Monday, January 12, 2009

maybe just one more monday post won't hurt.

i have Dr. Pepper on a plate of potatoes that Lance gave to Pierce. he promptly poured the nectar on them and walked away. a waste of dr. Pepper.

there is a sad waste of Dr. Pepper spilled in the back of the trike. brought in from out back and found in my front room. a waste, and a mess. lucky me!

i found a scooter in the kitchen this morning.

i have to keep chasing the dogs out.

christmas is still going on at my house.

BAH HUMBUG to after holiday un decorating. LAME.

did i mention it's early release? blech!

tattling is running rampant 'round here.

whining too.

dinner. i always remember about 2 o' clock that i failed to put dinner in the crockpot. and 2 o' clock is too late for easy dinner prep like that. unless we want to eat after 8 pm. LAME!

i feel like it's a pizza night.

Lance on the other hand is feeling low budget. damn it.

i just might have to actually cook something.

sometimes my job description doesn't read what i wish it would.

something like soap opera watching, bon bon eating, dinner ordering , sex goddess.

it always reads. meal fixer, kid watcher, dr.appointment maker and taker,puppy savior. whiny kid listener. big mama


i'll have you know today is rather cramptastic. and aunt flow came to visit.

that explains my unicorn horn zit. and my emotional breakdowns last week.

who could see that coming?

i had no clue.

i'd ask ya a question but ya know, there is no place for you to answer. darn.

the no comments, it's kind of freeing right? are you feeling it yet?

i do have to admit my email inbox is rather slow. i'm finding all sorts of spare time because of it. how about you?

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