Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Costumes at G-ma's PAR-TAY! and some other craptastic stuff that i am pondering.

the herd

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(from left to right-Paxton as Nick Jonas, Peyton as Harry Potter, Hope as a kitty cat,Liberty as a Dark Fairy, Joy making an unfortunate face as a nice fairy) Not pictured? Pierce as himself "the little devil"

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Harry Potter aka Peyton age 9-sporting aunt Jane's homemade Harry Potter robe and tie, white dress shirt, and black dress pants.

i paid $7.99 for the wand and glasses.

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Liberty as the dark Fairy age 9

$3 savers dance costume, and $6.99 wings and Halo. the other option i'm prepared for is a witch with striped tights, and a hat. cute either way.

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Paxton as Nick Jonas complete with emo skinny leg jeans (it's great to have sisters) and a optional top hat. i only had to buy the vest for 99 cents on half price day @ savers and the $2.99 top hat. he's been growing out his hair since the beginning of school for this costume. if i get it together we will spray his hair dark brown.

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Joy as the green nice fairy ( could be Tinkerbell ) in the savers dollar dress another 50% off find. and an old tiara and dollar bin wings from Tarjay 4 years ago(it pays to buy ahead those fabulous things you may need in the future) with the lame t-shirt for modesty. i could add something to the straps , we'll see how far i get this week on that.

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Here's little kitty Hope in her Saver's furry sequined Cat dance costume ! eyeliner whiskers, and i still need to revamp some ears. (it's good we have this party, so i can realize all the stuff i still need to do before Friday)

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AND last but not least my little devil Pierce. he needs some horns. he has a china man costume. and i even found a rice picker hat. you know the kind. straw, cone shaped. yeah i saw one. if i get his costume washed and ready he might wear that. but if not he's going in this T-shirt, and I'll find some devil horns, for him to wear. but NO devil pitchfork, since that would be an instant weapon and I'd rather not get hit or poked with a prop.

so there you have it Halloween 2008. i still have a little bit to get together for this weekend. but it will be super fab.

Oh and bonus the girls have a little performance on Thursday with their singing group in their costumes. and the activity day girls are doing a little carnival. and hmmm. does it ever end? something every day.

DEEP BREATH! heeeeeee whoooooo heeee heee heee WHOOOOOOOO

ok I'm better now. one day at a time. i can do this. it will be fun! i can do this. it will be fun. i just have to keep chanting that all day everyday. and it will be FABULOUS.

ok and as a side note Pierce is a FLIPPING NIGHTMARE.

today he mastered the gate around our super cute picket fence. and the little nightmare went out front. first i found him out at the mailbox, playing in the rocks. on the outside of the fence. THEN the neighbors brought him home, he was trying to go inside their house, and they knew he wasn't supposed to be out. THEN, he wandered off to the street , the busy street one street away, not the main road but it gets TRAFFIC. and someone found him in the middle of the road, hanging out. HOLY CRAP! how did we find out? someone that found him asked him where we lived, told him to go home and followed him here, where he opened the gate and let himself in.


i need to get a shock collar for the freaking kid to keep him in our yard. luckily nothing happened, he didn't get run over, and he didn't get stolen. we don't know how he got out. we were cooking dinner. the door was locked, my mom was here, the kids were here. we had no idea he was gone.


the rest of the afternoon and evening we had to keep checking on him. making sure he was in the house. not outback since he can open that fence too. somehow finding him on the piano or kitchen counter is looking good right now. UGH! STRESS!

no wonder i am going GRAY so young. I'm young. just in case you wondered. YOUNG. yes, i am. in my mind anyway.
and yet i TOTALLY am not cool enough to hang with the cool crowd. of young couples with one baby. we are old here. in this ward. when did that happen? could someone please tell me? how did i automatically get lumped in with the not cool , too many kids, old couple club? is it the 6 kids? is it the married for 11 plus years factor? i wish someone would explain it to me?

i assume I'm not cool enough, when really i should believe i am too cool. i am too expert in the mother department. ask the expert? ask me. i have experience. in more than one way. if you follow that oh so subtle hint that i am experienced. yeah. that was unnecessary. i know. anyway. i need to give it up. I'm really TOO COOL. yeah that is it! i am RAD! OH SO TOTALLY RAD!

ok just so you all know that.

just making sure we are on the same page. yo!

ok so, if you got this far make sure to tell me. you deserve a gold star for that.


hope your day is TRULY DELIGHTFUL!

post signature


Jen said...

