Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Radioactive mom!

oh yeah that's me! today i am radioactive. only a little bit , not enough to really glow. but this will complicate things. Like Lance leaving tonight but i found out after the pill that i should NOT hold my baby for any period of time. and 3 ft. distance is "ideal" . seriously. not good timing. i don't hold him all THAT much because he is a little rascal and very active, but what if he gets hurt and needs comforted? what about putting him in and out of the crib? this means no sleeping in my bed with me. OR sitting on my lap while i am blogging. this will be interesting. Hope is having a harder time already. she comes up and sits with me alot. lots of hugs from her always. and she loves to sit with me when eating or anything else. every time she comes up i tell her i can't hold her. and she says,"i want Mama!" yeah . this sucks. i may be a long couple days. they said I'd be fine to hold them tomorrow afternoon. since the radioactivity has a pretty short half life. and it was a small dose. I've read somewhere act like you have a bad cold. yeah when i get a bad cold it is life as usual, i don't get extra space or a break. so i have to really try to get some space. radioactivity is not something i want to share with my kids. i may just call my mom and see if she'll keep the babies. until tomorrow

the pill swallowing was fine. 2 millicures of radioactive iodine or I-131. i walk into the room that was ready for me. and there was a plastic bottle. i went to move it to read the label and that sucker was heavy. it was lead lined. the capsule was prepared and saved all ready for me in it's little lead case. i thought on the way home i should have take a picture of it.

yup still on the diet. thanks Carolee for the recipes. love the salad dressing recipe and i'm making some of the other stuff today. Lance is cooking more chicken for me before he leaves.

on the way out the Dr. and nursing staff at the hospital kept saying see ya friday. like it's a party or something. really i am pretty stoked this is almost over.


Amy said...

You poor lady. The weekend is almost here.

Carolee said...

Hope this time goes by quick for you. Good idea calling your mom, you definitely need some help.

Jeff has his scan on Friday with I123 and then treatment on Monday. He can not wait to eat normal food. He will be gone for a week after treatment and then will have to keep his distance from the kids for a few more weeks, thats a killer for all of us. Poor guy went off his medication a few weeks ago and has been hypo all while working 80 plus hours a week. Wow!! I am sure you can sympathize.

kay said...

boy that bites!!!

at least the people at the hospital are nice. sometimes they aren't you know

Crissybug said...

Gosh, I couldn't imagine having to go through what you are going through. It really has to suck. Hopefully your kids can understand, and it won't be too hard on either of you!

janna said...

I sorry for all of this crap....

Can you drink DR pepper on your diet?

blah, blah by lindsey said...

wow that sounds like loads of fun!! just 2 more day!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ That's crazy insane! I'd be calling my mom too or a sister! You're like me if I get sick it doesn't matter life is still the same and I still have to get the same stuff done!

Good luck I hope that things go as well as can be expected!

I wish I had something funny to brighten your day but alas I suck...

Jenn Toon said...

So do you wanna get away to Wal-mart? I have to go tonight. Can you have any soda? I'll buy!! Or even a Sonic Ice Water w/ extra ice! :)
BIG hugs and prayers sent your way! You are a strong person to do this!!!

tammy said...

Yeah, call your Mom. I'm like you and don't ask for help from the RS. IF they happen to bring me dinner or bread or cookies or whatever, fine, but I won't call and ask for help. We once went two days without any milk because Luvpilot was out of town, and I couldn't leave the house and I refused to call my VT or friends even. But I would've called my mom or my sisters.

Good luck. Only a little while longer.

Jenn said...

Wow- that is freakin' nuts!!!

AutoSysGene said...

We just went through the same thing with my Dad and Hope.
I hope your test goes well on Friday. I'm sure you can't wait for all of this to be over.

andrea said...

Man....that stinks. I'm sorry. I hope you get some relief soon. Hang in there.

Jamie said...

How can you tell a Mom of so many little ones to stay away from her kids? You are right, maybe your Moms would be a good idea. I am glad you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Katie said...

And I thought I was having a crappy time. I'm confused and I guess not caught up, but why are you having to go thru this? Is it just maintenance? Definately call for help! It's good to give people the opportunity to serve and now sounds like the perfect time!

Webb Family said...

Man that does not sound fun, so sorry you can't hold your babies!

onehm said...

There would be NO WAY I could not hold Gigantor. I would have to have a sitter or something. I hold that kid at least 50 times a day!!!
And I have to say that I admire all that you do! Keep your spirits up- you're almost there~~

kellyo75 said...

I am so sorry, Julia. I can't imagine not being able to hold your children. My daughter is 3 1/2 and I am always holding her, it seems. There is an end in sight, though...Hang in there, girl!

kay said...

praying for you jules! hope the time passes fast until friday!

Heather S. said...

Oh yeah, I had totally forgotten about not being able to hold my baby after having that done. That's so hard. I think if you can call your mom to watch them that would be best. It's hard seeing them crying and not being able to help them.

raising4boys said...

Oh how sad for you! I would hate to have to stay away from the babies and no hugs. What a good idea to have them go to your mom's house.

Frolicking Night Owl said...

so sad that you can't hold your babies! i would CRY!

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