a thanks to the anonymous person that left me a comment.
in response to this comment-
Dear anonymous person,
YOU left me the rude, lame ass comment on my nerd score post today.
I thank you. at first i was semi offended. because sometimes the truth hurts. i tried to figure out who would be so lame to leave such a not nice comment. i asked around to people i thought might be just kidding. and to them i would flip them the bird. then i started suspecting old friends, family members, or perhaps a stranger. who made a snap judgment. based on the 3 posts i made in one day.
while I was doing the dishes, and cooking dinner i was still mad and i started to question your credentials . i wondered how many children you have? do you even have kids? do you give birth naturally on purpose? do you throw up for 7 out of 9 months? Have you had cancer? what about postpartum depression or just really bad chronic depression? how many parenting classes have you taken? by choice, just to be a better parent and to better parent your nut job kids with ADHD? parents whose kids take the back burner don't do those things. parents whose kids take the back burner actually get stuff for Christmas. and they go out all the time and leave their kids in day care. and work just to have a really nice car or a super expensive big house. not a crappy older 15 passenger van and a dirty kid ruined house. they have a nanny to go shopping all day and they go to restaurants where kids aren't welcome, whereas i ONLY go to places where there is a play area for kids. HMM back burner? really, maybe you need to read a little more before you make judgments about me.
even though today i got 6 kids up and dressed, fed, washed windows with the little kids, did 2 loads of laundry, stripped vomit bedding off the crib and washed it. and changed 3 poopy diapers and 3 wet ones. i also had the pleasure of giving medicine to a baby that pukes on command, any time medicine comes near him he vomits and spits the rest out. Oh and when that doesn't work OR he can't keep it down i "get to " give the poor kid a suppository! and while i was sitting on my ass all day blogging i was holding my sick baby. who has been sick since Saturday night and is up all night and then fusses all day. really? who are you to say I don't do anything all day? and that must be why my house looks like crap and my kids take the back burner. yup! you know me alright!
and maybe you're right to judge me harshly based on something you may have read, or a comment made elsewhere. and perhaps that is what happened but tonight i thank you. you are still rude but not far off. i realized yes i should probably get off my ass and do something. so i cooked dinner for the family with "help" from little kids who wouldn't go play. and did more laundry. cleared the table, loaded the dishwasher while the baby was unloading as i loaded . and baked brownies with my girls after i checked out what my son wanted me to see on Guitar hero, and after helping with homework for 4 kids. and i get to give a bunch of kids a shower now. and get them ready and off to bed. yeah. then i will lay out clothes and shoes and school bags for 5 kids so tomorrow can go smoother. and i do no matter what time it is before i go to bed. and after the kids go to bed is my only free time all day. yeah I'm selfish. totally on the back burner.
back burner. for sure.
OH but my house? you are entirely right about it. i can't keep up with all the paper that comes into it, or all the dirty laundry. if i do 2 loads of dishes a day there is still stuff in the sink, and laundry. i could do six loads a day and not keep up. not to mention stuff spilled or the things left around or taken out of their rightful place over and over again all day long. i can't , i am only one person. so i put back all the sauces and dressings that came out of the fridge today every time they got unloaded and at the end even thrown across the floor. i wiped up the table after the spilled cereal and the splashed in soup. and i sorted through paperwork and mail and threw alot away. but there is always more. MORE than i can do alone in one day. and i can't afford a maid. so the house will be like this for a while longer until i train the people that live here to do their share of chores, and not make more messes. and for my sanity it is easier on me and the kids to let it go or I'd be a screaming lunatic.
so you go ahead and think you know me and what i do or don't do ! hey do you want to trade for a day? if it sounds so cushy and glamorous. I'll trade ya. anytime any day. until then i will continue to blog. it is my view of the outside, my adult interaction. and my outlet. and until then don't come back. if you don't like it, don't bother coming back , you judgmental, ignorant pain in the ass. and really OWN IT! if you make an anonymous comment go ahead and sign your name. and if you have a blog? comment signed into your own account so we can see how fabulous and perfect you are. maybe you are so perfect we should come worship you and bow down at your feet . hey i am all ready to admire your perfectly clean house and your perfectly clean well groomed well behaved children! bring it!
and well if you are family? leaving the lame ass rude comment , shame on you! do you wanna pay for the maid? probably not. and really trade me. we'll see who can hack my reality! and do it as well as I do.
signed JULIE aka crazymamaof 6 .
feel free to reply with your blog address and credentials. I'd love to see 'em! ASSHOLE!
Is this all you do? I can see why your house work and your kids go on the back burner.
January 23, 2008 2:57 PM