LOL! I get a gold star! Your posts have me laughing! I love it! I can't believe you have a little Houdini on your hands. Your kid can get outta anything! It is scary and I'm glad he's okay. Have a super fantastic week! You are awesome. You ARE young and you ARE hilarious!!

Cecilia said...

Hilarious post and gorgeous pictures!!!!

I just love your sense of humor :)

goingsome said...

I have a devil child too, but you take the cake with him playing in the street. Gezz, I thought I had bad, but you my friend get the award. It makes me take a deep breath and remind myself all is OK. Thanks for the perspective adjustment.

Mamarazzi said...

gold. star. please.

the kids are all so cute! love all of the costumes. so creative and fun.

wow about your little devil. hears hoping he will get bored with playing in traffic soon!! poor you!

Jenn said...

Yes- I love me a gold star! I've been grouped with the older group of mom's too, only they always call me the young mom of the old group because they are are over 30. So I don't feel like I fit there yet either, all though I must say older mom crowd is more cool than younger mom crowd. And your boy really is a hoot- he's always getting into trouble. Watch out for that guy!

Jenn said...

Oh- and great costumes- What good deals. I thought when I read about Hopes--- (I think I read it on Hopes) I thought as I was reading it that it said she had on hooker tights. Ha- That made me laugh even though I totally read it wrong.

tammy said...

Gold star for me! Seriously scary about Pierce. I think he needs a leash. Cute costumes. I am loving the kitty costume the most.

Frolicking Night Owl said...

Well, I've never been in with the "cool" crowd, so when you figure that out, let me know! :) I think Gilbert & probably Mesa too are very clique-ish ... just hard to fit in for whatever reason. We're old in our ward here, so I understand that feeling.

Rebecca Irvine said...

I have found that after about age 33 to 35 you are automatically too old for the young cool crowd in the ward. I don't know if it is just physical aging, but the younger newly weds seem to automatically assume they have very little in common with the likes of you and me. It is sad. But I probably did the same thing when I was in their shoes.

Straight to Your Hart said...

Where do I wear the gold star??!! Not only does your schedule look busy but you have time to LOL BLOG...Darling pictures and costumes...!! Have a good day.

lifewithquads said...

You're so funny! I'm not too old either!! I tell my kids all the time that I'm way younger than their father (he's four years younger than me) so they think I'm young and he's old. rofl.....just they way I want it!!

Piper said...

cute costumes! Poor you, chasing Pierce the escape artist! And, you're younger than me, does that make you feel better??? Have a good day!

the haynie's said...

Super cool! We forgot the battery and mem card in our camera for the trunk or treat! So no pics yet :) Nice work.

Laura said...

I am very impressed with the time and effort you put into the costumes. They look great!

My little brothers were like Pierce escaping all the time. It was horrible. Hope he calms down or you find a way to keep him locked in. Although, I know its impossible. He will find the one moment you aren't watching and escape, every time.

Jenifer said...

Love all the costumes, love the price tags even more! Way to go!

I have found myself part of the old people group too. I'm not ready yet!!!

Leslie said...

Great Costume and great deals you got on them. I still have not finished gathering up all our costumes...

Vidal's Nest said...

Fun costumes!

onehm said...

The kids look great....PIERCE is CRAZY! THat's totally why we keep our doors locked all the time. Good luck with him!!

Sarah said...

Love all the costumes! I should borrow that idea for next year. I tried this year, but Rylie wasn't having it. She already had her mind made up of what she wanted to be. I'm sure we could have pieced it together though...slightly different for 1/2 the price. Woulda been nice.

Also, I read the whole thing. Do I get a gold star?

One day last week I was sitting at my desk and I hear Trenton going out the front door. At first I just sat here and yelled to him to come back inside. After a minute of seeing that he was clearly not listening to me, I got up and walked out there...he was 2 houses down and when I caught up to him he said..."I'm going to see if the kids are on their way home from school yet." Like I should have nothing to worry about. Forget about the fact that it was still 4 hours til they should be!

Coree Adams said...

Your kids look so cute in their costumes!!

Crazymama's RAD Followers

Get up and dance!

do you ever feel like............

do you ever feel like............