Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Random rad things i want to post about. seems like l prefer randoms the best anyway.

Check out this fabulous treat i got from Melissa at Hope for the Hopeless! it was last week but somehow i am behind on my blogging. so yay and yesterday she put me on her list of 13 fave mommy bloggers. and that makes me feel super , hmm, RAD?!?! YEAH TOTALLY RAD!

and i nearly forgot i get to give this baby away! how great is that?
hmmm, who? who should i bestow the wonder upon?

OK the guy that started this award (yeah i tracked it all the way back ) awarded like 25 people.
so i am giving this baby out to a bunch of people too.
should i go by the definition?? how about urban dictionary?
1. Bodacious

Prodominately used during the 80's and early 90's, bodacious is a combination of the words bold and audacious. To be bodacious is to be:

impressive, awesome, brave in action, remarkable, prodigious.

"Ted, you and I have witnessed many things, but nothing as bodacious as what just happened."

"So please welcome, to tell us what he thinks of San Dimas, the most bodacious philosophizer in Ancient Greece...
Both: Socrates!"

{Describing Joan of Arc:} "A most bodacious solider, and general, Ms. Of Arc totally rousted the English from France."

i need to think on the recipients for this fab award!

debra-@ just another day in paradise.
she has mad coupon skills. and makes me think about saving a buck. and really i totally enjoyed her political discussion. it was very thought provoking on a mom blog.

Rob the nerdy redneck-
- his posts are often COL funny. and believe me i do cackle. and all the fabulous products. i mean i really could use some of those. who wouldn't want some panties warning about my blogging habits!?! really great idea. except i think Lance is well aware of the issue. so who would i need those for?

did you get this already/ becuase you are an ultimate fave. a post from you is the first i click on! fabulous writing. hilarious stories, adorable kiddos. and you are just plain RAD!

love crystal. she does the funnest stuff with her kids. i love her comments they make me feel good even when she's lying. or just being so nice. a mama of 3 with one on the way and all are already betrothed to my children, even if she forgot she said so.
yay crystal will be in my family! i should be so lucky! she is a must see.
totally bodacious!

yes the one from above. i really like her! i feel a bond. and yeah she had the original fabulous template i coveted. and has me now obsessed with making a layout first and then doing my template. it was her. i covet the mad skills. she is totally bodacious.

k and i am handing this out to my fave longtime original commenter's. because they are why i kept at it. even though they are kinda bored with the blogging and too busy to post lots or comment . i still think they are bodacious. and i want more from them . think this will guilt them into it for me?

Lindsey-got me started. and sucked me into the world of blogging. this fave friend is awesome and changes her blog look more than me. hope her computer gets all loaded back up with the goodies, i'm sure she is missing the option of a new look.

Jenny- is a fave friend and love the peek at her life. so when we go to lunch every week we are all caught up. i love her boys and love to see what they are up to! and she is the nicest wife ever. really.

Ashley- love her. miss her. i want her to put back her comments so i can leave her some.

Brooke- cute kiddos , mad skills in the crafts department. love to see what she's up to.

Tammy- still posting , love her comments, and her family is her ultimate thrill. and shopping . a woman after my own heart. and we will set up that meet and greet with Brooke and Ashley someday i promise!

k do you want one too. snag it then and say i gave it to you! really you deserve one too! i hate for anyone to wish they had one, feel they deserve it, and i suck and forgot who is so great. so really help yourself.

KAY THIS is for YOU! i am giving this fabulous award to Kay, she is the one that introduced me to Manic, and Rob, and Melissa, and lots of other fabulous bloggers. so Kay you are bodacious too! snag that and tag people too!


about this topper. i loved it yesterday. well except for not being totally HOT pink fuchsia.
but people asked me how i did it? well I'll share the wonder of my newly acquired mad skills.
i did it on photoshop elements. copied my picture then cropped out all the background. you can find most of these kids pictures in the other pictures on the side bar. and I then added them to the lay out. yeah fancy. not that fancy but a tad time consuming since it was my first time. i was a magnetic lasso virgin until two nights ago, now i am a pro. haha. i was only going to add Pierce, but then added Hope and Liberty, and i couldn't just have 2 or 3 kids i had to do them all. so i did it. and i am loving it.and the kids were super impressed. they are semi obsessed with their own blogs,and click through mine to their own and were a little surprised but the wonder!

