Friday, January 9, 2009

it's friday already?

a whole week of lame posts. sure you know how i really feel about napping mess making, and my dependence on Dr.Pepper. and you know i'm obsessed with shopping. i made that clear although i never answered my own questions.

how about now? i'll highlight my answers in green.

1.what is your shopping style? (bargain hunter? wait and see? impulse buyer?)

i'm a bargain shopper, that doesn't believe in the regret of missing out. so if i buy something and i decide later i don't want it i take it back. i'm kind of an impulse shopper, and i only buy if i can return it later.

a.does it change depending on who you are with? not really unless i'm with Lance and he says i don't need it. and essentially that i can't have it. some people are the voice of reason either way for me.

b.what is your spouse's style? he's a top of the line budget concious buyer. he doesn't buy much these days. but when he buys it's the best he can afford.

c.what about your best friend?i have a few friends, and most are budget concious. one isn't. she's more about get it done.

2.are you brand loyal? for groceries. mostly brand name. i will buy some store brand for tomato paste or something but i usually buy brand name stuff. for other stuff not really. clothes, usually whatever is cute. i like brand name because they last longer for the kids but i'm not against buying brand names at Savers or goodwill.

a.does it depend on the item?yeah it does.

b.what items have to be brand name? Kraft mac and cheese, soda for me,

c. which items can be generic? tomato paste or sauce, gravy packets,store brand cheese is fine,butter,milk,sugar.

d. what about your spouse? are you on the same page on brands? he would buy whatever is cheapest if i let him

3.what's your shopping speed like? slow and browsing, always looking for something interesting and the best bargain, that might catch my eye. if i'm with kids, it isn't. i'm talking ALONE shopping. or with friends, not kids.

a.wander around looking at everything in the store, then buying the couple things you came in for? if you can remember what you came in for. have your list, you rush in and get the things on your list, and that's it, no piddly farting around. have an idea of what you want, and get those items but if you see other things you need, you get those things too and stock up so you don't have to go to the store again for a long while. this is what lance does. but it's stupid stuff like pudding. he goes and stocks up on pudding if it's on sale , and it bugs me since the kids waste it or spill it.

i love to shop. if and when i have money. and sometimes when i don't.

i totally believe in retail therapy.

i can spend hours wandering around walmart, or TARGET, or ROSS, or homegoods.
but only when i'm alone. not with kids ever. i make it a point to only go shopping when i can go alone. although my older kids were TRAINED to be happy shopping for HOURS a day. nap in carts and strollers. loved to be gone. my little kids, we haven't had the money to train them properly. so they aren't good shoppers.

FYI there is a poll over on the sidebar leave your opinion on the comment issue.

have a fabulous day!

no major plans for the weekend. i guess i'll really get down to taking christmas down and putting it away. and that's it.

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