Thursday, February 21, 2008

7 random things

The rules are as follows:

#1 Link to the person who tagged you....Susie at mommy, just one more minute!
#2 Post the rules on your blog.
#3 Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
#4 Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
# 5 Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.

in no particular order 7 random and perhaps LAME things about me. i have no clue what i have confessed to in the past so bear with me if i repeat any.

1. i like to eat cereal out of the box dry. it tastes better usually without milk to me. low iodine diet approved salt free,dairy free, soy free,dye free bite-sized frosted shredded wheat is the kind i've been eating for the last week. YUM!

2. i am totally lactose intolerant. but if i drink milk it is real(becuase it is easier,and handy) and then i spend quality time in the restroom . i think that explains why i never liked milk or cheese as a kid. and still don't eat it very often and ask for no cheese if i can. Pizza is it and even then, i get some quality time afterwards.

3. i have an addictive personality. this is a shocker i know. can you guess what i am addicted to? leave it in the comments.

4. i like to learn and read up on medical stuff. i consider myself a pretty well informed patient. and i absorb other info all the time. if it comes up in conversation i regurgitate that info and share. but i normally can't recall any symptoms i have had recently or in the past. Lance always has to remind me it was just like last time. if it is about someone else i have no problem remembering. i have no clue why.

5. last night i tried to see if i glow from the radiation. and it didn't work. I'm thinking I disproved that myth. maybe with a larger dose. and MAYBE if it was right after the pill. apparently peak absorption is 1-3 hours after swallowing the pill.

6. we have loads of pets. 4 finches (that i hate,messy little buggers), 2 dogs, 2 cats. we have had in the past; a water turtle a yellow bellied slider, a garter snake(it had babies in the house once when it escaped it's cage) , 2 cockatiels, my mom has an African grey parrot (we went in on it together he will be 11 this st.patty's day), a fish tank to keep feeder fish in for the snake and the turtle. Liberty had the fish in her room, the boys had the turtle and the snake was in the front room. we had a puppy at the same time. and we brought home a newborn in the middle of it all. along with the 5 other kids. it was insane. sometimes i am a really nice mom.

7. blog things that bug me- anonymous commenter's that don't sign their name. word verification. private blogs that don't work on my reader. people that enjoy your comments for months on end but don't ever come and comment on your blog, or should i say mine? bloggers that don't have their blog listed on their profile, i can't come read yours if i can't click over to it and i almost always comment . readers that don't have their email attached to their blog, so i can hit reply and reply from a comment. i love to answer questions but am not a comments list replier( maybe i should be, it would up my comments) and i hate to leave a random stupid comment not related to the post i am commenting on. anyway that is just the majority of things that kinda bug me. spelling? nope! typos? nah! poor grammar? not really.
and i realize i do all of those things. misspelled words and typos mostly, no caps, and incorrect punctuation. and spell check still isn't working on blogger , what is that all about? so yeah just a few random things that bug me. thoughts?

so there we go? i think most of these are new.

ok i gotta tag people.
Jenifer @ i'm a pepper-Woodward family
Whitney @ strykerlove
Andrea @ raising4boys
Leslie@ if you can't say something nice
Jenn @Looney Toons
Rob @the nerdyredneck.
I'm tagging everyone that wants to share.YUP you! this means you! do you have some new confessions? randoms you have never shared before? yeah i want yours! let me know if you do it. so i can come see.

so here we are, i have at least 2 other tags i owe. maybe today will be the day i catch up.
i wanted to go get a pedicure with my alone time, Pierce is at my mom's and Hope is at school, but i think i did this with my free time instead. crap!

and i finished my book last night. it was fabulous. loved it. i was so sad it was over. The Star Garden by Nancy E. Turner. #3 in the These is My Words series, about a woman living in the AZ territory. and it only came out last November? yeah 2007. that's why not everyone has heard of it. i personally loved it. parts were sad, and there was more than enough action. it was quick paced. and over, all too soon. i think that is a sign of a good book.


Laurie said...

Love the random stuff about you. You are a way cool mom to have all those pets. We only have a dog and that is enough for me!

Are You Serious! said...
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Are You Serious! said...

♥ I'm with you on all the blogging stuff! Those things drive me crazy too! :)

Laura said...

Your a cool mom to have all those pets! We have none and my kids remind me every single day (ugh).

I never thought of it before but I think I have a addictive personality too. When I like something I really like it. Hmmm...

