Sunday, October 21, 2007

a small confession /realization. all about Hope!

( this picture has nothing to to with the post except it is a picture of Hope. She's wearing her cat hat after preschool one day)

I confess i have not potty trained my 3 year old. Hope

i rationalize not worrying about it, by thinking it is fine to buy diapers or pull ups for her because at one point in time i had 4 kids in diapers. yup! 4! and so buying diapers and pull ups and changing only 2 kids is no big deal!

and i hate to clean crap out of panties and i refuse to wash them so i throw them away and i am a tad frugal in the fact that i refuse to let her wear panties if she is going to take a crap in them.

yesterday Hope was describing to me the contents of her diaper. (she wears the same size 4 as Pierce by the way so i just grab whatever is handy when i am changing her.) anyway she was telling me she had pee and poop in her diaper and it mixed all together (wringing hands in a mixing action) and it was now diarrhea! yeah that is how it works pee and poop all mixed up together in her diaper, 'member? she likes to use the word remember when she is telling me a story it comes out like 'member? and i think it is dang cute.

another confession involving Hope, when she was stinky, i would ask her if she had pooped in her diaper, "do you have poop?" and she'd tell me no! if i rephrased the question like this " Hope, do you have crap in your pants?" yes! or "did you take a hairy dump in your diaper?" yeah! for some reason poop is a no, but crap and hairy dump describe it to her perfectly. I think it is hilarious! 'member? and one time she told lance she had to go doo doo! interesting, i wonder if that is what they call it at school?


Janan said...

You are up, I am up! Is everyone up? Woke up at midnight due to no ability to adjust this moment to the time change! It is day time wher we were! Loved the poop description!!

Jamie said...

FOUR in diapers at once, that is crazy!!!! I was getting sick of two in diapers and one in pullups. You are truly Super Mom! It is so funny the little phrases kids choose to latch onto.

Libby said...

I waited until Jackson was well over 3 to potty train him. I think I was lazy. But, now I'm trying it with Jefferson and he's only 2, and it's way trickier. He'll wet in his underwear (sometimes), but he'll go to the potty if he's naked. Yep, he prefers to roam the house naked.

Unknown said...

Gotta give it to you that the diaper thing doesn't bother you! I wish I was that way...I have always been an early potty trainer..and sO was my mom with her 8 im sure that is where I have enherited it. It is all what ever is easiest for you that really matters...

She is a cUtIe!

michelle said...

ohh the days of Potty training! I remember them like yesterday! I sound like an OLD lady! hee hee! :) I didn't get to comment on the purses! I LOVE them too! I love the smell, and texture! Everything about them!

TZ Crew said...

Can I tell you how much I love reading your blog!! No matter how bad my day was or no matter how crappy of a mood I am in it is always guaranteed that your blog will make be laugh and put a smile on my face!

Brandi said...

yUmmY!! What a good description Hope!! LoL-- She really is a cutie & you gotta love the things they say.. :0) I am drEaDing the potty training since I have never had to attempt it! i have heard nothing but TeRRor stories from everyone!!! :0)

Supercool Mom said...

That's so funny. I wonder where she got those colorful terms?

Buzz wore his fish hat for 2 days straight, all day!

I was raised in a barn said...

now that is funny!

little jill said...

Holy crap--that's funny. (no pun intended)

Katie said...

I am cracking up right now about the whole crap in your pants. We are working with Spencer on the whole potty thing, so it hits close to home. Too funny. Eventually she'll be potty trained what's the rush... if your life is easier.

Melissa said...

I don't see anything wrong with not potty training. They'll eventually do it on their own and by then they'll be old enough to "get it". I HATE cleaning up "accidents". I don't believe that it is really possible to get pee completely out of a couch cushion, carpet, or mattress. It's so much easier to change a diaper than deal with an accident. My 3 year old just potty trained about 6 weeks ago and she always wants me to go to the bathroom with her. I don't have to do anything- she's completely capable. She just wants me there- I guess for moral support. Sometimes I wish I could just change her diaper and do it on my own time.

Andrea said...

I HATE potty training. All of my kids were interested in the bathroom around 2, but of course, they suddenly don't like it when I keep pushing them in there. They would start refusing to use the bathroom. So, they were all 3 and a few months before they were potty trained. My youngest is still in pull-ups. He only wants to use the potty once in a while when it's HIS idea. Plus, I hate the constant nagging of asking them to go to the bathroom. But I know I need to start getting more consistant and maybe he'll finally be ready. I'm like you tho, if they poop in their pants & it can't just roll into the potty, I don't attempt to clean them & throw them away. LOL :)

ZB said...

Who thinks potty training is fun raise your hand!....nobody? Okay, but think of all the money you could be saving...and then spending on cute purses? eh?????????? think it over.

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