Tuesday, January 6, 2009

excuse me while i blather on about random observations and thoughts pertaining to me and my daily life.

well our streak of promptness has quickly run out.

it lasted precisely one day .


for some unknown reason Joy has exactly one pair of clean pants(and they didn't happen to match the shirt i had picked out) , i suspect it's because she hasn't brought her dirty clothes down from her room. which is not my responsibility, but apparently it's become necessary.

i guess i get to do some laundry today. and i have about 9 loads to put away.


Joy insisted on tucking her pants into the boots she borrowed from Liberty.

spectacular pink and black boots, with butterflies on the front. that were just passed down to Liberty from the older cousins.

I'll leave you to imagine the dismay at sharing with the little sister. Evil plotting(of the purposeful shoe losing variety) was suspected.


i said family night went well. and i GUESS i approve of the time use to hook up the surround sound. after using it last night. it was better.

BACK STORY: Lance had a killer stereo system/surround sound when we got married. it was TOP OF THE LINE at the time. it's always been too big and too ugly for me. and i never saw the use of surround sound. i KNOW this is sacrilege to be stating this opinion for some people. but yeah i never saw the need for it. (i speak the truth) so now that we have Guitar Hero World Tour , and someone said it needed surround sound? I have been ON BOARD with hooking up the speakers that have been in the closet downstairs.

and let me tell you, it does make a world of difference when playing. although from the kitchen, the bass was a little annoying when the kids were playing drums.

I'm just saying. it's best when used in person, not second hand.

also don't play past 1:30 am on a school night , or people get up, and refuse to go back to bed until you are done.


I'm officially ready to take down Christmas. (yeah it's still up)

i might even do it today. and put up Valentines decorations immediately.


i never got the rest of my cards out yet. so when you get it,(if you do) just imagine it's a valentine.


we had Shih Tzu puppies a week ago. there were 4 but one died in the first 24 hours. circle of life and all that. the kids handle it pretty well anymore. but the other 3 are doing great. the kids are obsesssed with checking on them.


i get to go to bunko tonight! WHOOHOO! can't wait.

have i ever mentioned i belong to 2 of the awesomest bunko groups ever?! yeah i do. i'm really lucky like that.


well i'm cold, so i'm gonna go take a long soaky hot shower.

have a fabulous TUESDAY!

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Leslie said...

Landon is down to one pair of pants. Well thats all that I can find...he has several that have holes in the butt...can't have him wearing those to school. Maybe if I put some laundry away I will find one or two more pairs.

Well I am off to change a poopy butt for the millionth time in the past week!!

AutoSysGene said...

Wow, I don't know where you find the time to have puppies on top of everything else...well, your dog has the puppies, right? :)

I have about 9 loads of laundry over here waiting to be done...want to do mine, too?

Devri said...

Can I just tell you I heart you!!

Debra said...

I feel the same way about my girls and their dirty clothes. Like seriously is it THAT hard to walk 3 steps out of your room to put the dirty clothes in the freaking hamper???????

A litter of puppies? WOW. I am getting my ONE puppy in 10 days. I am SO excited. It is a Shih Tzu :-) They are adorable! Do you make much money selling them?

Mamarazzi said...

i have been sick and the laundry has been waiting for me. so i have about 6 loads to tackle...tomorrow!

Christmas is still up here too. it is coming down...tomorrow!

TOMORROW...that has been the word of the month...ugh!

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