Wednesday, December 19, 2007

just kidding!

yeah the ornament quest has come to a screeching halt. it hit a wall with a ScRrrEeeeChhhhhh and a wham with whiplash and all!

i checked my bank account. it is officially overdrawn! i am 100% bummed.

that also means my Christmas cards are officially canceled! yeah. because i haven't ordered them yet, and i don't order things i can't afford (we don't have credit cards) . SOOOOOOOO my fancy extra fabulous pearl finish paper cards will have to be valentines. since Lance and Matt have decided that pearl finish is the way to go, i'll wait until then. e-card anyone?

this also puts a damper on all other Christmas prep. and leaves me wondering what i can return??

yesterday i was feeling all sorts of Holly Jolly. now I'm back to bah humbug. it was the reality of my budget that was causing it, it has become clear to me now.

I knew i couldn't afford the Fuchsia.

so i was just kidding ab0ut ornament quests and christmas cards.


Jenn Toon said...

I totally understand there! Send out card when you can - no rush! :) I'm thinkin' Happy Easter cards or Happy Tax Return cards! :) LOL!!
Let us know if you need anything!! Miss ya! Call if you just want to go walk around Wal-mart!! I'll buy the drink!

AutoSysGene said...

I'm sorry to hear that.

I understand how your feeling. I just found out hubs work will probably be laying people off depending on this years budget. Merry Freaking Christmas to us.

Here's hoping there is good news for both of us soon!!

kay said...

i'm right there with you sister! totally out of cash in the checking account and maxed out the credit card. so i took a pix of the boys and scrounged up change to have 15 copies made so i can send them out to family.and i found an old box cards at the bottom of the gift wrap box and am using those.

i wish those wise men had not brought gifts. they set way too high a standard! :)

Cecily R said...

Heck, this is the first year I've sent out Christmas cards in (once I really started thinking about it) my whole marriage! 12 Christmases!

If I were you I wouldn't even worry about sending cards--this is the digital age, right? E-mail them a picture of the kids that you already have and call it good--heck, call it GREAT.

Sorry about your bank account. I hope that things get better soon.


Debra said...

Girl, I am so there with you. Email them out. Even stamps are too dang expensive right now. It is so hard to be broke. Way for you guys not having credit card debt. It is hard to get out from under that.

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