Thursday, December 6, 2007

are you FREAKING kidding me?

yeah so i was thinking yesterday while i was doing dishes , about all the things that make me say...

Are you FREAKING kidding me? here is a list.

1. funky milk stink found in stacks of old milk cups! freaking nasty (and the original reason for this post) why do they have to stack them? with milk residue in there, that is just freaking nasty! i would prefer no stacking at all or even rinse them first if you have to stack. funky milk is probably the number one reason i gag while doing the dishes.

2. Cluttered aisles in Walmart at night! the reason i shop at walmart after 11? because i hit target at 9pm and shop at target 'til they close at 11 , then on to walmart , because Hello, it's open 24 hours! but last night, freaking every aisle i tried to go down was full of crap, and freaking people with pallet jacks in the f-ing way! i had to keep going around the long way. totally lame!

3. then every person walking by had to leer, and seriously what is there to look at? but on the way out i realized there was quite a bit of cleavage exposed , so perhaps, it doesn't matter what body it is on, if there is cleavage exposed, you just gotta look. and really they are walmart employees, lower standards to begin with. or maybe i am just HOT! ((giggle))

4. The AZ Republic publishing an Article about why Mormons are different, and saying we don't use the Bible! WTH, i mean, are you freaking kidding me? King James version baby.and how many years did we do of that in seminary? 2 , plus all the years in Sunday school and primary ? yeah. and really I'll admit now we (Lance and I ) politically, are conservative.(shocking) and i hope we can still be friends if you aren't. i don't get into political talk much, if at all. but when the local paper starts bashing( printing fake crap about) Mormons because of whatever is going on with Mitt, then they suck a$$ and will not be getting my business, especially when what they print is false! and i don't love that paper anyway because they seem to advocate for the illegal immigrants that frequent our borders. yeah they have a story, but really? you are freaking kidding me! why don't they bash women and black people and catholics during elections? oh because that isn't kosher. but Mormon bashing is a good time. I see. and yeah still not actually watching the news, or reading the paper but Lance heard it on KTAR(talk radio), and the reason i don't listen to talk radio is... I get all riled up! i am pretty sure Lance is regretting telling me this this morning.

5. lately and I'm afraid it will happen more , reruns on my fave shows, and a shortage of new episodes(!) because of a writers strike? are you freaking kidding me? i need my shows! give them what they want and lets get back to it people! i didn't get to watch Private Practice last night because of my Target and walmart escapades. but today it is happening, i am sitting down and watching my show! TIVO baby! love it!

6. i have further analyzed my bah humbug attitude, for Christmas yet again and have come to the conclusion that it is because i am no longer thrilled with my color scheme, or decorative theme, and yet too damn cheap to buy all new. so i am not excited to get anything out. when i brought this to Lance's attention last night? he told me it was just a ploy to spend money,and that i am back to my rationalizing shopping? well if that was the f-ing case, i would have just bought it instead of looking at all of it and not buying a damn thing. ARE you freaking kidding me! that and i am not sure my chosen color scheme would fly with the hubby(fuchsia) and i can't just be satisfied with the ornaments, i need matchy stockings, and tree skirt, and everything else. it isn't happening, i know it won't but it helps to analyze the thought process here, and to be told it is a ploy . well here is the bird honey, have a nice evening.

7. gingerbread houses. are darn cute, many of my bloggety blog friends have cute pictures posted already, they did them , so cute, it's crafty fantastic. and really they are the nicest mothers ever! i look art them every year. and one year i actually bought one, the freaking frosting wouldn't hold it, and i HOT GLUED The sucker together. then just decorated it with the frosting. yeah! plus are you freaking kidding me. 5 kids fighting over who gets to do what, frosting all over. and it looked nasty after a few days from people picking the candy off. I'll just leave that tradition alone. it isn't meant for me.

ok well I'm off to breakfast with my friend. and ALERT sale ALERT**** the walmart secret sale. is posted online. tomorrow at 8 am they are having a secret sale. go to walmart .com and check it out. I'd do a hyper link but really, i am late now and you can do it , I have faith in you. check it out. webkinz advertised for $12 bucks with a minimum of 45 per store. but i would rather have selection than a bargain, since certain people want certain ones.

have a fabulous day! and thanks for all the love on the Roll call! and the Christmas tree , so fun!
did you know you can search for gifts. yeah check out vibrator. and see what you get. funny! but don't' give me one! just check it out.


Heather said...

You have completely slayed me this morning! I am getting up and walking away from my computer with a smile on my face. Totally glad I found you. Positively rad!

andrea said...

OH you make me LAUGH!!!!!

You hot-glued your gingerbread house?!?! LOVE IT!!! I also am a mean mom and hate the mess and fights it creates, and the was just back when I had 3 kids doing it!

They've been begging for another one, and I need something to do for my daily December scrapping stuff, so I may need to cave.....I think I'll get the hot glue gun out just in case!

StrykerLOVE said...

lol - can't believe you hot glue gunned the house - great idea - HATE icing with a passion! and lol about leering walmart pallet stackers!

Megan said...

Very funny post! I'm with you on my shows. I hope you get to watch Private Practice today. It was so good and I love that show!

Holly said...

Oh you always make me laugh - I can't believe you shop at 11pm! Our Target closes at 10, walmart 10 or 11 i'm not sure - i think 11 on the weekends only

YOU ARE HOT!! I'm sure Lance would say the same thing

I keep reading the Mitt stuff too - when they call the house I say, "you want to speak to my husband"

Hope you had a fabulous breakfast!

tammy said...

LOL! I say WTH to many of thse same things! And that is exactly why I shop Walmart early in the a.m. to avoid all the stupid people. I bought two gingerbread houses this year just so the boys could each have their own, but with 6 kids that's probably not an option! Kept them busy all Sunday afternoon!

Andrea said...

YOU are FREAKING Hilarious!! We did the gingerbread house (kit) last year, we all tried to work on it together, but amazingly my hubby was hogging it. ha ha. Then we jut got out the graham crackers and frosting and let them play with that to create stuff. Anson just wanted to eat all the candy! tee hee! It is a BIG mess, but we had fun! And the kids absolutely adored it. So, for us it was about the moment and memories.

Webb Family said...

I love this post!!! I want all new C-mas stuff too, it didn't bother me a bit last year but it's all crap to me now! I'm not sure why!? I'm going to live with it & then hit the 75% off sales after C-mas! Want to go?

Jenifer said...

Oh my gosh, you are freaking hilarious. I am rolling around laughing. Who else would mention a vibrator? And give the finger? I am also ready for the strike to be over. Need a new Office!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

don't get me started on the mormon stuff!! you know my feelings, ummm ya i can get highly volatile on these. good luck with your shows, i know they are gonna pull through this week (hopefully)

Jamie said...

I wish I couls still function that late at night and get some shopping in, but I can't!! Love your honesty!

Kim said...

I hope it is the cleavage and not the stinky milk! Please tell me what it is!

Frolicking Night Owl said...

maybe i'll send a nasty email to az rep.

Frolicking Night Owl said...

maybe i'll send a nasty email to az rep.

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