Wednesday, December 19, 2007

a tad bummed/peeved.

i am trying to let it go, and i know part of it is my fault BUT we weren't invited to our ward party last week. what i mean is we weren't there the week before due to sick family members and didn't go to church SO we missed the announcement. SO we didn't get to go. i felt really bad when i heard in R.S.. i know how people stay inactive, with no invites for the fun stuff.
it keeps bumming me out with everyone with cute ward party pictures. so i keep feeling bad. I wish our freaking ward would get with the times and freaking do a R.S. email newsletter.
i kind of think we missed out on the primary party too, if there was one. yeah. and the ward party was a family one which means we would be more likely to go. I am a tad bummed/peeved.

on another note. i opted out of going to our R.S. enrichment night, i had bunko. and sick kids during the day so i wasn't available to help set up. but never called. i still have feelings of guilt for my flakiness.

rant over.

sidebar: i have no idea who in the ward reads my blog. apparently more than the couple i know about and link too.i'll list who i know for sure. Janeen, Jessica, Ruth,Mabel and one time sis, Mack admitted to linking from Mabel. anyone else?


tammy said...

That's too bad. I agree, every ward should do emails I think, to help reach everyone. And announce things like that for several weeks in advance in case someone isn't there, and posters around for several weeks, too. I'm sorry you missed them.

Claremont First Ward said...

I totally agree that a RS newsletter is not only helful, it's fantastic.

I, on the other hand would be hip, hip, hooraying that I missed the parties. I don't love going to the social events, ever, and if I didn't know, then there is no guilt for not taking my family! :)

Claremont First Ward said...

that would be helpful

janna said...

Sorry you missed your ward party.

Debra said...

I am like Angie, we never go to our Ward's parties. But I am sorry you missed it if you wanted to go. We have poor communication in our ward too.

Anonymous said...

Before you know it, you will be called as ward RS Pres and then you can fix everything ;)

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