Wednesday, January 7, 2009

bah humbug. it's a mood not a holiday phrase.


i'm feeling bah humbug. 'tis true.

as in my mood is cranky, and miserly.

i feel like YELLING!

or ScReAmInG!

no one is going to bed. and by no one i mean the kids.

lance is napping in his bed.

and honestly i feel kind of puke-tastic. for no reason at all.

these people better go to bed if they know what is good for them.

i need a beverage. and you'd think i'd be in a better mood after a night out last night, a long nap today. a clean house this afternoon. and a delightful dinner.


nope , good moods elude me today.

i have a gigantic zit, that i caused on my nose.(the bridge of it no less)

it was nothing , but i picked it and now it's a rhino horn , yet unripe for the picking.

so it's just bothersome.


and can i leave it alone?

of course not.

maybe, i just need to do something creative. and listen to some GOOD MUSIC .while i do it. MAYBE.


i listened to my play list while i made a new blog topper! AH much better!

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Leslie said...

I was in a great mood yesterday for a change...I woke up happy and laughing and went to bed the same way...

Today, I went to the dentist for 3.5 hours and Aunt Flo came to visit and so today has turned out horrible.

So I am there with you. I want to scrapbook but I am afraid those pain killers are knocking me out!!

Rach =o) said...

Julie you crack me up! I need a beverage too darnit! Sorry you had a grouchy day. Your not alone my Sistah!

And this P.S. goes to Leslie......I want pain killers =o)

onehm said...

OOOH. I have to say that we have started a 7pm bedtime and I LOVE IT.
Sanity is now mine.
Except for tonight. Gigantor would NOT go to sleep...
until almost 10pm and he made me SO BEHIND on my editing. I am now headed to bed.
I feel your pain on the zit thing~ I have a HUGE ONE that is festering under the skin. Painful. I hate this time of the month (for me, anyways...)
WOW. Long, rambling comment. Guess that's what you get from me after a night like tonight. :)

Cecilia said...

Oh no...It might be the January blues?!?!?! I hope you can do something very creative so we can all drool over how FABULOUS you are!

jes said...

i had to make a break for it this evening, i needed some sanity collecting time.

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