i don't have to hunt in the morning) but it will make for an easier morning, and since i used to do it every week, i feel fine to do it for tomorrow when we have to get there in a timely manner at 8:15 for the kids to find their spots and for us to get seats. and how luxurious it will be to sit with only 2 kids. yay!

crap! i forgot to lecture on the importance of not picking their nose on the stand or waving to me or standing on their seat shaking their booty , or sitting on the top of the seat and then having it flop down fast like kids do at the movies. all of that happened at the practice on Friday. love the primary program!


onehm said...

Alright girl, I'm feeling the old CrazyMama coming back in this post!!! And I can't wait to watch your primary program tomorrow AM with NO KIDS!!!!!! That is the best part of this calling...see ya tomorrow!

Supercool Mom said...

I have missed not seeing your comments on everyone's blogs, but I'm hoping that you got stuff done at home or had some fun instead! i've been staying up way too late blogging because I haven't had any time to check people's posts until the kids are in bed - DH is getting tired of it.

You can have a lecture before you leave for church and slip all those hints into it on proper primary program behavior - oh, did I say slip in, I meant harp on...

Cecily R said...

Our ward still hasn't done the primary program, in fact we haven't even practiced for it yet.

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who hunts and stresses on Sunday morning for everyone's church stuff. I've seriously thought about not going just to get out of that ritual. And I only have three kids! I don't know how you do it with twice that many!

Brandi said...

Gotta love those primary programs!! Hope it went well.. I bet your kids looked so good in their new outfits!! :0)

blah, blah by lindsey said...

k so you know the group didn't break up bc of you. there were issues, nothing you can do about it. live and learn right? :)

Jen said...

Love the primary program, we have ours next week, and since I have to be up front we are on a hunt for the perfect outfit for me!! Yes, I will take any excuse to shop!!!

Andrea said...

Our primary program is next week. I love them! Although, I'm in primary, so I get to sit up there w/ the kids. Felicia has a little solo, so she's excited! My kids all have their speaking parts memorized, so we're good to go. First time ever, we don't have to go up front until after sacrament is passed. YAY!!! Lucky Ben, only has to take care of Anson when we go up there. Although, Anson may freak out & get upset cuz he doesn't always like it when I leave & he can't go w/ me. Oh well, he'll have both our parents to help out.

Anonymous said...

Oooh! I can't wait to see your kids outfits for Christmas. I wish we lived closer, you could help me pick my boys out.

Crazymama's RAD Followers

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