Hope you are getting closer to feeling better. I am thinking about you.

Oh and I agree with every single one of your blog irritations! I think what tops my list is people who don't comment! You are a great commenter (even while totally miserable). Amazing!

Laura said...

Private blogs who cannot be in my bloglines really do stink!!

michelle said...

You serriously are such a great Mom, Julie. I am always so impressed at your mothering. I am sure your kids LOVE having all of those pets at home. The fun thing is, they probably will grow up loving pets, and theirekids...and so on. We are pet peole at our house too. I was wondering if there is a date in the near future we all can do lunch again? Let me know what might work for you. :)

Heather S. said...

Yes, I live in Utah and no, earthquakes are not normal. The earthquake actually happened in Nevada, but real close to the Utah border and it was felt all across Utah.

Michelle said...

You are totally addicted to Dr Pepper. :)

Jen said...

LOL I know what you are addicted to but I won't say here! :) You liked Star Garden? Not that I didn't, but it was definitly not as good as the first and maybe my least favorite of all three. Oh and thanks for the Saver's tip!! I went down there this morning and scored Corbin some boots and Jeff some snowbibs! And they were a blank ticket item so I got them for $3! Score, I was so freakin excited!!

Jenn said...

#3 you are totally addicted to blogging and maybe Dr Pepper (?)

#5 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah to funny!

And #7 is my email "PROPERLY" attached to mine so you can comment dirrectly from the email notification you get? Becuase I honestly don't know if it is, but that really bugs me too! So if you could check that for me and if I am an idiot and don't have it set up right will you tell me how--- please oh please....

And thanks for sharing you are such an awesome person! I love your blog!

Susie said...

I'm guessing (along with Dr. Pepper) salt! I took away sugar from myself (family history of diabetes an stuff) for the past 4 days and just fell off the wagon into a bucket of brownies--right after a temper tantrum!
I recall reading something about you and Sonic too...........
Baby snakes? did you move?
That right there proves you are a rock star! your kids are super lucky!!!!
I'll do my best not to add to your pet pieves about the blogging....but I am new (sigh) and don't know how to change half of what bugs my email on there? I have no idea!

Thanks for responding to my tag first--you made me feel important today!

Crazymamaof6 said...

Susie it doesn't work to reply back to you. i'll figure out how and post about it. and even if your blog has stuff that bugs me i still keep coming and commenting.

but sometimes word verifying doens't work for me and they are SOOOOOOOO long and sometimes it isn't worth it to keep trying for a "whoohoo way to go!" comment . well yeah it is becuase who doesn't like one of those sometimes. but it still is tiresome.

Susie said...

OK dug a little--I have a feedburner link on my blog--don't know what it does,
I updated my profile with email and I have a google reader account that is public, but don't know what it does.
Phew, glad I learned something today--I have a lot to learn about these mom bloggers!!!!
oh, and maybe you weren't supposed to get a pedicure today--because you really did make my day!

janna said...

How fun!

-I put the word verification on my blog because I started to get those P0rn or perverted replies from random spammer.

kay said...

i say you are addicted to blogging. :)

tammy said...

I know something you're addicted to, and I ain't afraid to say it. SEX. Yep! And blogging. And I found out all my Utah friends read my blog, BUT I CAN'T GET THEM TO COMMENT OR TO GET BLOGS! That totally bugs!

AutoSysGene said...

I do so many of those things that annoy you!! Mea culpa!!

raising4boys said...

Wow You have had a lot of pets! Too bad about the lactose intolerance. I think we eat too much cheese at our house.

Thanks for thinking of me today :)

Leslie said...

Okay Crazymama, I did it..You can go read mine...I am truley sorry that I dont have my email on my blog...i didnt realize it was that annoying..I know you arent talking specificly to me but I know I am an offender... I am a big time offender of the typos...Anyway thanks for tagging me..even if I was just a random tag it made me feel good that you thought of me...especially after the crappy day I had today...

jayna said...

Julie!! Love reading your blog. lol. I totally do things in the blogging world that annoy you!! My email is not attached. Sorry! But I do appreciate all your comments on my blog and when I do get a chance I try to read and comment to you!! And I have been known to post random weird comments to people that have absolutely nothing to do with the post. And I'm pretty sure that my blog is not attached to my profile... well that's on purpose. But anyway. Loved your last posts. Miss being able to hang out sometimes. And glad to hear that your scan was clean. You DO rock!!

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