Pierce and his Purse or is it a murse? man bag? photo story friday
the other night Lance was on the computer, I was crafting and we put Pierce to bed.
in his crib.
suddenly Pierce appears downstairs showing off his newest accessory.
it's a purse. purple to be precise.
(but i was hoping the black and white hides the dirty floor better)
did you ever watch Beauty and the Geek?
This was the nerdy guy that carried a "murse"
Joey on Friends called it a "man's bag"
this kid is always good for a laugh.
bonus thought?
someday this will be PRIME BLACKMAIL MATERIAL.
we still don't know how he got out of the crib . Everyone else was asleep in the house.
( nobody freed him from his bed,which is unfortunately all too common. SO, I'm afraid, we have a climber.DRAT!)
and as always ignore the filth. we do live here. and i obviously would rather do something more exciting than clean.
Happy Photo story Friday. I hope yours is delightful!

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

I love a good blackmail shot...either that or it needs to go directly to the senior salute page in his yearbook. RAD.
I dread the day Evie figures out how to break free and climb out of her crib. I fear its coming soon...
Very cute!
{lol} Love it! And look how much older he is looking all of a sudden. I know, wrong thing to say. I don't want to be responsible for making you sad that he's getting so big.
I'm so dang excited for tomorrow night!
Love a nice leather murse.
I'd say, dressed as snappy as that, he can accessorize any way he wants.
I love it!!!! I love the expression on his face.
At least he has good taste in man bags! Gotta love a climber.....
What a great idea to sit down and explain what today means to our country. I will be stealing this!:))
Tinky Winky for sure! How cute. Both my kids were climbers but we always heard the big thud. I did my very first PSF this week.
I couldn't even see the so called filth, so it's all good! (my house would look the same, so don't worry!)
I love the pictures, and love the Man's Bag! Seinfeld called it a European Carryall! Woo Hoo, he's couture, and didn't even know it!
I love black mail material--- He is darn cute striking that pose in the first picture.
I'm so loving the blackmail idea. I have tons on Grant...and Will for that matter, too. I guess that's what I get when I have a girl first! Thanks for the comment on my blog today...so nice of you to remember! We should get together sometime. I miss hanging out with you. I wonder if we could do something with Ali before she moves? Just a thought....let's talk soon!
i can't believe how big he is!! he is workin' that purse/murse!
op - no more trapping the little guy! Time for toddler bed I guess - but so adorable! Love the pocketbook - patent to boot!
Who cares about the floors! We dont' eat off them right?
Fantastic pictures! Definitely good black mail ;-)
And dirty floor? What dirty floor? :-)
how cute
Blackmail items will definitely come in handy...i speak from experience!
Oh that is a PERFECT picture for his Senior Yr High School Yearbook!!!!
Love the floor.. mostly because it looks JUST LIKE MINE!!!!!
What great pictures! That first one cracks me up - what a face!
Sorry if he's climbing out though!
He is too cute & funny!!! Love his man bag! haha I remember that friends episode. LOL
Looks like you DO have a climber! I don't know what it's like to NOT have a climber! Good Luck :)
See ya 2nite!
♥ Very nice man bag! :) I love friends! :)
Hmmm...he isn't spending his days playing with an older sister, is he?! There were many, many days that my poor only son greeted his daddy at the door wearing a tiara, snow white dress-up, and heels. His daddy was very concerned.....but it's okay now, he wouldn't be caught dead in it now! Although this past week he did try on a head band....
he is so stinking CUTE!!
and a little escape artist...wow!
nothing wrong with a manbag if you are under age 5...then it must stop! and no fanny packs EVER no matter HOW old or WHO you are!
my younger step son hauled around a yellow shiny purse for the longest time. This brings back great memories.
I feel for you on the climber. I have one myself.
What that is is a European Men's Carry-all. At least that's what my brother told Sam. And Sam's response? "I'm not a peon!"
Love it! He is soo dorable, purse and all!
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