Friday, January 30, 2009

rather inclined to giggle ,doesn't put things away...

today i'm frantic. as usual.

the house has gone to CRAP!

which takes exactly -( take your pick)

one shower by mom with a 4 year old supervising. (or a nine year old watching TV)

one dinner while mom actually eats at the table.

one nap. or two or three. (WHAT? i was tired.)

one backpack unloaded of spare papers/makeup work. (so just imagine the mess from 3 or 4 backpacks? it's insane!)

not to mention the 4 duffle bags that came home from vacation.plopped in the front room, and abandoned for mom to take care of. (it's my job?and i didn't even get to go on the freaking trip!)

plus the christmas boxes. that are in the front room right by my tree that didn't make it into the box yet. OH? christmas is over? WHAT? who knew? scattered about on the floor, flung into the air is more typical.

hmmm. i'm noticing a trend.


time to recover, and do it speedy quick. i have company coming.

and Lance so kindly informed me that it must not be urgent since i'm sitting at the computer checking my email and blogging for a second. {{GREAT!}} so HE is not obligated to help and cannot be bothered with my lack of planning.


it's one of those days.

try not to envy me....


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Rebecca Irvine said...

I hate that moms are expected to pack for everyone and then also put it all away. Garbage, I say! Not fair!

And don't get me started on the messes made from school back packs after kids get home. Grrrrr....

Devri said...

Trade ya!!

You can come live in my pulled up carpets, and beds everywhere, fans, and mess.

Feel better yet!!

AutoSysGene said...

Ack! I hate days like that. I know just how much clutter comes along with one kid...I can only imagine how much 6 of them leaves behind.

I think you need a vacation!! Perferably alone! :)

Cecily R said...

Oh, we are a pair. You and house is an explosion. I have hours of work to do. And I am here, sitting on my couch with my laptop watching bad TV. Sigh. Where the heck is my maid?

jayna said...

cleaning up the house is the worst. good luck!! i totally get trapped at the computer when there is stuff i think i need to do as well!

KayDee said...

Back packs and school papers all over is about drive me insane! Why? I cant keep it contained and I have three kids!

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

Oh the wonders of children. When is it do you suppose that the kids learn how to throw stuff away? Why do we have to keep every paper and craft they make or they die??? That needs to be taught in school - how to determine what to throw away! Sounds good huh?

queenbee4 said...

Sounds like a day at my house. But you're way luckier- you got a nap (or 3).

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