guess what i'll be doing this weekend!?!

i'll make as many as i can before now and Friday. and attempt to sell the wonder of my fabulous talent.
if they sell? FABULOUS! because i could use some spending money.
and if they don't ? Well, I'll have an abundance of gifts on hand won't I? and they'll be done in record time no less! Either way it's win win.
also featured at this awesome Boutique that i just decided i was joining, Jewelry, Handmade cards, home decor and holiday decorations, Hand painted signs, Purses, Vinyl lettering, and baby gifts, including but not limited to, super cool Super Hero Capes. and of course the ultra fab glitterfabulous-sparkletastic-crazymama-cups. plus so much more! I know! you wanna come. and shop!
Extra super bonus, if you are in the neighborhood, or feel like a drive, you should come, and MEET ME! ON SATURDAY! (apparently i forgot i have bunko Friday night.) but my cups will still be there if you want some.
I know!
{{ squeal with delight}} i know at least one person did. or wanted too. ((giggle))
shopping and meeting ME.
what more could you ask for in a weekend boutique!?
~would you want fabulous items?
~how about extra fabulous unique items?
~Does shopping handcrafted with love items, mean anything to you?
~the convenience of getting so much shopping done at once? does that tempt you?
~maybe a door prize? or two? perhaps! (i heard there was some in the works.)
**If any of these things interest you in the slightest, I expect to see you there!**
i would TOTALLY be there buying those awesome cups for all the glitterific girls in my life. PLUS the cute stuff Janie is doing. i would go broke buying stuff from you talented sistahs!!
Hmmm. I wish I could drive and meet you and those Cups, Awesome.I love them.But living in Pennsylvania it would be difficult, LOL,Have a great day!
If I lived nearby I would love to come and check out!! YOu of course..Great Family photo..Looks like a fun reunion as well..Love the poster!!
ummm....what about FABULOUS 80's night BUNKO????
man I would love to...
Too bad we don't live close.
Hey you WOn the Spider....
email me...
Boutiques are a lot of work. I did one for two years. I was in charge of it so it made it that much more work.
I hope you have fun and sell all your glittery cups!! If I get a free moment on Fiday I will stop by!!
How funny! I'm doing a boutique this weekend too! Good luck!
I am so sad I can not go either day.the cupare ARE fabulous!! You know Bunko on Friday and Saturday is fam reunion ,Dr app,t and soccer game entertaing friends and geting ready to go out of town again Sheesh...what have I got my self into??
Mamarazzi sent me here because she said you have step by step on how to make hair bows.
So...I'm sure I'll be poking around and finding that. I'm in love with you and your blog...because you are a Mom like me! I love seeing other Moms that are surviving lots of kids...with close ages...(it gives me hope that I'll survive! Though, you do have me beat!) :)
I have 4 kids: 7, 5, 3 and 2 and baby #5 is about 12 weeks away.
Thanks for the bow instructions...that I'll look for after I go clean up the pitcher of OJ that just got dumped on my kitchen floor, by 2 of the litte monsters. :)
I would totally be there, if I didn't live so far away...darn it!
Have fun!
Rude. I want a super hero cape. And to meet you.
Have a super RAD time without me anyway!! :)
Of course crafty unquie items are the best.
If we didn't have plans already, I would totally stop by and buy. I would love to meet you in person. My husband laughs when I talk about you and your blogging topics. I call you my "crazy" (affectionately) blogging friend, "Crazy Mama". That is your title in my household.
I will plan on stopping by. The cups are soooooo cute! :)
I love craft boutiques! I wish we were in town for it!
let me know how it goes!
i hope you sell out
That looks like a blast! And the glitter!!!! I wish I could be there - be sure to take lots of pictures of all the loot!
Bet your "wares" will be wildly successful!
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