Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Wednesday - weird things about me. as many as i can think of.

  1. I hate to get out of bed when it is cold.
  2. I don't get up for the alarm the 1st time it goes off unless it is going off early for a sale. (blackfriday , savers 50% off day)
  3. punctuation doesn't bug me but spelling does , and yet, standard typos slip by my notice all the time. but i am not all that anal about it.
  4. i don't think about my cancer unless someone reminds me, and talking doesn't do it but emotions do. like if i read a blog post ,then i get all riled up and emotional about it. i like to live in denial. and ignore it. and am surprised when the emotions sneak up on me.
  5. i can't eat hamburgers with anything but ketchup and sometimes mustard and pickle or onion, a Jr. burger at sonic, or regular hamburger at McDonald's, or Burger King. ketchup only at In 'n' Out. my kids eat a regular grown up hamburger but i can't do the mayo, lettuce or tomato.
  6. i don't eat any fish.
  7. i love vegetables.
  8. i can eat plain mashed potatoes with nothing but salt and pepper if they are homemade. i don't love potatoes flakes or pearls
  9. i don't like to get out of a warm bed in a cold room, winter kicks my rear.
  10. i love super hot showers and have to soak for a long time .
  11. I don't read the newspaper or watch the news all current events totally evade me. i used to but i figured out it made me more stressed.
  12. I totally read the obituaries. if i read the paper.
  13. it bugs when i get forwards with all the old crap on top, the old email lists and the freaking arrows on the side. i totally have to delete all that before i can forward. i personally can't send it with that.
ok so there are some weird Wednesday things.


Laura said...

I thought a lot of these were very interesting and I agree with most of them. I was surprised to read you had thyroid cancer as it touches close to home her. My best friend/sister in law has had it and is still dealing with all the fun stuff that goes with it all. It's been a never ending mess for her... so my heart goes out to any mother who has to try and raise kids and find a way to take care of her own health. I notice my sister in law deals well with hers but when the scan starts creeping up so does her anxiety (well it should). It just takes so much out of her to go through all that! Last year she went on the diet for 3 weeks (because doctors put her off) then someone dropped the ball so even when she was scanned she could not get radiation. Long story short she was suppossed to be done with all treatments and just followed by ultrasounds.... but now she has to do it all again in 6 months! We could have killed someone and she was very upset. Anyway I am sorry for the book I just have a lot of sympathy for you!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

i am the same way when it comes to cold weather. i guess that is why i love in sunny az

ZB said...

Good thing you don't live in Utah because it's a warm weather girl's nightmere. I think that I've just started getting used to it. I too LOVE hot showers. And vegetables. with butter & salt & you think that nullifies the vegetable part?

crystal said...

I love your clip of Phoebe singing "Jinglebitch!" OOOOOHHHHHH SO FUNNY! Made my day completely.

Frolicking Night Owl said...

does anyone like getting out of a warm bed when it's cold??? have to agree with you on the fake potato thing.

Angela said...

I'm totally laughing! When I first pulled up your blog page it said the title and I scrolled down and it was just blank until the comments. I thought you left it blank on purpose!! Then it all popped up and I love it too. Funny. Bunko was great fun last night. It was great to see you! Have a fabulous day!

Jenn said...

Okay- I have the hamburger problem too! And I thought I was the only one. Mayo and burgers totally don't mix! I agree!

And I don't watch the news and stuff either because its crap how stressed it makes me feel.

ha ha ha! These things aren't so weird too me. Its just good to know I'm not alone in some of those behaviors!

Claremont First Ward said...

Fun tidbits. I LOVE hot showers too.

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