Wednesday, August 20, 2008

what's up? on time record ruined, rashes gone, raving about random things.

the rash is essentially gone.

i still don't know what it was. I'm thinking just a straight reaction from the shots. no worries there.


the gross site? SO GROSS! i had dreams about cysts and carbuncles(boils) OH YEAH! so i had to look again this morning. and seriously i freaked myself out a little , and left myself feeling kind of itchy. maybe it was the quality time on the insect bites, and stings. or too many thoughts about Bot flies. EWW!

you tube has videos of removal of those(bot flies). and can i just tell you? it's RAD/DISGUSTING all at the same time.

and yet i raved about it to both of my sisters who totally believe i should go to school to be a P.A.

i should . i'm way into odd medical crap. even better a dermatology P.A.

hmm. so that's what's up. and i think the kids were officially late for the first time today. dang it. my 7 day record is now shot. at least i had 7 days in a row of on time kids. it was day 8 that killed it.
that and i didn't make lunches last night, OR lay out clothes, Or get up the 1st time the alarm went off.

Oh and battlefield earth? i just read page 189. i think this is the slowest read book i have ever attempted. normally i am FLYING THROUGH BOOKS. but i admit i am not one to delve into something that i didn't pick for myself. that is why book club didn't really work for me. i wasn't into it before and then wanted to read it after the fact. but knew what happened so why bother?

Oh and for the record Hope got her hair done today for the 1st time all week. yeah, she doesn't go anywhere, why bother right? horrible habit. actually she has refused all week. and since i didn't care or have anywhere to be , i let her look orphan-ish. hee hee!

so yeah even when i'm on top of somethings i'm slacking on others.

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Cant Hardly Wait said...

It sounds like you live a crazy life, how in the hell do you find time to read? I can't find it, it is hiding somewhere unfindable. And I only have 1 kid! I'm terrible at time management. Or I am lazy.
As for the bot flies... GROSS! wth?!

Andrea said...

YAY the rash is gone. Probably just a reaction like you thought. Ashley had a small case of chicken pox a few months after her varicella vaccine. It only lasted a few days and weren't very many spots. I thought the first one was a mosquito bite. I only know cuz I took her to the doctor when the spots showed up on her tummy & rear end.

Oh and the botfly, yep Ben & I have tortured ourselves many times watching those youtube videos! It's so gross but just. can't. look. away! hahaha

carrhop said...

I get into the whole crazy medical stuff too! Next time you're up baking cookies at 1 am, give youtube the old college try for a bunion surgery--all the filing and grinding of bone--pretty exciting stuff! ;o)

Glad to find your site through 7 clown circus--

We've got 8 kiddos, so there is a lot here that I can completely relate too!

sandi said...

i will not watch the bot fly videos. i will not watch the bot fly videos. i will not watch the bot fly videos.

ok, i'm going to watch the bot fly videos.

Devri said...

I'm telling ya- my 10 year old daughter didn't have shots, same look like your boy, same gone already. ichy and all- there is something out there- something I tell ya.. Also there is a crapy diarea and vomit out there too, that seems to never go away.

Ruth Anne said...

I saw the one youtube where the puss hits the ceiling. I don't squirm much, but that did it for me.

Vidal's Nest said...

My husband watches utube videos of people popping huge boils and he looks at the videos of mersa. Sick, sick sick. He is enthralled by the sick medical videos!
My girls hair was done only cause we had to take Ethan to the Dr!

tammy said...

Good the rash is gone. There are so many weird things that go around, who knows what it was. My kids have had weird rashes like that before, for no apparent reason. Or they'll get a fever for a day or two, with no other symptoms, and then it goes away.

Couldn't watch that stuff. Too gross!!

jes said...

lily doesn't like her hair to get done so she almost always looks orphan-ish...and i just let her.

Mamarazzi said...

i a glad to hear the rash is gone..woo hoo!!

have i told you lately how much i love love love reading your blog.

seriously, you make me smile, i can relate and well it's just RAD!

Jamie said...

Yeah no more odd rash and here's to being orphan-ish. I think that is me. I do my kids hair and I end u looking like the fool. Something is wrong here?

Shannon said...

Glad the rash is gone! Sounds like PA would be a perfect job for you.

Too bad for the ended streak. Oh well, you can just start anew next week. 7 days was quite an accomplishment!

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