an Anniversary of sorts...Wordful Wednesday
2 years ago today it was a Sunday. i vividly remember it. because sometime in the early evening i got a call from my sister in law telling me my mom and little brother had been in an accident that afternoon. They had called my brother's house looking for next of kin.
we all rushed to the Hospital not knowing what had happened or how bad she was.
i met up with my siblings and we all arrived about the same time to the Emergency room.
my mom's bishop and Home teacher were already sitting in the waiting room. apparently the accident was right in front of a church building in another stake. and a bishop found her temple recommend in her wallet, and called our stake president, who came and told our bishop.
I joked with them that she had been ditching Sunday school to go get a beverage at Sonic. Seriously, anything in my family can be a joking matter. as anxious as we all were, the waiting room was full of loud laughing jokers. (she had actually been going to Sonic before she went home to do her report cards,she was a teacher,and the next day was conferences.)
After we'd been there for a little while we tracked down my brother Gary. He's retarded (Down Syndrome.) and has lost some of his speech skills over the years and with no I.D ,they had him listed as a John Doe . He had minor injuries and the biggest struggle we had with him was getting him to pee before they would release him to go home. Pretty soon we were sent back to identify my mom, she was out of it, and were weren't sure of the extent of the injuries. but they let us back two at a time to see her.
she was in a neck brace, and there was talk of a Halo. she had a broken wrist. she had glass in her ear, and huge bruises. There was dried blood crusted on her, from a cut on her forehead.
Almost all the siblings wondered if her nose wasn't broken since for the first time in their lives they got a straight shot looking up her nose, and her nostrils are not the same size or shape! (turns out i had seen that before,while living with her, and that no they aren't and weren't ever the same size or shape) BUT she had broken her nose too.. and she was most concerned about her new jacket that they had cut off.
some crazy lady ran into her car.
mom had a broken C2 vertebrae and also fractures in C4 and C5. but she was alive!
it was a long hard recovery but we didn't loose her.

the bishop, home teacher and my brother in Law .
she missed the bulk of the school year. and eventually retired early at the end of the school year.
i don't know what i would have done if we'd lost her. (she'll probably croak i posted these pictures)
but i'm so glad she's still with us, and is mostly recovered(she still struggles with back pain, and it advanced her arthritis) . But i'm grateful she is still around to hold my babies. I love my mom!
I'm glad she's coming to dinner for our regular Wednesday night dinner.
So this is the 2nd anniversary of the horrible accident that made me further appreciate the time I have with my mom!
I'm doing my first Wordful Wednesday Hosted by Angie at Seven clown circus.

in case you wonder-
about the confusing words in this post little glossary (from this post).of words that are often confusing . i have a lot of LDS readers and forget that these aren't everyday vocabulary words for those that aren't of the same religion. if you have any questions, feel free to email me and i'll try to tell ya what you want to know.
WARD= our congregation is a designated geographic area of people. my "ward" consists of the members of our church in one square mile. it all depends on the number of members in an area.
our area is highly concentrated with church members.
Stake= a designated group of wards in an Area. also by geographic area. ours happens to be 3 miles long and one mile wide. and has 9 wards in one stake.
Bishopric= unpaid clergy ,the leaders of the designated members in a WARD.
Stake presidency-unpaid clergy over the stake.
Home Teacher- a man/men in a congregation assigned to visit and see to the welfare of assigned members
So scary!!! I am so glad she is well and still with you too!!! I'ts amazing how a close call reminds of how quickly life can change.
Im so glad your mother made it through.It most of been a somewhat scary time to say the least.God Bless you I just read you have 6 kids.All that close.Hope you and your family enjoy lifes true blessings.
That was definitley Wordful!! I'm glad your mom is okay, that must have beeen so frightening!!
Wow, I don't think I ever knew the whole story of why she was wearing a neck brace. I'm glad your mom is still here with your family too. What would we do without our moms? And I feel so bad for those that lose their moms too early.
That really is scary, I am glad they are both okay!!
I remember when this happened and I am so glad that she is ok!!
scary...i am so glad your mom is ok. phew!
i love the LDS glossary...very smart! ;)
Scary!! Interesting how the bishop was contacted:) Glad she was okay. Well, pretty okay.
Wow! I had no idea! Today is a blessed day, then, really!
LOVE the glossary. :)
Your story makes me want to go give my mom a big hug! However, she lives in Illinois so that's not gonna happen! I'm glad that she's doing well and that her injuries weren't serious.
Love the glossary. I wouldn't know how to describe them if I tried and I'm a life long member!
I am so glad they were both Ok. How scary! Makes you appreciate having your mom in your life and not take it for granted!
Oh, how scary. It makes us all apreciate how precious people are. In a second our world can change. Glad all were OK.
Love the glossary. A good refresher, though I think I was pretty up to speed on the verbage and I am not even LDS. Pretty good, huh!
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