Tuesday, November 13, 2007

thankful for my Hubby Lance!

in other thankful news! i am thankful for my hubby! Lance. I am thankful he helps cook and do the dishes, and the laundry. He drives the kids to school every morning, so i don't have to get dressed right away or go out looking crappy. I am thankful for his hard work and sacrifice for our family and his decision to go to school and get his computer systems engineering degree.
and finish while it was a hard long 5 years with 4 kids in the beginning and six in the end and cancer for me all along he did it, and worked hard and spent long days at school and came home to do my job because i couldn't. and then he did internships and got fabulous job offers. and worked hard at those. and when he got laid off, he found work to do in the mean time. even if it was back to construction for the summer doing AC work. he did it and we survived the summer and now he has a new job that he loves. and i am pretty thrilled we have a job. and a house and are better off in the long run. He sticks to his plan and makes it work out. even though i doubt him sometimes he always pulls it off. and tolerates me all along. I appreciate all he does for me and for our family. and I hope he knows that i love him and appreciate him. and all the sacrifices he's made. I appreciate his generosity with his time , so i can have a little sanity. and the help he give my family members. and i love that he is always teaching the kids scientific information, and mathematical theories behind whatever they are doing. and they get it. they understand in way more depth math stuff than me. that is why our kids are so smart. i teach them social and fashion while he teaches them math and science and we both show by our example fabulous reading skills. But i have no doubt some day our kids will get the advances educations because of the example he showed them going to school and doing home work every night. and someday our sons will be fabulous husbands and fathers because of his example. k Lance, I love you to the moon and back again to infinity and beyond , have fun and be safe! Love ya!


Laurie said...

Wow! what a great post! You are blessed with such a wonderful hubby!

Crissybug said...

You are so blessed to have such a helpful hubby. Not that mine isn't, but dishes and laundry are not on his list. :)

Andrea said...

Awww what a sweet post! I think it's so awesome when hubbies help out around the house! Sounds like he's definitely a "keeper"!!

andrea said...

YaY! Sounds like you got yourself a great one! Fabulous husbands are the best! Mine is one of 'em, too! I give mine major kudos just for putting up with me and my occasional insanity, but he does SO MUCH MORE for us!

Jamie said...

Amazing!! What a great selfless husband you have:):) You are on lucky woman!

smithfam said...

What a great tribute to your man! He sounds wonderful.

blah, blah by lindsey said...

lance is awesome. he goes above and beyond. you are a lucky girl!

donna said...

Oh what a sweet post! :)

Frolicking Night Owl said...


janna said...

What a great DH!

Audrey said...

This was a very sweet tribute to your husband. I think that families with lots of children HAVE to have good dads because otherwise the mom would shoot herself. However, I don't agree with you one bit when you say the kids only get the smarts from their dad. You're a very sharp lady yourself.

I was raised in a barn said...

I love this post! What a great hubby!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet wife you are! I think he's awesome for always being so willing to help you out...you are a lucky girl! Im with you on the school example and the things he teaches your kids. David is the same way with school, and they (your kids, and mine) will benefit huge from the example they are!

LuCkY,LuCkY girl!

crystal said...

This post made me cry.

1) Lance is amazing. Seriously, what a guy.

2) YOU are amazing! Brave, brave woman. And funny!

3) It is obvious that the two of you have fought tribulations, battled odds and overcome so much. I am humbled.

Katie said...

What a sweet post! I loved it! I'm really happy for you that you have such an awesome husband! I'm so happy for me that I have one too! I wish every woman had such an awesome, helpful, wonderful husband! Really, what could be better than that?!

Brandi said...

What a sweet post!! How awesome that he helps out so much with housework! That is better I think than any gift they can give us!! :0)

Micah and Jen said...

What a sweet tribute to a great hubby! Aren't they great when you really just sit and think about it....I think I need to do that more often....because honestly, I NEVER do the dishes and how cool is that? Thanks for sharing this great post! :)

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