Monday, December 17, 2007

there is a tree! FINALLY

ok the deal is , we are pathetic. all weekend we didn't get the tree up or anything i wanted to do done. we went to a party, then a family dinner, and birthday dinner for Paxton, and part of church. yesterday my mom came and took our kids to Primary. dropped them off at church, and left. Then she said , I'm coming tomorrow at 9 am we we are cleaning one room after the other. and putting up your tree.

well this morning rolled around and she had an appointment for my brother she'd forgotten about. but she was coming later, by the time later was there i decided i was sick(headaches and sinus junk) , and she couldn't come. at 11:30 she showed up with pizza. and just as i was telling her from the other room, i was putting lights on the ficus and calling it good she is wheeling her little dolly in with and A TREE! a new pre-lit one. "the kids have to have a tree" . So we put it up, and her thought was if there was nothing on it, its better than nothing. so i am going to decorate it. i got some fuchsia balls, for my jars on the counter but they'll go on the tree instead. and we'll see if i can find (get to) the other ornaments. then she swept, and helped me re-arrange the furniture. which i totally appreciate but makes me feel worse becuase i suck so bad, and can't get it together.

Lance helped this weekend by doing the laundry, lots of it got hung up since we hang almost everything to dry, but then i had to put it away, and the playroom where the attic is, and the closet where the ornaments are can't be reached becuase you can't walk in there, much less open the closet. ahhhhhh! so i have more laundry to put away. but not what i wanted done. so my mom and her tree is awesome!

My mom is too sweet. and i know she loves me. and cares about how i am. she knows I've been depressed. and it's obvious i don't function well when i am i depressed. i thought i hide it ok. but i think she reads my blog. i'm sure it is more obvious than i think too. anyway. i love my mom. and am thankful for all she does for me. and the love she shows to me and my family. she helped here then took Hope home to hang out with her. she loves my kids the most, and misses them. you can't live with and help raise a bunch of kids and not love them the best. i bawled when she brought the tree in , and when she left. i am such a wreck. this year i have dwelled on how bad last year was and not made this year any better. Next year i am putting the tree up as soon as i take down Halloween. well i'm off to go find some ornaments. and put away the 14 loads of laundry on my front room couch. Lance is pissed becuase i don't appreciate the laundry doing , when all i wanted was help with the decorations. doing all the laundry makes more work for me. and laundry is one of those things that will always be there. Christmas has a time line. and i have been slacking . now it's urgent. 7 days of christmas is better than a ficus with lights on it and fuchsia balls though. THANKS MOM! I love you! you are the best mom! and you know just what i need still. pictures coming later of the tree.


Andrea said...

MOMS are the BEST!! And they always know what's BEST for US!!!

AutoSysGene said...

Your mom wounds like mine. She showed up with 12 tins of cookies for me this weekend.

I'm glad you have a tree if you can't find the ornaments, have the kids make a few and hang them up. Something is better than nothing and you will be able to look at the tree and see the love of your family there.

I hope things start to look up for you soon. This is not an easy time of year!!

((Hugs)) my friend, sounds like you could use them.

crystal said...

You're right--7 days of Christmas IS better than a ficus! You do what you can & you offer to pay for their therapy later ;)

janna said...

Awesome MOM!!!

(((((Hugs Twin))))

Laura said...

Yah for your mom! I have been truly blessed by people being there to save me. I am working on being more aware of others needs and helping save them. It feels so good. I am so glad a Christmas tree is up and your spirits have been raised!

Jen said...

Yay for Mom's, they are the best!! Don't worry your kids are fine with 7 days of Christmas, heck I have threatened I don't know how many times to take the stupid thing down since they can't keep their hands off it! Next year I may put it up later so I don't have to hassle with it!!

tammy said...

I love your Mom for doing that for you. I had tears in my eyes reading this. She knew exactly what you needed and just took care of it. Don't be too hard on Lance, sometimes men don't understand what we really need. I think I would love it if my hubby did the laundry, but then he'd probably do it wrong and ruin my favorite shirt and then I'd be pissed too.

Jamie said...

What a super fabulous Mom you have! I am also always impressed by Lance and his willingness to do laundry and house stuff. I really hope things look up for you soon and that you have a happy holiday!

Cecily R said...

Hooray for Mom! I'm so SO glad she's sensitive to you and your family's needs. It's the little things that count the most, huh?

Merry Christmas my RAD friend. You deserve all the happiness of the season.

SuperCoolMom said...

Mom IS the best! Just like Grandma, she somehow makes everyone feel like they are her favorite. I wish I could be more like her - I guess I'd better start practicing.

Love ya joobs!

Laurie said...

Your mom is awesome! You are so lucky to have her close by!

Debra said...

Your mom is AWESOME!!! WTG MOM!!! I am so jealous you have her so close. My mom is 1300 miles away :-( NO WAY IN H*** am I driving 5 kids there by myself!! LOL

Jenn Toon said...

Your mom is a real "JOY" and a great woman!! You are lucky to have her close by and so in tune to your needs!! :)

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