Tuesday, June 17, 2008

random confessions of the day.

  1. i fill up on Dr. Pepper and forget to eat. no breakfast or lunch thus far.
  2. i need to go to costco. for Gas, diapers, soda, cheese,bread,meat, etc.
  3. i basically refuse to go anywhere because i don't want to waste my gas. or buy more really.
    but i did go a whole week on one tank thank you very much.
  4. i posted yesterday but didn't post it. it's just in my blog posts sitting there. i wont be posting it.
  5. i need to clean a bunch of bedrooms. and yet i sit here waiting for comments. to roll in. ever so slowly.
  6. today Joy saw a commercial for "cash for gold" she was all concerned i might dig through my jewelry i no longer use and sell it there. i won't.
  7. i got a new swim suit from old navy yesterday from the UPS man. it's not horrifying but of course it isn't a magic either. so I'll leave it at that. not a public swimmer still.
  8. I'm tricky. i take the big kids swimming , when the younger ones are napping so i don't have to get in. heehee. love the hubby working from home. it's not THAT bad in the shade.
  9. Lance got Mario Cart for wii. for f-day. and that is the constant sound i hear coming from the basement.
  10. speaking of Wii, stinking kids scratched guitar hero. and the dang thing no longer works. have to send it in. UGH! 7 bucks to replace a disk. worth it. but MAN you'd think they could come up with something that doesn't ruin so easily.
  11. oh i think i never said where Lance was last week. he was in Philadelphia. late tues .- Saturday. in meetings all day. not really fun.
  12. ohh it's Tuesday . i think we'll be at the drive in tonight. whoohoo on that!
  13. i spaced taking Hope to her cousins birthday party yesterday. i felt like a huge looser.
  14. i feel a blog makeover coming on.
    but it may take awhile.
  15. i'm trying to stay on top of the giveaway links this time. so i don't have to go searching for them. to tally the winner. hopefully it works. it's a tad time consuming.
  16. I have wild bunko this week! WHOOHOOO
  17. and i get to go on a BLOGGER GNO Saturday night! and meet LINDA! and see Julie and their sister again! plus my sister, and Michelle. FABULOUS! way fun! i love blogger meetings. so far.
  18. i think we'll get lunch at costco. yay.
  19. i better go do that.
  20. have a fab day!


Amy said...

Sounds like a CRAZY summer day.

Lainie said...

Hooray for Costco pizza and hot dogs! I was there one day with all 5 of my kids and this elderly lady came up to me and gave me $20 to feed the kids. I didn't know if I should be insulted or not. But I took it - and EVERYONE got their OWN ice cream!

kay said...

i love costo hotdogs and pretzels. yum. makes me want to go there and get some.

SuperCoolMom said...

Um. I read it all. Can't remember one thing. Good retention huh?

Oh yeah, bummer on missing the bday party, good self-control venting silently.

Meredith Ferrin said...

Hey Julie....

I'm curious to know about the $7 disc replacement for the WII? I've got 2 games that are scratched.....I'm dying to know where you are getting them fixed at?


I hope you had fun at Costco!

sherry said...

O.K- I need more info on the drive in movies. Sounds like fun! But wasn't it over 100 degrees last night at 8:00? What movie are they playing? I know you have nothing better to do with your time then answer my lame questions;)

Amy said...

I have replaced Guitar Hero 2 times and they are both ruined, courtesy of my 3 year old. I'm so mad that those stupid discs get scratched! We have Guitar Hero on Playstation so I'm dying to know where you get it replaced for $7? Is it only for a Wii?

Webb Family said...

I have missed you & your fun blog! I have been staying home so much too.

blah, blah by lindsey said...

where did you get those discs fixed?? does it work on dvds and xbox?

i slept through samantha's award assembly talk about LAME MOM!!
oh i know i how you feel about the gas, i never leave my house...it really sucks
have fun at costco!

blah, blah by lindsey said...

i used the other bunko blog, is that wrong??? i figured since i started it and the email is in my name....

i am dying for that vinyl sign..i must have it!

janna said...

Do you want me to redo your blog??? email me

Anonymous said...

Sounds like its a Costco kind of day...you, Tammy, me.

Where do you take or send your broken wii disks? Inquiry minds want to know! ;)

I hope you have a great day-

tammy said...

