Thursday, January 15, 2009

just a couple things...

1st. i made appointments for Pierce and Liberty to go to the ENT next week. i added that in an edit in the last post. but in case you missed that. now you know. can't wait to deal with that.

but i have a rad blog friend/real life friend that emailed and gave me the scoop on that since her son did that awhile back. yee haw! information is power.

2nd i think i forgot to mention when it was my bunko night that there were all sorts of issues regarding my guitar hero game. like the disc was less than a week old and scratched beyond use already! LAME! well luckily we thought to take it to get resurfaced at Game Crazy, instead of just buying a new disc. which i would ahve done before bunko if i had to. AWESOME! but did you know they do that at game crazy? it's only $2.50 a disk! SO AWESOME!

3rd the blog comment poll is nearing it's end. and that doesn't mean comments are coming back. hope that doesn't bug too many people. if you are dying to comment. email me. it's on the sidebar. i have heard from a few people that are really coming to appreciate the wonder of reading and running. no obligation. i will have another poll coming shortly regarding this issue.

today i went to my friend's house and showed her the wonder of the glitter. they even got to see my secret stockpile of glitterfabulousness.

AH well i have to take the girls to singing group now. delightful.

back to busy thursday afternoons.

hope your evening is FABULOUS!

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