but i found another more fabulous, more totally me kit and now i am dying to redo the blog. it is a sickness. i am addicted to redoing my blog. and i may have to do a slideshow of my fabulous photoshop toppers because they are only on here for a week max. and then i change it again. Yup, didn't i say yesterday this would be up for awhile? funny how i don't know myself well enough to say heck yeah this is lasting until i find something better. something i love more, more holiday, more fabulous, more fuchsia! yeah i am a sucker for the fuchsia! maybe i should actually do some digital scrap booking instead of just blog formatting. and while i love every one. sometimes i think I'll love something else more. and i really wanna get some cute red valentines stuff and redo with that. but i am such a sucker for black and fuchsia, totally my signature colors! They speak to me and i can't resist. i'm sound like a junkie huh?!

ok and super sad news my blog friend Janna, my twin from another mother, yeah she is taking her fabulous digiscrapping creations off of Kb and friends. and marking down her stuff 50% off , so go here, get her sale code and load up on the cuteness! and be sure to show her some love with the comments. i need to get over there and buy it all, becuase i need it. i also need an external hard drive to hold all the fabulous things i am downloading daily. so yeah go and get some cuteness. thanks Janna for the cuteness. Oh and she had a fab valentine freebie right now too on her blog. go snag it and of course leave her some love. sniff, it is an end of an era, one i just started on. crap in a handbasket! i am bummed about it too! dang!

ok there is so much more i planned on for this post but i gotta roll . have a fab afternoon and I'll be back.

oh and i got all the kids to school on time today! yes yes! hold your applause! i even gave 4 kids baths or showers too! and even better Lance says he misses US. yeah it is always a question. some times i don't think he'll miss me. just the kids. so yay for that. and i have properly put the kids to bed and woken them up 2 days in a row. joy even said so. so gold star for me! whoohoo.


ALF said...

found your site from Melissa over at Hope for the Hopeless - just wanted to say hi!

Congrats on the award!

Jenn said...

I love the header and all the changes all the time. I just totally love your page- your humor... YOU!!!

kay said...

strange things are afoot at the circle k...bill and ted totally rock!!

i'm sad you didn't pick me. :(
next time ok?

kay said...

oh and i soooo love the crown that pierce has on. awesome!

Shannon said...

What a FAB mama you are! You are handling all of this resposiblity beautifully darling!

Thanks for the heads up on the digi-blogging stuff. I could really use some! Still LOVE the new look!

Congrats on the bodacious award! Totally deserved!

Are You Serious! said...

I'm really bad about changing my blog ALL the time too...

michelle said...

How did you make the topper? It is sooooo cute! :)

AutoSysGene said...

Congrats on the award, I knew I picked the right person. :)

ZB said...

Holy Cute topper. I'm in love with it! Watch for a package in your mail...coming soon. Loves.

tammy said...

Yeah, I always wonder if Luvpilot really misses us, or just his computer, bed and TV. Case in point - today was the only morning we had together all week, and he spent it playing his game.

Your topper is pretty fab! I really need to learn how to do them. Jen had to do mine.

Amy said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your topper very cute. Thanks for the comment. I like getting comments. Have a good day.

Micah and Jen said...

I love all your new blog was very happy to FINALLY get a new look for the New Year! I doubt I will be changing it anytime soon....but I love looking at yours and all your fun stuff! Thanks for the info on Janna....heading over there now! :)

kay said...

i was just teasing you!!! but thank you so much! i'll be taging people tomorrow!


janna said...

Awe thanks so much!
My twin from another mother!

and for the plug!

I will post it on my blog in a few...
probably tomorrow.

Libby said...

I'm loving your photoshop skills. Yours topper is sooooo cute! Love it-way to go!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

love,love,love your topper!! thanks for the award. i am sooo missing being able to change my background, everyone has such cute valentine stuff. i am so jealous! sorry i have been such a lame commenter, i promise i will be better.

carlo said...

wonderful tribute to your friends and fellow bloggers!

and i too love your new mad skills.

i need some blog header skills, any skills, they don't even have to be mad skills, just enough to change my ugly template to more me-ish.

must look into that...

have a fantastic friday, friend!

The Montgomerys said...

Julie that was a great e-mail cash or charge? Thanks for reminding me we didn't go vt, sorry totally spaced it!

janna said...

I have mine posted.

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