Random comments to your random confessions:

1. breakfast of champions.
2. just got back from costso. found some random things to buy. didn't have the matresses we went there for - dammit! left $130 later...
3. me too
4. email me that post you didn't post.
5. ditto.
6. lol at Joy.
7. we need to invent a swimsuit that has built in lipo and tummy tucks. think of the money we would rake in.
8. tricky is good.
9. woo-hoo for Lance!
10. why do my kids leave the discs laying around? I am just waiting for a scratch.
11. I would love to go to Philly. Hmm...wonder if Luvpilot flew to Philly at all last week? I don't remember. Did he fly SWA?
12. whoo-hoo for the drive in. Do they have misters there?
13. oops!
14. that will be fun!
15. I wondered how much of a pain they are.
16. As part of you wild bunko group, I can definitely say WHOO-HOO!!
17. sounds really fun.
18. did ya?
19. yeah, you better.
20. thanks! hope your day is fab!

Katie said...

I love hearing about other people's day and stuff. So where do you get your games fixed for $7? So far kids are NOT allowed to switch the games out. But one of these days we just might have to get a game fixed.

Janan said...

What movie you seeing at the drive in? I have to go cook dinner now . . .

Vidal's Nest said...

I like to go to costco too for lunch, but I don't buy anything, I just go for the samples :)ok, sometimes I get a dog too!

Jen said...

Sounds like it was a good day! Hope you guys have fun at the drive in! And can't WAIT for Bunko!!

Da Bergs said...

I stumbled upon your blog... it is sooooooooooo cute!!!! I'll be back... LOL ~Shaila

ZB said...

Fill up on DR. pepper so you don't have to eat? Genius. Why didn't I think of that?

This is why I come here. For fabulous ideas and prizes. You are giving away some sweet stuff!

Laura said...

I love your random stuff. Eat girl. I post "drafts" all the time I don't post. It's free therapy.

Laura said...

Oh and I love feeding my kids at costco.

Cecilia said...

Fun list!
I hope you had fun at costco and at the drive in!

crystal said...

I love these hilarious, random confessions. You're so funny. WHY can't you be my neighbor & live right by me and hang out with me & make me LAUGH??? !!!

andrea said...

I started my morning out with Dr. Pepper as well, ad as I recall, I didn't have breakfast...well, food anyway!

The cost of gas, and everything, is making me ill. I had to fill up and go to Costco yesterday...$240 later....UGH! And I didn't even get "treats"....just dumb essentials like milk, bread, butter, meat, and pantry fillers.

We have a scratched Gamecube Dance Revolution disc....is there a $7 deal for that?

Susie said...

I like liquid diets!
I like stretching a tank of gas.
I like new swim suits.
I like drive ins.

I know there is more, but I have never played bunko and have no way of finding a group and I just can't get that out of my head--not to mention the GNO I haven't been on in like a year. NO LIE>

I like blog makeovers though. Almost done with mine. Almost.
OK THAT's IT! Enjoy your costco lunch.
I like shopping.

Mariah said...


Michelle said...

K - so what is the secret to the Drive In's? Do they do something specatular on Tuesdays?

Leslie said...

I almost went to costco for lunch today but I didnt...and I found a cute swimming suit but by the time I have extra money to spend on it, summer will be over. Big bummer!!

I hope you had a great day and I hope you win that contest!! I want to go to pf changs...never have but sounds good. But I won't play so you have a better chance of winning it.

And I want a new blog makeover, mine is really lame right now. Do you do your own? Maybe someday mine will be as cool as yours!!

Jamie said...

DID you say seven bucks to have a Wii game fixed? I may need that info from you. I may need some fixin up on a game or two because the littles can not keep their grubby paws to themselves.My brothers PB method usually works so I will try that first. Sounds like it's crazy as usual for you and dang working from home has it benefits:)

smithfam said...

Love the confessions. I am afraid that i would get banned from the blogger world at my confessions. Just kidding. If I could only be that interesting.

I am so excited about Saturday. I will email you tomorrow with the details. :)

Debra said...

I LOVE DR. PEPPER!! And I do soda for breakfast too. Only way to make it through the day. I am trying to give it up though, but it is slow going.

We do dinner out at Sams Club A LOT. Actually that is the only place we eat out since I can feed 7 of us for $15 there.

Cecily R said...

I think Jon wants a Costco membership JUST for the lunch possibilities!

Love your random confessions.

The drive in sounds like fun.

I need a BGNO. In a BAD way.

AutoSysGene said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't want to drive anywhere far and waste my gas. I'm putting all my trips together when I can...

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