the nightmare continues- cement in the dining room
so let me begin by saying. the people who owned this house before my parents. added things on left and right, BUT didn't have the skills or the smarts to do it right. so there are alot of half assed things we've lived with in this house for 15 + years. we(LANCE AND I) have owned it for almost a year. and the whole time since we've been married Lance has complained about the stupid stuff the people did. Like the dining room, was originally a patio. the PO(previous owners) enclosed it. carpeted, drywalled and wall papered the whole thing , CARPETED it and yet NEVER leveled the floor. yeah ! so the floor always had a slight slope, that wasn't totally obvious until you sat on that side of the table, or something spilled and flowed downhill. then you knew there was an issue. kids liked if for rolling cars. and they must have liked the spills flowing waterfall style down hill since they did it all the time.
k so first thing Lance wants to change is the flooring, and of course we have to level the floor. yeah i am not a fan of half assed renovations but doing it the right way is turning out to be a FREAKING nightmare. along with tearing out the arches he hated , that were totally "rigged" i won't say what kind of rigged but you can think it if you know it. (I pretend to be PC)
So fixing the floor involved getting alot of cement. and raising the low side of the floor 2 inches! holy crap 2 on the low side. anyway. they did it TUESDAY. the day Lance went out for guys night(i shouldn't complain about that since he goes out what? ONCE compared to my 100 times ratio) and complaining about it makes me out to be the blitch that i am. so i won't complain but he went out ON the evening that we had loads of wet cement in the dining room, and no one can go in there AT ALL! for ANY REASON! WET CEMENT! 6 kids home with a crazy mama! INSANE! tools all over the house. and WET CEMENT! it was a nightmare.
well some time in the afternoon right after most of it was put down and smoothed, a little bird flew into the new door hole ,(that is STILL lacking a door) and well, i took pictures. here you can see the cement on the floor, and if you click on the image it gets bigger, and you might be able to see the bird. at one point we had the door open so the bird could fly out, and a dog ran in and made paw prints. hilarious. maybe i'll share the chat i had with Lance. it is classic. man we chat alot. him in the office. and me in the kitchen. it works for us. and he's always on a call.

yesterday the floor got scraped and ground smooth. oh and more drywall happened, that insulation hole is patched. and there is a nice layer of drywall dust all over. and breathing it is a real treat. and bonus? lance went into the attic to move some wiring and made a huge mess with insulation in the dressing room. i really appreciated THAT! (said with extreme sarcasm)
and someone wondered about our house size. it's 5 bedrooms. it's technically called a tri-level BECAUSE THE BASEMENT WINDOWS OPEN TO THE GROUND LEVEL. with the main floor- FRONT ROOM KITCHEN, DINING ROOM,LAUNDRY ROOM. short steps up to the upstairs with a master bedroom and bath, 2 kids bedrooms. and a HALL bathroom. short steps down to the basement. with a bathroom, family room, 2 kids bedrooms. the bathroom down there used to be a powder room but we converted it to a full bath a few years ago adding a tub/shower.
the office and the dressing room are what were originally a 2 car garage. again a PO(previous owner) project. Lance added central AC to both rooms about 10 years ago. and to the dining room, which i said in the beginning was a patio. the dog room is more add on but unfinished, and is like a shed,where our extra fridge is, and other normally garage crap goes . eventually we'll convert it into a food storage pantry. we already have the tile for it. so the door hole goes from the dining room into the dog room, planning ahead for the pantry. Tony wants to do it now, and we think it can wait for a couple years. so it probably will.
But it will be so great to have it done!
But it will be so great to have it done!
Really great to have it stinkin' over with!
Oh man, what a nightmare! I agree with supercoolmom, when it is all done, you will be so happy! I can't believe the floor was off 2 inches! Yeesh. And I love how it was rigged :) Nice to be PC, eh?
I bet you can't wait to post the after pics!
I can't wait to see the results!!!Hang in there!! It will be worth it!
♥ 2 inches wow! Our floor slopes inthe kitchen! It drives me crazy! Anytime the kids spill water it goes under the fridge...
I hate having my house ripped up. I hope when all this is done it will be nothing but a memory and you will be thrilled with your new house!
I am not sure if you read my blog when for flash back friday I posted about our kitchen remodel nightmare. I went a whole summer w/o a kitchen! No sink. Mess everywhere stacked and don't even get my going on the dirt and dust. The kids were 6 ,3,and I had 8 months old twins! I really feel for you. I truly understand.
SO, So, So excited to see the finished product!! Living in a construstion zone sucks!! Don't you love it when you get into some project and realize how cheap and lazy people are. We are replacing some carpet at our house for a few reasons one being new carpet putover 30 year old padding, BRILLIANT!
I'm sorry, but I had to laugh out loud at the bird and dogs in the cement!! Soooooo funny. You're getting there! It's a pain, but when it's over you'll be so happy!! So how do you decide which kids get their own room??
HILARIOUS (to read anyways...)
Bummer that you have to go through all this. You are a better woman than me!!
Renovations are a nightmare....when you actually have to live in the house when they are happening! I am excited for your results though....and i have to say that I LOVE to read your updates on have such a fun way of putting things! ;) LOVE the dog story! Hang in there....just think of how totally amazing it will be when it's done....IT WILL BE WORTH IT!
2" is huge! LOL about the bird. not some much the dogs.
But it will be all worth it in the end
but but but once it is DONE you will be super happy!!
hang in there!
It would have been funny if the bird got stuck in it..and then you would have had bird feet permanently in your floor. Ok maybe not so funny but what a story that would have been.
Oh yeah, love half-a$$ed work. But I'm excited to see the finished product. And I don't want to wait until next year's bunko before I get invited over.
Well, I think all the blitching is fine because you had to listen to all the details of my "surprise" bathroom renovation so fair is fair.
Man, I would never have seen the bird without the close up. So where are the dog tracks? :)
I thought my life was in an uproar, wow!
I know it sucks BIG TIME. I told you our first house that we owned was a fixer upper that we completley gutted. It was worth it at the end though. You will be so happy with it.
Man what a mess! I can't wait to see the finished project. Good luck!!!
Hopped on over from Tammy's blog... What a renovation nightmare but I think you'll love the end result! I can't wait to see what you have coming up for Monday!!
Renovations are enough to make anyone be a blitch! Everything seems to be going pretty quickly, though. It can take most people YEARS to do all that you guys have done in just a few weeks!
Oh my, if I was ever thinking of doing any home renovating you have just cured me of that! Hope its all done soon!
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